She was busy scrambling eggs when he walked into the kitchen. His arms slithered around her waist, pulling her back into his body, his mouth sucking on her neck.

“CJ Fisher don’t you dare give me a hickey.”

“Why not? This way all the men will know you are taken,” he said, backing away when she shrugged him off.

“Don’t worry, I’ll let them know, now sit down and eat before you go to work,” she ordered him, setting the plates down on the table. She looked at him when his buzzer went off. “You better answer that.”

The pager he had was one for medical emergencies. “How many? Where? OK, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He hung up. “There was a train accident in River Town, that’s a two-hour drive from here and they need as many doctors as possible. I have to go.”

Her hands flew to her mouth in shock. “Oh my God, that’s terrible. Yes, yes go.”

Getting up he gave her a kiss. “I’ll call you when I know what’s going on and when I’ll be home. I will miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too, now go, and drive carefully.”

She received a call from CJ late that night. He sounded tired and apologetic when he told her it was worse than he thought and had to stay for a couple of days. She told him she understood and was proud of him for volunteering his time to help those in need. Hanging up he promised to call the following day.

The following day after work Dakota called, inviting her to dinner, which she accepted. With CJ away she felt lonely and being around them made her feel less lonely. Later Parker was the one who put the kids to bed so that the women could talk. Taking their drinks outside sat on the swing.

“Is everything OK?” Dakota asked her.

“Yeah, I guess I’m missing CJ.”

“You really like him, don’t you?”

“I do, he kind of grew on me. He asked me to move in with him but I said no.”

“You know, I’ve known CJ for some time now and he’s never stayed with a woman for more than a day or two. But with you it’s different, he’s different. I know he has deep feelings for you or he would never have asked you to live with him. May I ask you why you turned him down?”

It felt good opening up to another woman, one who she considered a friend. She told Dakota everything about how she was still married, her husband and what he did to her. “He won’t sign the divorce papers. I feel it’s too soon to move in with CJ. Truth is I’m afraid of being hurt again, what if he changes as Jonathan did?”

“You and I have a lot in common,” Dakota told her. She then told Sam all about her life before she met Parker, how she too was abused by her ex. “There are a lot of horrible men out there, but also a lot of good ones. Dawn and I are living proof that you can find a good man and find true love. CJ is one of the good guys, he won’t hurt you.”

So you think I should move in with him?”

“No, I didn’t say that. It has to be what you want, it’s your choice.” She turned and took Sam’s hand in hers. “I know you’re afraid, but if you never take a chance on love, you could miss out on something incredible.”

Just then Parker came out, saying the kids were fast asleep.

“It’s getting late, thanks for dinner Dakota, and thanks for the talk, I’ll think about what you said, goodnight Parker.” With that being said she headed home. In bed she answered the phone, knowing it was CJ.

“Hey beautiful, how’s my girl?” he asked in his sexiest voice.

“Lonely, missing my boyfriend,” she answered. She slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand, knowing how that must have sounded, like a teenager talking. “When will you be coming home?”

“Tomorrow night, but it will be really late so I will come by your place the following morning if that’s OK?” He thought it was cute how she called him her boyfriend and he too missed her and wished that he was laying next to her.

“I guess I can wait till then,” she said, sighing. After they hung up she tossed and turned, sleep just wouldn’t come for her. With CJ gone for two days, she was missing him like crazy and came to a decision, she would move in with him. It was like Dakota said. If she didn’t give them a chance she could lose the only man that made her feel the way he did.

The next day when her shift at work was over she hurried home, packed a few clothes, took a shower and had a bite to eat. CJ had told her it would be late by the time he got back so she was going to surprise him. Her plan was to hide her car around the back of his house and be laying naked in his bed when he got there.

Grabbing a bottle of wine turned the lights off in her home and picked up her bag and headed out, getting into her car. Her adrenaline was pumping, she was about to embark on a new phase in her life. She would open up her heart completely to CJ and though they may never be able to marry she would be happy spending her life with him.

Pulling into his driveway she saw that there were lights on inside. His car was not there but another one was. A small red Mustang. Then she thought maybe his car broke down and this one was a rental. But if he was home why hadn’t he called her? Grabbing the wine she got out of the car and walked to the door. She knocked but with the music blaring from inside he probably couldn’t hear her. Turning the knob found that it was unlocked so she walked right in. The smell of scented candles drifted throughout the house.

