Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Ed’s hand sl*pped from Carmine, who too stood behind Ed, frozen. “A-Alpha Theo?” she rasped, eyes widened in wonder. “But weren’t you injured?”

Alpha shot his hand to Ed’s n*eck and picked him up in the air. In a dangerously low voice, he snarled, “How dare you?” The wolf inside him yearned to be unleashed, tearing this man apart until even death quivered. His gaze landed on Thor, who was unconscious on the floor next to the couch, and fury welled up inside him. His vision turned red and Ed was bathed in crimson.

Ed thrashed his legs in the air, trying to escape, but Theo’s grip on his n*eck remained unyielding. He struggled for breath, his eyes bulging and face turning red. “I-” he coughed and gasped, trying his best to wrench Theo’s hand from his n*eck. Fear and shock gripped his chest.

With one hand, Theo lifted Ed higher in the air. With a roar, he hurled him across the room with such force that Ed slammed into the opposite wall, which cracked on impact. Dust and debris flew around Ed as he slumped to the ground. He heard bones cracking as he tried to get up, sputtering blood from his mouth. “Alpha Theo-” he said. in a h o ar se voice as he tried to get up, but fell to his knees. “I was just-”

But Theo’s rage knew no bounds. He jumped over the table and was in front of Ed again. His claws elongated. He snarled, “What is a wolf from the Blue Moon pack doing here?”

“Alpha Theo, I was-”

“Wrong answer! “With a swift motion, Theo impaled his claws into the man’s throat and lifted him up. “You came here to abduct Carmine?” His voice came out animalistic, as if it was his wolf who wanted blood.

Ed’s nose and mouth gushed with blood, and he made gurgling sounds. He couldn’t speak a word, even though his l*ps moved. With brutal force, Alpha Theo ripped Ed’s b*dy apart by tearing his hands in opposite directions after piercing his claws into his torso. A fountain of blood erupted from Ed’s b*dy, drenching Theo in a bloodbath. With his chest rising and falling in anger, Alpha Theo let out a dangerous snarl as he stared at the flesh lying on his feet. He then glanced at Carmine, who was witnessing the terrifying scene unfold in front of her with a shocked expression.

Joseph, on the other hand, gave one look at Alpha Theo and with a whimper, passed


Relief flooded Theo’s chest. He retracted his claws and fangs as he strode to first pick up his pup

and then walked to Carmine and tucked her in his arm, close to his chest. “Sorry…” he muttered. He k*ssed her on her head and clutched her quivering b*dy

Chapter 46

hard. “I am so sorry…” He realized she was crying when his chest became wet. Silently, he escorted her out of the house, settled her in his jeep, and handed her Thor. Next, he went inside, lifted Joseph over his shoulder, and transported him to the jeep, where he settled him in the back seat.

As they drove back to the manor, none of them spoke a word. Carmine’s mind was numb. She hadn’t expected so much commotion in her life. After Theo had left her just like that, she was heartbroken. It was tough for her to reconcile with the fact that he didn’t even listen to her and left. When she heard from Theo that Ed was from the Blue Moon pack, blood drained from her face. This meant that it was Alpha Kade who had sent Ed to fetch her. Was Kade keeping a watch on her? The revelation caused a bone- chilling sensation. She was torn between confusion, fear, and rejection from Alpha Theo, unsure of whom to trust.

As soon as they reached his manor, Carmine saw that there was a battery of omegas standing on the porch. When Una, Thor’s nanny, came to take Thor from Carmine to his room, Carmine said, “No, I will be with him.”

She went back to her room with Alpha Theo following her. “Carmine, this was-”

She turned to look at him as she stood at the door. “Please Alpha Theo, give me some time to think,” she said, with her l*ps quivering. “Ed mentioned your severe injury, and I impulsively got caught in a web of deception. I need time to sort out my issues.” She shook her head. I refuse to let my heart break once more. I’ve had enough.”

“Carmine, please, I am-

“See you soon,” she cut him off and closed the door on his face. With a sigh of exasperation, she went to her bed and set Thor on it. Her thoughts went to Joseph, but

she knew he would be safe in the manor, thruh when he would wake up, he would

have a thousand questions to ask her.

Thor looked fine overall. She knew he had fainted because of shock. There was no blood flowing from the back of his head, but there was a small lump. She reclined next to him and embraced his waist with her arms.

Carmine didn’t want to repeat the painful experience of having her heart broken multiple times. Even though her attraction towards Alpha Theo was stronger than ever, she restrained herself because she was building walls around her heart. Alpha Theo’s sudden rejection left her puzzled, but she had reached her breaking point. Now she was going to focus on her son, and that was all. As for Alpha Kade, if Alpha Theo didn’t take her for the initiation ceremony, she was going to go herself with Jackson’s help.

Alpha Theo leaned his forehead over her door and stood there for a long time. When he saw a Blue Moon spy manhandling Carmine, his logical side said to take the spy to the prison and torture him till he spoke against Alpha Kade, but his wolf wanted blood.


How dare he touch his mate and his pup? Theo acted more like his wolf than like his human self.

“Carmine…” he said as he caressed the wooden door. “Please forgive me…” But she didn’t listen or open the door. He slid down the door and sat, leaning against it. Not once did she smile when she saw him. He missed it more than he could think of. He was unsure how long he sat there, but only when night fell did he rise and make his way to his room. Theo didn’t know how things would go from now on, but he was going to win back Carmine.

As Carmine readied Thor for school the following morning, he tenderly held her face. “Mommy! Did Alpha Theo bring us here?”

“Yes, sweetie,” she said, buttoning his shirt.

Thor grinned. “I knew! Did he kill Ed?”

Carmine raised a brow. Her son was so aggressive. “Yes.”

Thor clapped his hands. “Great! I wanted to kill Ed.”

She shook his head. “Off to school, Thor. And please don’t talk about this incident to anyone, okay?”

“I won’t, mommy, but I am going to see Alpha Theo.” He dashed out of the door even as Carmine shouted at him to come back.

Una came in and for Thor’s bag. “Make sure that he has had some food.”

Una smiled and handed her a half piece of heart made of wood.

“What is this?” Carmine asked with a scrunched nose.

Una chuckled. “Alpha Theo asked me to give it to you.”

Gritting her teeth, Carmine took the wooden heart and tossed it on the bed as irritation mounted. “Ask him not to send such silly stuff again

Una pursed her l*ps and went out of the room with Thor’s bag. Carmine went to take a bath after closing the door, as she had decided to go see Joseph. When she came out, wrapped in a towel, her eyes went to the wooden heart. “Stu pid!” she breathed and wore her dress, combed her hair, all the while glancing at the heart. Out of frustration, she went to pick it up and when she turned it, she saw words engraved in it:

I’d do anything to put that smile on your face.

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