Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Carmine quickly packed her clothes in a small duffle bag. Each time she thought about the picture on Ed’s phone, a shiver would go down her spine and she’d hold back tears. She struggled to grasp her deep connection with Alpha Theo, but preferred not to overthink it.

“Mommy, why are you crying?” Thor asked, hugging her thigh and tipping his head up.

“I am not crying, sweetie,” Carmine said, a little surprised.

“Come here,” he mumbled.

As Carmine leaned down, he wiped her tears away, and it was at that point that she realized she was crying. She hugged him tightly as she sat on the floor on her knees. “I don’t know, Thor…” she said through her soft sniffles.

“I know it,” he said, patting her back.

She chuckled. She pulled herself away: “And why do you say that?”

“Because you love Alpha Theo and can’t stay without him.”

Carmine’s teary eyes widened with surprise. “What? No, I don’t love him!”

“But you started crying the moment you saw his picture on Ed’s phone,” he argued.

The picture brought back fresh tears in her eyes. The picture showed a severely injured. werewolf with half of his face mangled by a boulder. “Maybe… He was very nice to us…”

“Mommy.” Thor cupped his mom’s face in his hands. “Did you ask Ed how Alpha Theo got injured?”

His question further surprised Carmine and her mouth opened to say something, but she snapped it shut.

“Mommy, please ask Ed about it. Only then we can help Alpha Theo.”

“I will, sweetie,” she said with a smile. “Now come on. Let’s hurry.” She got up and threw in some more clothes before zipping the bag. “Ready?” she asked Thor, who nodded as she ruffled his hair. As soon as they were out of the room, she met Joseph.

“Carmine, I don’t like this guy,” he whispered. “He looks pretty impatient and keeps glancing at the door as if someone will come.”

“He must be nervous, Joseph. After all, Alpha Theo is not well!” She rebuked him in a low voice. “Don’t get your knickers twisted.” Saying that, she held Thor’s hand and walked to the main room where Ed was sitting. “We’re ready.”


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Chapter 45

“Great!” Ed jumped up from the couch. “Give me that bag.” He extended his hand and Carmine gave it to him with a soft smile.

When Thor tugged her hand, she remembered. “Umm… Ed, how did Alpha Theo get injured?” she asked him just to quell Thor’s anxiety as she followed him out towards the main door.

Ed wasn’t ready for this question. “A pack of rogues attacked him,” he replied glibly.

“A pack of rogues? That’s weird,” she stopped as she mused. “He is the most powerful alpha in North America. How many rogues attacked him?”

“About five or six,” Ed replied through his teeth.

“What do you mean by rogues?” Joseph asked. “Bikers?”

Ed stared at Joseph with a scowl. “No, I mean rogues. But they could be bikers.”

“Where?” Carmine threw another question. “And when was this?”

“I am in a bit of a hurry, Carmine,” Ed said, suppressing his anger. “Can we discuss it while we’re traveling? I’d rather be with my Alpha than wait here. We all want to be on his side.”

Carmine nodded. “I understand,” she sighed and started walking to the door.

“Ed!” Thor called him, making them both step. “I want to talk to Alpha Theo. I have to ask him about my aircraft set.”

Ed was losing his patience. Any time, the wolves of the Gold Moon pack could come. The sound of rumbling ground had him on edge, expecting their arrival at any moment. He didn’t have Theo’s number. “Look, Thor,” he said through gritted teeth. “Can we just leave right now? Despite Alpha Theo being injured, you’re discussing toys? That’s very selfish of you!” He strode towards the gate, pulling the strap of the bag closer. “Now get going!”

“I won’t!” Thor shouted. “I want to talk to Alpha Theo!”

Ed lost his patience and snapped. “You as shole!” he shouted. He rushed towards Thor and launched himself at him to pick him up, but Thor ducked.

“Mommmmmy!” Thor shrieked, hiding behind Carmine.

“What are you doing?” Carmine said in a loud and confused voice.

“This is too much, Carmine,” Ed shouted back, peeling his l*ps from his teeth. “I was sent here to fetch you and not argue or ask questions. Why don’t you ask them when you reach the pack?”

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Chapter 45

“Oh. My. Go d!” Joseph rasped. “Your canines!” he pointed at Ed’s fangs. “They are lengthening.” His face went white when his eyes snapped to Ed’s claws. “And your nails!” He jumped right in front of Carmine and put his arms behind him as if to protect her. “Carmine, this guy is an anomaly! Run and call 911. NOW!”

Ed blinked at the human. “Are you f ucking insane?” he growled. “Don’t you f ucking know we are werewolves?”

Joseph’s b*dy shook with fear. “W-werewolves?” He rubbed his eyes as if he would wake up from a dream and things would go back to normal. But when he looked back at Ed, he saw his eyes were flashing amber. “Carmine!” he backed up, his voice gone. croaky. “Move. Away.”As he reached for his phone to call 911, it was swiftly taken from his grasp and violently hurled against a wall, shattering it completely.

Ed took a step towards Joseph. He grabbed him, lifted him into the air, and tossed him. near the phone. Joseph let out a horrified scream. Carmine heard his bones cracking. Blood spilled from his forehead as Joseph lay in a pile of debris and broken furniture.

“What are you doing?” Carmine shouted as she rushed towards Joseph. But Ed grabbed her wrist quickly.

“You are coming with me, bi tch!” he growled.

“Leave my mommy!” Thor started hitting him with his small fists.

Thor was flung against the couch after Ed backhanded him, sending him flying across the room. He fell unconscious with “mommy” as his last words.

“Thoorrr!” Carmine screamed as she struggled to release her wrist. “Leave me!”

“No. Now you are coming with me!” Ed snarled and dragged her out of the door. Carmine somehow managed to free her wrist and rushed to Thor, but Ed caught her in the middle and dragged her again..

“Who the hell are you?” Carmine shouted as she resisted. What started as a small request turned into a full-blown nightmare, filling her with fear and panic.

Ed didn’t answer her and continued to drag her, looking at her with hatred mixed with


Despite Carmine’s attempts to fight back by hitting him with her hands and kicking his legs, the wolf proved to be much stronger than her. Joseph crawled in his pain to stop Ed by clasping his ankle, but Ed kicked him away. He grabbed Carmine’s hair and yanked her out. “Come bit ch!” he growled. “You’ve been real-” He was abruptly interrupted as he collided with a solid wall. Startled, he whipped his head around and his face paled, resembling that of a ghost.

Chapter 451

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