Goosebumps popped up on her arms and she shivered. A sense of doom overtook her as she slowly walked toward the living room. She pictured CJ with another woman, images of them naked and making love turned her stomach and she felt as though she was going to throw up. A tear fell from her eye. Holding her breath she entered the room. A blonde woman was laying on the sofa wearing one of CJ’s shirts and nothing else. It was Donna, the one who she had met, the one he was sleeping with before she came along.

When Donna saw Sam she stood up, facing her with a smug look on her face. “What the hell are you doing here?” she snapped.

Sam’s temper flared and her blood boiled. “Never you mind what I’m doing here, the question is what the hell are you doing in CJ’s house? BITCH.”

An ugly wicked grin spread across Donna’s face. “CJ asked me to come, said he wanted a good fuck for a change. I think you should leave before he arrives, or do you want to join us? I bet he’d love a threesome.”

Sam felt the bile rising up in her throat, tasting the acidy taste in her mouth as she forced it down, refusing to let the skank see her get sick. “You’re a fucken liar. CJ wants nothing to do with you. Not to mention he won’t be home for hours.”

Donna laughed. “You really are as stupid as he said you were. Grow up little waitress girl, the man has been playing you, we’ve been fucking the whole time you were together. A quickie here and there when he had time. I must say I’m a little annoyed with you for taking up so much of his time, cutting into mine.”

Sam shook her head. No, this can’t be true, she’s lying. Her vision blurred, a stabbing pain shot through her heart and she turned to leave. Her eyes filled with tears and fell down her face. She still couldn’t believe that CJ was two-timing her until she opened the door and saw his car pulling into the driveway. It had to be true, he was home early, not late like he had told her he would be.

CJ had decided to come home early to surprise Sam. Things at the hospital had settled down and he was no longer needed. He thought about calling but was eager to get home, shower and change before going to see her. Seeing two cars in his driveway and recognizing them as Sam’s and Donna’s smelled trouble. Why were they both in his house? It was OK for Sam, but not the other one. Jumping out of his car he stopped when Sam stepped out. His heart pounded when he saw her, he wanted to run over and take her in his arms. But with the light from the porch shining on her face, he saw her tears and knew something was terribly wrong.

He started walking to her when she came towards him. “Sam.” It was all he said before he felt her hand slapping him across the face. Stars sprang up behind his eyes, that’s how hard she had slapped him.

“I trusted you CJ, I believed every one of your lies and the whole time you were screwing that bitch behind my back. How could you do this to me?”

He shook his head, tried to grab her arm but she pushed him away. “Sam, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Just stop. She told me everything, I’m sorry I showed up and spoiled your evening.” She shoved the bottle of wine that she still had in her hand into his chest. “Here, take this and go see your lover.”

When she walked away he dropped the bottle and grabbed her by the shoulders. “For the love of God Sam tell me what’s going on. I didn’t know she was going to be here.”

“Why are you home early when you said you wouldn’t be until late?”

“I wanted to surprise you.”

She slapped his hands away.” Well, you did a good job of that. I trusted you and you betrayed me and I’ll never forgive you. We’re done CJ, I never want to see you ever again.” Pushing him out of the way went and got into her car.

Rapping on the window he begged her to stay and talk. “Sam, please can’t we talk about this? Don’t leave, I swear there is nothing going on between me and Donna.” He jumped out of the way when she stepped on the gas and spun the tires as she tore out of the driveway, leaving him in the dust.

He lowered his head, as long as he lived he would never forget that look of hurt and betrayal that showed in her eyes. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to get her to listen and believe that he had nothing to do with what happened tonight. Balling his hands into fists he turned his head to look back at the house, door still wide open. He marched right inside and seeing Donna there in his shirt walked over to her. He stood before her, she started undoing the buttons but he put his hands over the top of hers, stopping her.

She gasped loudly when he pushed her up against the wall, his hands going around her neck. His eyes were dark and scary looking and she suddenly felt afraid as she clawed at his hand, trying to loosen his hold on her neck.

“What did you say to her?” Oh, how he wanted to squeeze the breath out of her for hurting the woman he loved.

She took deep breaths, trying to get air into her lungs when he let go of her neck. “You could have killed me you asshole. Look, I did you a favour by getting rid of her. You would have gotten bored with her after a while anyway.”

“What did you say to her?” he yelled, making her jump back.

She swallowed the lump that was stuck in her throat.” I-I told her you asked me to come over for a good fuck, that you needed one after being with her,” she answered, stammering.

After she told him the rest he picked up the clothes that were on the floor and threw them at her. “Get out and don’t ever come back,” he said and grabbing her arm dragged her over to the door. Opening it he shoved her out while she still wore only his shirt. He had to go to Sam and explain.

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