Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

“Joseph!” With Thor in her arms, she rushed to meet him. Carmine had gone to pick him up from the station along with Thor.

“Carmine!” he hurried towards them and hugged them both. “It’s so great to see you!”

“Why are you here?” Thor asked with a frown as he crossed his arms across his chest. Joseph was taken aback.

“Thor!” Carmine scolded him in a soft voice. “You can’t speak like this.”

“He is not my daddy.” Thor almost growled. “He can’t hug you.”

Carmine sighed. Her pup was becoming grumpier by the day. She shook her head and smiled at Joseph. “How was your journey?” They walked out of the station towards the car which Carmine had hired to drop him at his apartment.

“It was tiring!” he rasped. “Where the hell is this place located? It’s like I’m amid jungles, far away from civilization.”

She laughed softly. “It is, but I like it here.”

“I love it here.” Thor added, not liking Joseph’s statement.

“Let us go to my place first,” Carmine suggested. “After that, you can go to your apartment. The car will stay with us.”

“Oh, thank G od!” Joseph breathed. “I need food and I was in no mood to cook.”

They came to Carmine’s place, and she showed him her boutique before preparing dinner. “You’ve set it up nicely,” he said, nodding in approval. “But you need advertising. I don’t see customers around.”

She let out an exasperated sigh as they walked back to her house. “I do. I’ve had only one customer ever since I’ve come here. In fact, I needed your help today.”

Joseph sat in the living room with his legs up. “Tell me about it.”

Carmine told him about the invite and said that this could be a great opportunity for me to advertise my boutique. She took out a bundle of cards. “I got these made for the boutique and I am going to distribute them to all at the


“Hmm, not a bad idea,” Joseph said. “And you need me to babysit Thor?”

She nodded her head, giving him a sheepish smile. “If you are tired, I won’t push you.”



Chapter 16

He chuckled. “I am tired and I don’t mind babysitting Thor. You must seize this chance to popularize your boutique. In the meantime, I will go there and see what else need to be done.”

“Thank you!” she exclaimed. “I will treat you with a special lunch!”

Joseph laughed at her enthusiasm. Secretly, he missed her even though she had friend- zoned him long back..

In the evening, Carmine chose to wear the royal blue dress that she had chosen for Scarlet. It was beautiful, the silk falling just above her knees. She curled her hair and let them cascade down. When she came out, Joseph let out a low whistle. “I’m sure many hearts will break tonight.”

She laughed at him. “This is the best way to advertise, isn’t it? To model my creation?”

“Of course,” he said.

“Are you sure you can take care of him?” she asked him, glancing at Thor, who was busy playing his video game.

Before Joseph could reply, Thor said, “I am a big boy, mommy. I can take care of myself!”

Carmine’s eyes went wide. “Okay, big boy, don’t forget to have your dinner!”

The car was waiting for her outside. Joseph insisted they let the car stay until the next day. As the car drove towards the address she mentioned, she noticed how the road. undulated and was winding in the middle of woods. There was hardly any settlement. They passed a small gas station that had a shop, but apart from them, all she saw was dense forest on either side of the road. A shiver ran down her b*dy, wondering if the driver was taking her to the right place.

“Yes!” the driver, who was nearly sixty, replied. “That is one of the poshest houses I have ever seen.” So he knew. Relief flooded her b*dy, and she relaxed.

It took an hour for her to reach the destination and when she got down, she couldn’t help but gawk at the manor in front of her. It was like an estate from medieval times. There was a small lake in front of the manor. Built with white marble, the manor had two stories. French windows adorned the exterior. A cobbled path led to a large mahogany door in the center. Surrounding the manor, were perfectly groomed. gardens, and right in front of the house, there stood a fountain with two statues that were partially n*ked.

“Welcome to the Annual Ball” a board with fairy lights on the side, hung just above the


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Chapter 16.

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She took a deep breath in, excited to see the people going in. They were rich in very expensive clothes and jewelry and were perfect clients for her boutique. As she walked in, several people saw her. She scratched the back of her n*eck, feeling nervous, feeling. something ominous. Shoving the feeling aside, she entered the main hall. She gasped at the sheer opulence. There were three large chandeliers that were hung in the center. A plush red rug carpeted the floor. Groups of people were talking amongst themselves, with serv ants serving them wine and other snacks.


eyes scanned the room to look for Scarlet, but she wasn’t there. Carmine couldn’t help thinking that Scarlet was extremely rich, or she was getting engaged to someone filthy rich. She sauntered to the bar, feeling a little awkward. The bartender sniffed the air and smiled at her. “What does the lady want?”

“Red wine please,” she said in a low, soft voice.

He poured it for her, and she walked to a place where she saw a group of women. Exquisite women. Voluptuous and tall with striking features-almost like she-wolves. Most men were tall and well-built with bulging muscles. Just like… Theo. No, Theo was taller, more handsome, and had an alpha aura. How come she never noticed that? Was it because her mind was so attuned to humans because of living amongst them?

She halted in her tracks, thinking about what she didn’t want to think. She went to a secluded corner and started plotting ways of getting out of here without being noticed. when all at once, another shock gripped her heart when her eyes landed on the wolf she had once run away from, the one who had rejected her.

Kade Marshall.

And he was watching her with angry eyes that were like a smoldering furnace, with flames of fury flickering in the depths, threatening a thunderstorm.




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