Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Theo was out in the mountains, fury simmering in his chest like it had found its home again. It was just like earlier times when he was so lost and was nothing more than an extremely dangerous animal. The same feeling returned with full force.

Theo surrendered to his wolf, staying in the woods. Her scent was so fresh in his mind, of coffee and melting chocolates mixed with her arousal. The image of her was in his mind, flashes of her beautiful blue eyes that were strikingly paired with her golden tipped dark hair.

But Thunder wasn’t just thinking about her while running wild in the forest and the mountains. His thoughts also dwelled on the part that Kade was her first mate. A bolt of pure rage streaked through him. He wanted to shred Kade into pieces, and before Theo could stop him, Thunder loped towards the Blue Moon pack.

His thoughts got punctuated by a coyote snarling somewhere nearby. No, not one coyote. There were a bunch of them. And Thunder was so ready to fight them. He didn’t care if they were in a pack. All he wanted was blood. As soon as he picked up their sight, he went berserk. Five of them, with amber eyes filled with greed, prowled towards him.

Thunder peeled his l*ps back as he pawed the earth with his hind leg, challenging them. And then he charged at the coyotes, snarling. He launched right onto the one in the front. He was knocked down on the ground, emitting a howl. Others attacked him simultaneously. One bit him on his flank. Thunder violently turned his head and bit into the coyote’s n*eck, flinging him several feet away after he howled to his death.

Three were left. They attacked him, angrier. He fl*pped and turned and lunged at the tallest of them, who

was barely two feet high. The coyote bit his shoulder, but was no match to Thunder’s strength. Despite his exposed flesh, the wolf pounced on him and delivered a deadly blow with its paw, killing him instantly. It took less than five minutes for Thunder to kill the rest of them,

Once the woods were quiet again, he scanned the five limp-less, bloodied bodies of the coyotes, breathing hard. But that wasn’t enough. After licking the blood off his shoulder, he charged towards the Blue Moon pack. He continued to run for hours until the moon started going down.

Despite his physical exhaustion, he remained men tally sharp. He continued to push himself until he reached a creek where he lapped cool water and then jumped inside it. The creek flowed deeply southward, and he followed its course until he arrived the deeper side. Once there, he submerged himself and closed his eyes. There was so much going in his mind that the cool water surrounding him made him feel better.

Memories of Carmine flooded back. He shoved them aside. All he wanted was peace of

Chapter 43

mind. Every time he thought about her, Kade’s image floated along with hers. It was a


Why did the Moon Goddess do this to him? He was always a second-hand wolf. His father discarded him and he became a bas tar d. When his father died, his mother also. abandoned him shortly after, choosing to go to the Fade. He spent his entire life fighting to remove the label of “bas t ard,” but just when things were going well, Carmine. dropped a bomb.

He felt suffocated by his thoughts underwater, unable to breathe. He struggled to come out, gasping for air. When he came out, he let another deafening roar and made a way out of the creek, shifting back into his wolf.

For two days, he roamed in the forest dangerously near the Blue Moon pack, wondering if he would kill Kade. As such, the rogues were always attacking the pack. He could take the opportunity and kill him. But then his logic returned. What if he killed. him and Carmine also died? That thought plunged him back into frustration.

He battled with his inner demons hard. In two days, even though his anger towards Kade increased, his anger towards Carmine vanished. He needed her more than his need to breathe. He knew how hard he fought against the community to get out of the ‘baV st ard’ tag, and if he didn’t return, his pup would have the same tag.

Theo’s heart raced at the idea of wolves shunning his son. Carmine had undergone so much. He didn’t want her to suffer more. Driven by thoughts of her, he increased his pace to reach her as quickly as he could. By the time he reached his pack’s borders, Winn and Tusker joined him in their wolf form.

“Where the hell have you been, Alpha?’ Winn asked through the mind link

of concern.

Theo didn’t answer. ‘Where is Carmine?’ I asked.

‘She’s not in the mansion!’ Winn replied.

his tone full

Theo’s heart thundered in his ribcage. She must be in the garden or her boutique. They reached at the tree line, where fresh clothes were always available for the shifting wolves. Theo pulled on jeans and buttoned them as he rushed to his room. Winn and Tusker followed him. When he saw Carmine wasn’t there, he strode to Thor’s room, but both of them weren’t there either.

“Where the hell are they?” he growled as a moment of pure, unadulterated terror swamped him when his gaze locked with that of Winn. The terror was so potent that it threatened to throw him back through the years when he had lost her.

“Alpha,” Winn said in a low, cautious voice. “Carmine packed her bags and took Thor to her cottage the next morning, after you left.”

Wed, 24

Chapter 43

Theo paled.

“Where is she?” Kade asked. He had been waiting for Scarlet’s call, but that never came. Instead, he asked one of his spies to keep a watch on Carmine’s cottage. A human called Joseph was living there.

“I came just now and found her walking in the garden. So my guess is that she came in the morning, Alpha,” the spy said in a low voice, peeking at the lights of the cottage. A thick tree shielded him from view on the opposite side of the road.

Kade narrowed his eyes. “Is she alone, or is Alpha Theo with her?”

“No, she is alone with her son and Joseph.”

“Good. Stay there and keep me informed. I will come tomorrow morning. Make sure that no stranger goes near her house and if you see wolves of the Gold Moon pack, let me know.”


Kade couldn’t stop his smile. Finally he was going to get Carmine. He would steal her right below the nose of Alpha Theo. That time Carmine had taken advantage of her proximity with him, but it seemed like Alpha Theo had gotten bored with her.

Kade tipped his head up and laughed. “I knew it!” He shook his head as he grabbed the ledge of the window and looked out into the garden. Ruby was talking with his mother, Ivy. His life was going to become better now. Carmine’s presence would appease his wolf. And he was going to use her as his breeder. He wondered if he would come back to Ruby now.

He checked the time on the clock. It was 8PM. This meant that he had to start now. Since he wasn’t going to tell anyone about Carmine and bring her to his secret place, he had to get her alone. In case he needed it, he packed a bag with clothes and a gun, not bothering to wait for Ruby. Tomorrow, by this time, Carmine will be with him. With a grin, he rushed to the garage and sped away towards the Gold Moon pack in his jeep.


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