Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 64

Chapter 64

While preparing the meat on the grill, Carmine was too distracted. Theo was lying down on the bed while watching her. Frustrated by his intense glare that made her lusty, she tried to play her own game. Every opportunity she got, she bent herself over, exposing her pus sy for him as if presenting herself or wiggle her as s. If that wasn’t enough, she would sometimes squeeze one of her breasts and moan.

By the time lunch was ready. Theo was f ucking hard as iron and she had managed to get herself in a needy, desperate situation. Though they ate food in silence, the moment it was over, Theo jumped at her, picked her up and tossed her on the bed. Using a leather belt, he tied her hands to the headboard and straddled her.

“I saw what you were doing there,” he said in a deliciously dark voice, his erection pointing towards her.

She bit her l*p and squirmed beneath him. “Untie me.” She wanted to touch herself or be touched. The heat in her b*dy was rising to an alarming level.

“No,” he said as his gaze raked down her b*dy. “I’m still hungry,” he grinned and lowered to his knees in between her thighs. He picked up her legs and put them on his shoulders as he lowered his mouth to her core. He gave her a wet lick with his tongue and she cried. “You want to come, baby?” he asked, his l*ps brushing her core.

“Yes please!” Her hips bucked, reaching for his mouth.

He chuckled and slammed his l*ps on her cli t instead of on her core. She let out a loud cry when he held her c lit in her teeth and growled. And then he sucked her hard. At the same time, he inserted a finger inside her and pumped her. Another finger joined, stretching her further.

“Oh go d!” her eyes rolled in her head as liquid heat pooled inside her b*dy.

“Yes, I’m your g od, baby!” he growled against her skin and then hit her on the inside at the place where she was most sensitive. Immediately, with a loud cry, she shattered into a million pieces as her or gasm washed over her.

“Please! Please come in me!” she begged, wanting him to f uck her.

“No Carmine,” he growled. “I won’t come in until I take what I want. And this is your punishment.” Saying that, he dove back between her thighs and sucked her core.

She thrashed against her ties. Despite her werewolf nature, her limp and jelly-like b*dy made it hard for her to untie herself. Furthermore, Theo ensured that he tied a knot so tight that she wouldn’t be able to undo it.

“No, please!” she cried when his tongue poked her core. The sensation was


Chapter 64

overwhelming. Placing her legs on his shoulders, she tried to move him away, but it was like moving a solid wall. As if to add to the pressure, he started sucking her cl it and kneading her breasts. Suddenly, he pinched her n*pples, and she came all over his mouth, crying his name.

When she stopped thrashing her head on the pillow, she was panting. Sweat coated her b*dy. Her gaze locked with his and he smirked. “Brace yourself, Carmine,” he said and positioned his co ck at her core. He nudged it a little inside. Her hips bucked, wanting to take his length inside her, but he was excruciatingly slow.

“I’m going to kill you!” she growled. His expression turned dark, and he slammed his c ock inside her to the hilt. “Ah!” Her head tipped back as she felt his girth inside him, finally. And then Theo started moving.

He f ucked her like he would f uck the brains out of her. She was so tight that logic left. his mind. As he was moving over her, he untied her and her hands shot to grip his shoulder for dear life. She didn’t know that her claws dug into his flesh, drawing blood.

He groaned as pain seared through his skin, but he welcomed the pain because the pleasure of being inside his mate accompanied it. With a roar to the ceiling, he came inside her. Hot arc upon hot are of white liquid. However, he didn’t leave her after that because he started knotting inside her.

She became uncomfortable as she clutched his shoulders. The knot was increasing inside her. “Oh g od, oh g od!” she squirmed beneath him.

“It’s nothing, love,” he said, clamping her down to the mattress with his weight. “It’ll be over soon.”

The knot increased further and she let out a scream.

“Hush…” he soothed her sides by sliding his fingers up and down. He was going to make sure that every drop of his semen stayed inside her because even if she hadn’t, he had smelled that she was on heats. Carmine gasped when he slid out of her after a while. Knowing that she was really exhausted, he pulled her closer to her and whispered, “It’s alright, love. Sleep.” On his command, she closed her eyes and went off to sleep in his


They returned to the Gold Moon pack after two days.

“Goddess!” Winn exclaimed. “You’re marked. By her!”

Theo grinned as he flaunted his mark to his Beta. “Yeah!” He was wearing a sleeveless


“And these marks are like two gold crescent moons!” Winn couldn’t believe what he saw. Typically, a werewolf’s mate’s marks were black after healing, but his Alpha had

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Chapter 64

gold marks.


Theo’s chest swelled with pride. “Well, my mate is special. What did you expect?” he preened. Then he turned away and carelessly stretched his arms above his head, making sure that he saw the scratches on his back that his mate had given while they made love. His carefully careless plan worked when Winn gasped. An car-splitting grin later, he turned to look at his Beta. With a c ocky smile, he informed him, “We will be officially getting married the day after. Send an invitation to all the Alphas to attend the ceremony.”

“That is blo ody fast!” Winn rasped. “The day after?” He picked his phone out and messaged Sloane. “Sloane has to help me!” he said, a worry washing all over his face. “Do you even know the kind of preparation that goes into the wedding of Alpha Supreme? Two days?”

Theo shrugged. “I can’t wait. Plus, you have my permission to go wild with money.”

Winn clenched his fists tight. “It’s not about money!” He strode out of the office snarling. “You won’t see my face for the next two days!”

Theo chuckled and picked up his phone. The screensaver was that of Carmine’s face when he was f ucking her. Her eyes were droopy, cheeks flushed, and her mouth was slack open. Seeing her, he instantly got another bo ner. Office was over for him. He shut down his computer and walked out, flaunting his mark and the scratches on his back to his people. Why the hell didn’t he wear something more revealing? They could see all the hic k ies she made on his b*dy.

When he reached home, he found her in Thor’s room. His gaze landed on the mark he had given her-two gold crescent moons. She looked so beautiful, carrying his mark. In large strides, he closed the gap between them and k*ssed her on her mark.

“Daddyyyy!” Thor exclaimed and jumped at him.

Theo gasped when he caught his pup in his arms. This was the first time he called him Daddy.

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