Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 36

Chapter 36

“Are you ready?” Theo knocked on her door.

In the morning, he woke up to a soft knock on his door. When he opened the door, he found Thor holding his little teddy and looking up at him with sleepy puppy eyes. “Can I sleep with you?” It was only 4AM.

Startled, Theo picked him up and carried him to the bed. He made him lie on the mattress and, after tucking him under the blanket, he slid beside him. Thor sl*pped his small hand out of the blanket and caught his large one. “Theo,” he said in a sleepy voice.

“Yes pup?” Theo’s breath caught as he gazed at his precious bundle, grateful that he had chosen to sleep beside him, even if only for a few hours.

“My mom is alone. I am always worried about her. Don’t leave her. Please be my daddy. If you like, I can marry you.”

Theo’s l*ps curled up at how his pup suggested marrying him and sacrifice his happiness for his mommy. He k*ssed Thor’s forehead. Just how adorable could a pup be? “I assure you, Thor, I will never leave her. And I will marry her. You don’t have to marry me. Let’s keep this as our little secret, alright?”

Thor’s eyes went wide. “Really?”

“Yes,” Theo chuckled. “Now sleep.”

Thor slid towards him, and Theo wrapped him in a fatherly hug. It was surprising how fast Thor slept in his arms.

Without waking up Carmine, Theo gave him a bath and took him to school. Carmine. was pleasantly surprised when he informed her. “He is growing close to you,” she commented.

“I hope his mommy grows closer to me,” Theo said as he stared at her intensely, making her blush. “How about I take you on a date today?”

She snapped her eyes at him, “A date? B-but Alpha Theo, don’t you have office work to do?”

He had piles and piles of work, but it was difficult for him to focus on any of it. “I don’t have any work,” he lied easily. “In fact, today I have a relatively free day.” He wasn’t.

“Oh, I see.”


Chapter 36

He took a step forward just to smell her before she took a bath. He curled his fingers beneath her chin and lifted it. “What do you see, Carmine?” He lowered his l*ps until they were grazing hers. He ensured he spoke against her l*ps to test her. “Because all I see is you.” He sensed her b*dy trembling and so he wound his arms around her waist and brought her closer to his chest. He couldn’t stop himself from k*ssing her, sucking her l*ps and delving his tongue into her mouth. She tasted like heaven, like morning sun, like a blessing. And he didn’t want to stop tasting her. She opened to him like a flower to sunshine, a moan escaping her.

Carmine placed her hands on his hard chest as he devoured her with passion. When he removed his l*ps, she found herself licking her l*ps. “Where are we going?” she asked.

“My Beta is throwing a lake-side party. It is Sloane’s birthday. And I want to take you with me.” He stroked the soft skin of her checks with his knuckles.

“Alpha Theo,” she said, her mind becoming dizzy under his effect. “I don’t want to break your heart, but I want to make something very clear, so that you don’t have any expectations of me.”

He raised his right eyebrow. “Sure, tell me.”

“After the initiation ceremony, I will leave. I will go back to my cottage and focus on my business. I have a pup to look after. So I don’t want to give you any hopes about our relationship.”

Theo continued to gaze at his beautiful mate, contemplating whether he should tell her that he was her mate. Unlike the gold diggers he was surrounded by, she was a girl of honor and self-respect. There were countless girls ready to sl*p into his bed at a drop of a hat and eagerly display their affection for him. But Carmine she was the least interested in his wealth. Her only concern was taking care of her pup.

He tucked a strand of her hair behind her car. “You know I am a good catch,” he preened.

She pressed her l*ps hard to stop laughing.

“So I don’t think you have to go to the initiation ceremony at all. Who knows if we end up getting married before that?”

For a moment, her eyes widened, but she couldn’t contain her laughter. “Stop jumping ahead of yourself, Alpha Theo?”

“That isn’t a “no”. My hopes are high,” he remarked with a lopsided smile. Her laughter was like wind chimes in a gentle breeze, and he felt entranced. “So, will you come with me?”

Carmine’s throat bobbed. Alpha Theo’s voice was a velvet river that wrapped around


Chapter 36

her like a comforting embrace. He was like a living metaphor for the enchantment that life could hold. She nodded. “I will.”

Carmine opened the door, and Alpha Theo’s mouth dropped. She was wearing a white shirt whose buttons were open till the middle of her breasts and a red sarong. He could see what she was wearing beneath the shirt. “You look stunning, Carmine…”

A pink blush spread on her soft cheeks. “You too, Alpha Theo.” He was wearing khakis. paired with a sleeveless polo. He was looking se xy, but she was too shy to admit.

He placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her to his jeep. All the way to Winn’s house, he was having a hard time focusing on the road ahead. So he placed his hand on her thigh and fortunately, she didn’t remove it. It was hard not to go rock-hard. touching her and he spread his legs slightly to show off the effect she had on him.

Winn’s cottage was a beautiful combination of wood and stone, seamlessly blending into the lush greenery that enveloped it on three sides and the lake in the front.

“Alpha Theo!” Winn walked towards him wearing nothing but Bermuda shorts. His muscles rippled as he walked. “Goddess! Carmine, you look hot!”

While Theo growled at his competition, Carmine grinned.

“Sloane is right over there. Why don’t you join her? She is a little sad these days,” Winn suggested.

Carmine looked at Sloane, who was standing a little inside the lake as water lapped on her knees. She looked lost as she stared blankly into space.

“Why?” Carmine asked. “I hope she is feeling well.”

“Ah, it’s not my story to tell!” Winn replied. He slapped Theo’s shoulder. “I’ll get drinks for us! Come.” Carmine went to a group of young wolves near the long table where all the drinks were. They all bowed to Theo and smiled at Carmine. “This is my usual gang of boys,” Winn introduced them. “Colin, Michael, Jordan and Oz.”

“Hi!” she spoke softly, her smile captivated everyone. Theo instantly placed his hand around her waist, a low growl vibrating his chest. Keeping his beautiful unmarked mate away from the unmated wolves was going to be a lot of has sle. And his alpha wolf hated it if anyone came near her,

Carmine took her beer to Sloane, who was in a pensive mood. “Hey there!”

Sloane jerked her head back. “Carmine?” a frown appeared on her forehead.

“I hope I am not interrupting?”


Chapter 36.

Sloane gave her a sad smile. “No, it’s fine.”

“Happy birthday!” Carmine gave her the can of beer.

Sloane chuckled as she took it from her.


Colin was manning the grill on the patio near the raised deck. The sizzle and scent of red meat wafted in the air, making his mouth water. Others were talking about attacks. on the Blue Moon pack and what Kade was doing, but what caught Theo’s attention was Carmine. She was knee-deep in the lake with sunglasses on. She had removed her shirt. and sarong and was now in a red bikini which showed off every curve he would love to enjoy. Now he was rock-hard all over again.

Sloane, in her black bikini, laughed as she cupped the cold water in her hands and scooped it at her.

Carmine’s shriek and ensuing laugh as she exacted revenge hit him at many levels. Theo’s chest filled with a warmth that had nothing to do with whiskey in his hand.

“Food is ready!” Winn shouted at the girls, lounging on his chair. But they weren’t listening. “Can you get?”

Theo was on his way before his sentence was complete.

When Sloane noticed him approaching, she gave Carmine a wink before leaving the lake.

Theo removed his shirt and jumped into the cold water.

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