Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Her heart thundered in her chest as she slumped back on the cold wall, exhausted after she used energy to tug the bond. She hoped that Theo would feel it, but they were so far away from each other that she felt like crying. She closed her eyes and hoped that everything was going to be fine.

Carmine peeled open her eyes to find that the light that was streaming through the small cra ck had dimmed. She guessed it was getting darker on the outside. The door opened again and a dark shadow drifted towards her. Panic swelled in her chest when a cloaked figure stood in front of her just a few feet away, Carmine stopped moving but her heart thundered heavily because she could smell Ivy.

Ivy lifted the hood of her robe and lowered it to show her features. She had an evil smile on her face. Her dark hair was swept back from her face, revealing all her coldness. She tsked as she stepped forward, her boots clicking in the stone floor of the cave. Her focus was on Carmine and she appeared confident and bold as if she had won

a war.

Even though Carmine was quivering with terror, she didn’t let it come out on her face. She held her chin up and Ivy’s l*ps curled up, her gaze flickering to the bones and silver of her chains.

“The Shaman is going to be here any moment,” she said softly. “I have come to prepare

for your wedding. Finally, you will be Kade’s wife!”


Carmine seethed as she watched Ivy silently.

“You appear pretty calm now,” Ivy said. “I am glad that you have come to terms with your impending fate.”

“I am calm because I am thinking what will happen to you when Alpha Theo comes. here.”

Ivy let out a cold laugh. “It will all be okay, Carmine. You are home. This is where you belong. You belong to Kade and-”

Suddenly, she jerked back and something wet and warm sprayed on Carmine’s face. With wide eyes, Ivy looked towards her chest at the same time when Carmine did. “Go ds above!” Carmine rasped and her eyes widened when she saw a silver arrow embedded deep in Ivy’s chest.

Ivy shrieked as she turned, revealing her sharp fangs. “What the f uck!”

Yet another arrow tore through her back, right in between her spine. It was so sudden that Carmine was bewildered. She didn’t hear any other scream from her as she stared at the place where Ivy had fallen in a mess of blood and tissue. When Carmine lifted.

Chapter 72

her head, her eyes went to the door where a large man was standing.

Beta Winn.

Relief flooded so fast in her that she let out a cry. Alpha Theo was here. He had found her. Another werewolf came inside. “Phil!” But Phil didn’t respond to her. He rushed outside, disappearing into the dark, chasing another wolf of Alpha Kade.


Carmine shuddered when she heard her name. She trembled out of happiness to see Winn. She wanted to go to him but the moment she reached out to him, her chains pulled her back, causing her to wince in pain.

“Don’t!” Winn hissed. “You are injured.”

“These chains, they are-

“They are chains used for the direct descendants of the Moon Goddess,” Winn said as he let out a low snarl of revulsion. “That bas ta rd used these for you.” He started reaching for them.

Should you even touch these?” Carmine asked, scared that Winn would be hurt. “And how did you know about me? But Kade said that I have a special wolf.”

“The bones won’t have any effect on me, Carmine,” he said. “I have to deal with silver.” Saying that, he pulled the chains on the ankles. “Don’t move at all,” he said when she sighed in relief. “Phil had been doing a bit of research on you. He has found out a lot of things about your family and bloodline.”

“Really?” Surprise flickered through her.

“That’s right!” Winn narrowed his eyes as he searched for a weak link of the chain.

She had so many questions in her mind, but she blurted out, “Alpha Theo?”

“He is currently on a spree to kill the entire planet,” Winn replied as he grasped the chains on her wrists. “That Shaman had done some very good work, crafting these chains. I will kill him.”

“Why?” Carmine asked, shifting a little.

“So that no one can make these chains anymore! Can you keep still?”

“I am trying my best.”

“You aren’t!” Winn snapped, his eyes going to the injuries on her wrist.

Chapter 72

“I want to meet Alpha Theo,” Carmine breathed, emotions choking her throat.

up. He held her hand and they

Winn took out the last of the chains and pulled her up.

rushed outside the cave.

“Where’s Ruby?” she asked.

“Dead,” he growled. “That f ucker killed his chosen mate.”

She shook her head. “Sad…” When they reached outside, Carmine gasped. There was a blo ody war going on. A movement garnered her attention and a man with windblown dark hair came into her view. All her attention zeroed on Alpha Theo as his claws plunged into a wolf, lifting him in the air with an earth-shattering growl. He turned to plunge his claws in the n*eck of another wolf as a dark rumble escaped his throat. With his fangs bared, he snapped the n*eck of the man and then dug his heart out.

Carmine froze. Goddess. Theo had the wolf’s heart in his hands.

“Alpha Theo is a little angry,” Winn remarked.

“Little angry?” Carmine rasped.

Winn chuckled. “Well, he is very angry. He had unearthed all the packs as he looked for

Carmine. I’ve never seen him so angry in all my life. Like never!”


“But…” her voice trailed off when Theo turned towards her and their eyes met. A Blue Moon wolf came in front of him. Theo killed the wolf with his bare hands, snapping his n*eck in two, without looking away from her. Carmine could feel the rage inside him. through the bond. His eyes were golden and all he was doing was reaching for her, killing wolves in between. “I love you,” she whispered, a warmth settling in her chest even though everything around her was filled with blood and cries.

Adjusting his quiver full of silver arrows, Winn chuckled. “I am sure!” He picked up his bow and retrieved another arrow from the quiver.

“Since when have you started using ancient weapons?” she asked, amused.

“When did I stop using them?” he said and shot the arrow on a wolf who was reaching Theo. Theo turned around and disemboweled that wolf.

All Carmine wanted was to go to him. Every part in her b*dy felt this crazed need to touch him, be in his arms and never be away. She wanted to inhale his scent until the smell of damp and mold and Kade flushed out of her


As if understanding her, Theo marched towards her, grabbed her by waist and pulled her against his chest. “I missed you!” he breathed and slammed his l*ps on hers as Winn rushed to protect his Alpha and Luna.

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