Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 31

Chapter 31

The temperatures still said it was autumn, but the change to summer was instant.


Alpha Theo’s voice was rough, but when he spoke her name, it came out as a caress. His hands were on her, yanking her into him. Carmine didn’t have a bone in her b*dy to resist, so when his mouth found hers, she drowned in desire, got lost in the sensation.

It had been so many years that Carmine wanted to feel loved and she wasn’t that she had built a wall around her heart. But this felt so da mn good that she didn’t want to

back out.

One of his hands slid into her hair and cupped her at the back of her n*eck while the other pressed her lower back until she was pressed hard against him. His length was hard against her belly and she took her hand to cup it over his jeans on an instinct.

“Do you really want this, Alpha Theo?” she breathed.

“This is what I need, Carmine. Badly. Madly,” he said before slamming his k*ss back on hers. He opened his mind link and asked the guards outside to get lost and not come until morning.

This wasn’t the k*ss she thought it would be. It was rough and desperate, different even. She got lost in it as every thought tossed out of her mind, leaving her to feel the hot and firm l*ps of Alpha Theo. His k*ss was hard and demanding, just like the wolf he was. She yielded under him, welcoming him, opening for him.

His response to her was astounding. She grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. slightly to angle her head just the way he wanted as he nibbled her, sucked her, and grazed her with his fangs. She whimpered at the touch of those fangs on her l*ps and wondered how it’d feel when they sank into her flesh at the right place. Shi t. If her thoughts went so wild in one k*ss, how was she going to survive this beautiful, gorgeous, se xy Alpha all these days?

His tongue didn’t twine or dance with hers. It was a battle of domination. He battled her tongue into submitting to him.

He sucked her hard, cutting off her air. Her face turned red as he stole her breath and her logic along with it. And Carmine found herself submitting to the Alpha in front of her. She didn’t know, but this seemed like the right thing. She didn’t feel this good or right with Alpha Kade, even though she was his mate. Rejected mate.

He left her l*ps, and she gasped for air. “This is what I need from you, baby. I want to feel your softness and go soft under me. I want you to let me have you. Can that?”

you do

10:22 Tue, 23 Jan

Chapter 31


Carmine licked her swollen l*ps, letting his d*rty words play in her mind. All thoughts of Alpha Kade vanished. A shudder ran down her b*dy when he lowered his head and grazed his fangs on her pulse point, exactly where he could mark her. His hands sl*pped down further to her hips, and he squeezed them. She purred and went soft in his arms. She didn’t know if this was the right thing to do, but she wanted to.

A loud crash on the outside made her jump. Alpha Theo whipped his head back, and a low growl erupted from his throat like a warning. Instantly, he turned and stood in front of Carmine to shield her with his hands on her sides. He narrowed his eyes a

and looked through the glass, seeing the shattered pots of flowers and their sc at ered blooms on the floor. “Stay here!” he instructed her as he rushed outside to find. There was no one, which was strange. He sniffed the air and the smell of ginger and garlic came. Clenching his jaw, he came back to the boutique. “Let’s go.” He caught her hand. and pulled her out of the boutique.

“We have to close it!” Carmine said in a surprised tone as she glanced at the shattered.


“Someone will take care of it,” he replied and hurried towards the manor. Only when she was in the confines of her room did he stop.

rmine, he breathed, feeling relaxed. “I would like you to stay inside as much as possible and move around only with my warriors and that too, if it is urgent!

“But I have to go to the market tomorrow, along with Thor.” After Carmine sold her apartment and bought this cottage, she had little money left with her. She had to keep her house running and everything needed money. Thank the Goddess that Alpha Theo had been kind enough to let her stay in his house because that took care of food and

shoes, other utilities. But things like Thor’s books, uniform, baseball bat and glove, amongst others, needed her attention and money. She had sold her only gold chain on the internet for $500 and that money should be sufficient for her to buy all that.

His brows furrowed. “Why?”

“His school has started, and I didn’t realize that I had to buy everything new…” she said. as she turned around to see her pup, who was now sleeping, cuddled beneath the blanket.

“Okay. I’ll assign some ga mma warriors to go with you.” He looked at her n*eck. “Where’s that dainty little chain you wore all the time?”

Oh, he noticed? She stiffened. “It’s there…”

Since it was a Saturday, Carmine woke up slightly late. She had given Joseph a holiday so that he settled in the new place. Thor was already up and was with Una, who Theo had given the duty as his nanny while he was in the manor. Carmine heard them talking excitedly as she got up and went to the bathroom. She hadn’t been this relaxed.


10:22 Tue, 23 Jan

Chapter 31

all her life, and she felt guilty that she might get addicted to it.

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At 11AM, she was ready to go to the market. Thor was bouncing on his feet, chirping away to glory. “Mommyy!” He ran to her and hugged her thighs.

“Yes, sweetie?”

“Will you buy an ice cream for me?”

“No,” she replied sternly.

“I will buy it for you, pup,” came Alpha Theo’s throaty voice.

Carmine whipped her head to see that Theo was running down the stairs. Wearing at gray t-shirt with black jeans that tightly fitted on his as s, he looked like Adonis. reincarnated. His dark goggles were dangling in his hands. “But-


He placed a finger on her l*ps in front of every omega out there. She blushed so hard that he wanted to k*ss her. “I woke up early, trained my warriors early, and now I have all the time in the world. So-” He picked up Thor in his arms. “I am taking you shopping.”

Carmine gawked at him as, along with Thor, he strode out to where an SUV was waiting. The chauffeur gave him the keys, and he made Thor sit on a child safety seat.

Ride to the market ended in twenty minutes. Seeing Alpha Theo in the market with a woman and a child was so unlike him that half the population of the Gold Moon pack came to a halt while the other half blinked and kept blinking.

Theo rolled a cart out and entered the mall with Thor standing in it and Carmine. beside him. “So, where do we start?”

Carmine chuckled, and she went to the kids’ section from where she picked up everything according to her list. An hour later, she pointed at the fruit rack and said, “Stay here. I will come back in ten minutes.”

Theo’s brows furrowed as he watched her run away to the ladies’ section.

Carmine saved $50 from all the shopping and so she went to buy underwear. She looked at the lacy ones but sighed and went for the old-fashioned ones because they were cheaper. As soon as she picked them up and turned, she smacked right into a hard


Of muscles.

Of Alpha Theo.

He was looking at the panties in her hand.

Chapter 31

Her face burned.


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