Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Carmine saw Winn taking Scarlet to the prison, accompanied by several warriors who rushed to the room under Alpha Theo’s instructions. Everything was weird. She was unsure of Scarlet’s actions or why Alpha Theo instructed her to eat the cake, but she sensed something was amiss. She picked up Thor in her arms as he curled his arms around her n*eck and buried his face in her n*eck.

“Mommy, what happened?” he asked. All he wanted was a piece of punch cake.

She could feel Thor’s fear as the little pup clutched her tightly. “It’s nothing, sweetie,” she murmured to calm him.

“I don’t like Scarlet,” he whispered.

“Nor do I…”

Raw fury blasted in his chest. Anger flooded his vision until he was submerged in a seat of red. After Scarlet was taken, Theo went to Carmine and Thor and hugged them both tightly, pressing them against his chest and k*ssed their heads. He suspected she gave drugs to his family. He commanded Flint to appear immediately to determine if it was solely her or if there were others involved. After what Scarlet did, he became even more fearful about the safety of his mate and his pup.

Flint was brimming with worry, practically shaking with it. His face was white as a sheet. “Alpha. I only put the normal ingredients in the cake,” he explained. “I’ve never done anything against you so far. Why will I do anything that would bring harm to you or your guests?” He glanced at Carmine, who was patting Thor’s back to calm him.

Flint had been with him ever since he came to power as Alpha Supreme, so Theo doubted that he had done anything. However, it was necessary to carry out the investigation to instill fear in everyone that no one could harm his family. He was going to make an example out of it.

“I will get the camera footage checked,” Theo growled.

“Yes, Alpha,” Flint nodded. “Please check the recordings. You will see I have done nothing.”

“Leave,” Theo said through clenched teeth as he mind linked his warriors to check the recordings of the cameras in the kitchen. Flint literally ran out, down the stairs and to his kitchen.

Winn returned, wiping sweat from his forehead. “That was sh itty,” he muttered under his breath.

“Find out what she was up to?” Theo ordered him. “Use whatever torture methods you


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want to just get the information out of her.

“I will do that Alpha, but she doesn’t seem to be under the effects of drugs,” Winn offered his observation

Theo narrowed his eyes and co cked his head. “Then get the pack’s doctor and get her examined.”

“Sure. By tomorrow evening. I’ll have the results for you.”

As soon as Winn left. Theo went to Carmine and made her sit down next to him. Tenderly, he brushed his fingers across her cheek, moving slowly, as if testing her fear. When she softly smiled, he could see a golden glow on her face. Mesmerized, he immediately relaxed. “I won’t let anyone harm you, love.”

Carmine’s l*ps parted at his tender endearment. “Alpha Theo….” She didn’t have words. to express. “1…” She was going to say that she wouldn’t stay here long.

“Shh…” he placed his hand on her l*ps. “I don’t want to hear anything.”

On an instinct, she k*ssed his finger and gasped at what she had done. His eyes went wide, but when he took his finger to his l*ps and k*ssed it back, her cheeks became pink,

Feeling a thousand shades embarrassed, she changed the topic. “When are we going to the initiation ceremony?”

He chuckled as he tucked a strand of hair behind her car. “After a month.”

“What? How come?” In surprise, Carmine’s eyes widened.

“Alpha Kade is busy with an attack on his pack. It seems unlikely that he would be able to welcome us for the ceremony.”

“Oh!” A surprise chuckle escaped her mouth before she could stop herself. She had decided to focus on her business and go back to her new collage after the ceremony Despite her anticipation for the event and the chance to cut ties from the Blue Moon pack, Theo’s words brought her a great sense of relief.

Seeing the amazement on her beautiful face, he couldn’t resist it. Theo leaned forward on an impulse and k*ssed her l*ps. This time, she didn’t lean away from him. She closed her eyes and let him k*ss her, sensing his relief and love for her.

“Are you going to be my daddy?” Thor asked.

They both jerked back. Carmine blushed to the roots while Theo’s laughter boomed across the room. “If your mommy allows it, I would love to be your daddy.”

“Please be my daddy.”

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“Thor…” He ruffled Thor’s golden tipped hair, as hope blossomed in his chest. He hugged his family again, sure that he was the luckiest wolf in Lore. Soon.

He had sent his spies to find out about Carmine’s lineage, because it was impossible that she was a rogue

White-hot anger coursed through Alpha Kade as he paced his room. He was not only humiliated by Alpha Theo, but his wolf was not letting him rest. He wanted to go back to his mate and was pushing away Ruby whenever she tried to talk to him or offered. herself to him.

Apart from that, a fresh problem had come up in the form of rogue attacks on the borders of the territory. He had to deal with it urgently. He could hold the rogues, but they were becoming a menace.

“Why don’t you call Alpha Theo?” Ruby said as she watched him pacing the room. “He helped Alpha Jonas of the Silver Moon pack to tackle the rogues. He has to help you as well because you are under his authority.”

“I won’t ask for the help of that ba sta rd!” Kade growled.

“Kade,” Ruby sighed. “I understand what you are going through, but only he can help you. If you are in so much trouble, you need his help. That is the least he can do.” She got up and came to him. “Your wolf needs Carmine,” she played with his emotions. “By calling him, you can also ask when they are coming for the initiation ceremony.” That seemed to work.

“Yeah!” Scarlet hadn’t reported. Gritting his teeth, Kade fished his phone out of his pocket. He dialed Theo’s number with a vengeance.

Theo picked up the phone on the last ring. “Yes?” There was no greeting, nothing at all.

“There’s an attack of rogues on my pack. Send help!” Kade barked as if this was his birthright to order Theo.

“Go f uck yourself.” Theo disconnected the call.

“Ba st ard!” Kade shouted. “What the hell does he think he is? Bloo dy ba st ard born out of a proper mating ceremony!”

Ruby winced. “He may be a bas t ard, honey, but he holds the power. Use that power, not him.”

Kade tipped his head up, closing his eyes. He took a deep breath in to calm down. Ruby was right. He dialed Theo’s number again. When Theo picked up, he said, “Look, I need


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help. There’s this constant attack from rogues on my pack.”

After a long silence, Thee replied, “All my warriors are extremely busy. I can send help. but after two weeks.”

“Theo!” Kade hissed. “Are you insane?”

“That is Alpha Supreme for you, Kade. Never forget that. If I hear you calling my name again. I will destroy you. Don’t forget, I am constantly teetering on the edge of destroying you and your mother.”

Kade gulped at the underlying threat in his reply. He knew Theo could destroy him. Shedding his anger a little, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Okay, then please send them as soon as possible.” In the meantime, he would ask his allies to help him. “And when are you getting Carmine?”

“How can I bring her into a war-inflicted pack? Don’t you think her life could be in danger?”

Kade’s heart stuttered to a stop. He wanted to see Carmine badly but not dead. “I’ll let you know when things are better here.” With that, he ended the conversation. Talk with Theo didn’t yield any results. He found himself in the same spot where he began. So he started pacing the room again. It was high time he called his allies.

Kade wasn’t prepared for what happened next.


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