Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Theo didn’t let Carmine go for the whole day and then the night. Just beyond the waterfall was a cave, which was his real hidden secret spot. It was like a man cave, nestled in the midst of a lush forest.

He picked her up, hauled her over his shoulder like a caveman, and walked to his hidden spot. As they entered, a rush of cold water soaked her back, making her squeal. Once they were inside, he set her on her feet.

She gasped when she looked at the interiors. The curtain of water behind him was like a liquid tapestry with hidden LED lights on the surrounding wall. The walls were adorned with vines and ivy that crept towards the ceiling with white, pink and red flowers. blooming. It was surprising that he even had furniture inside this cave. It was aesthetic, yet minimal. Besides a bed, small enough for the two to fit in it, there was a beanbag and a couch with velvet fabric.

He walked away from her and headed to the left, where a small charcoal grill awaited. He picked up the candles from there and lit them. Soon, the cedar and pine scent filled the room. Dappled sunlight filtered from a small cr ack on the side wall, casting a soft glow in the room.

As she took the room in, he said, “Do you like it?”

“It’s beautiful!” she replied and suddenly became aware of his intense gaze. Her hands. went to cover her breasts and cr otch as a blush crept on her cheeks.

He sauntered to her and removed her hand from there. “Don’t be shy, Carmine,” he said. “Your b*dy belongs to me, and I won’t tolerate it if you hide it.” He brought his hands to her sides and trailed his fingers to her as s-cheeks, which he cupped and pulled her closer. As he brushed his l*ps against hers, he whispered, “You are not wearing a da mn piece of cloth on this beautiful b*dy of yours till we are here.” He captured her l*ps in a slow k*ss, taking his time to delve his tongue inside and exploring her all over again. A moan passed her l*ps, and she curled her arms around his n*eck, her fingers. sl*pping into his hair.

When he pulled away, she asked, “What about Thor and your pack? Won’t they know that you and I are missing?”

“They know it,” he replied, his eyes going on his mark on her n*eck. “But they won’t dare disturb us and definitely can’t find us.”

She pursed her l*ps to stop smiling, but failed. “Is this our honeymoon?”

“Baby, this is not the honeymoon. Because for our honeymoon, I will take you out of the country. This is our mating ritual.”


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Chapter 63

“Since when do Alphas have mating rituals? Last I heard, they were more into getting married in front of the Shamans.”

He chuckled as he squeezed her plump hips. “Since now.”

She giggled and smacked his chest. “I am hungry.”

Capturing her l*ps in yet another passionate k*ss, he said, “I am going to hunt something for us and you can cook it right over there.”

“Okay, I want a bunny.”

His eyes flashed amber. “And I will get a bunny.” His wolf wanted to run into the forest and get a rabbit for his mate like yesterday! He wanted to feed his mate and then make love. “Stay here,” he ordered her. Pointing at a closet, he added, “That has some of my clothes and towel. You are allowed to dry yourself with a towel, but don’t dare to wear anything. If I see anything on this b*dy. I’ll rip it off.”

Her cheeks heated, and she bit her bottom l*p, nodding in response.

And then he added a command that made her blush spread to her chest. He pinched. her chin and tilted it up so that now she was directly looking into his sharp green eyes. gaze dropped to her l*ps. “I

“You won’t be pleasuring yourself because if you into his sharp green eyes.

will punish you.”

When he left, she couldn’t help thinking how se xy and demanding Alpha Theo was. Her wolf wanted to submit to his wolf. She silently thanked Ember for helping her out with her anxieties.

The closet had an assortment of clothes and all were his. She picked up a white fluffy towel and dried herself. When she was drying between her legs, she realized that not a drop of his semen escaped her. She hoped her heats weren’t coming fast because if that happened, she would become pregnant. And that was not what she wanted at this moment. She wanted to cherish her mate and have fun.

At the grill, she found a lighter for burning the coals. It was going to take time for the coals to come to the right temperature to grill the meat. Humming a soft tune, she walked to the bed, where she sat down and picked up a magazine from the side to read. It was a porn book. She gasped as she turned the pages. Each image was more erotic. than the previous one. Her hand went between her thighs and her finger touched her cl it. Carmine had never pleasured her before and this need to be pleasured was growing intense inside her. It was so intense that a shudder passed through her b*dy. And why was her b*dy growing so hot? Her finger traveled all the way to her core, and she was about to insert it when the water veil opened and Alpha Theo walked in.

Hastily, she removed her finger from there, blushing crimson and remembering his order. He narrowed his gaze at her, and his chest vibrated with a growl. “What did I tell


06:19 Thu, 25 Jan

Chapter 63

you about touching yourself?”

She bit her bottom l*p so hard that she almost drew blood. “I was just


He prowled towards her like she was prey. Taking the book away from her, he handed. her the rabbit. “I’ve skinned it.”

Carmine ducked under his arm and rushed to the grill, where she put the meat to cook. She heard Alpha Theo going out and glanced back at the book. The page was open. Lust bubbled inside her, increasing her need to pleasure herself. “F uck!” She had never experienced this lust before. The sensation was overpowering, hitting her chest as if she would die unless she satisfied herself or he returned to assist her. Her b*dy quivered and once again her finger went between her thighs. She was sure that he would take time to swim and come back.

Kneeling next to the book, she opened her thighs wide and took her finger inside. “Ah!” she rasped as her pus sy clenched around her finger. She closed her eyes and looked up as she began pumping.

“What did I tell you?” an angry voice made her startle.

Immediately, she stopped as their gazes locked. His eyes traveled down to where her finger was and a muscle in his jaw clenched. He pulled her finger out and whispered in her ear. “Now you are due for a lot of punishment.”

“Alpha Theo-”

He placed a finger on her l*ps. “Shh…” Jerking his chin towards the grill, he said, “I want you to eat first.”

Carmine got up, frustration mounting in her. At the same time, she couldn’t imagine.

the punishment he was going to give her. And that heightened her lust even further. Did her heats start?

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