As soon as they got to her place and the door was closed he put her up against the wall, pinning her hands above her head. “I’ve been waiting to get my hands on you all night.”

“Now that you’ve got me what are you planning on doing to me?” she asked through breathy pants.

“I plan on fucking you, hard and repeatedly,” he said. His mouth came down hard on hers, his hand moved down and undoing her jeans slipped his hand inside her panties. He moaned when he felt how wet she was. “When I get through with you, you won’t be able to remember your name,” he whispered into her ear.

She felt him pushing her pants down over her hips and continued to stimulate her manually till she convulsed with her orgasm. The blood was humming in her veins, her limbs felt boneless and she was glad he was there to stop her from collapsing to the ground. Her mouth went to his neck and she started kissing it. Her fingers played with the buttons on his shirt till they were all unbuttoned, and her lips went to his chest, oh how she loved the taste of him as she sucked and licked.

CJ swiftly dealt with the rest of their clothes and pulled her slowly to the floor. His shaft was hot and hard against her. “I’ve got to have you now,” he said, uttering his words against her flesh. Removing the condom from its package he placed it over his shaft and buried himself in her sweet heat. He nibbled on her collarbone as he moved slowly up and down inside her.

She arched her back, absorbing the feel of him. The brutal strength of his passion had her squirming, moaning his name when he plunged deeper and faster inside her. Their climax came at them in drugging waves. It was a good thing that no one was around to hear all the noise they were making, it was loud enough to wake the dead.

They lay, bodies fused together for several minutes before CJ lifted his head to kiss her lips softly. “I’m not done with you yet, shall we take this upstairs or continue here?”

“Oh my God CJ, I don’t think I can walk,” she said, reaching up to touch his lips.

He lifted her gently up into his arms and carried her up to the bedroom. Laying her down he started with her lips, savagely attacking them. Their tongues dueling, teasing, his hands caressing her breast, running his thumb over her hardening nipple. Moving down he wrapped his mouth around the ripe nipple, his teeth grazing it and moved to the other one. He then moved his tongue down her stomach, placing his hands on her knees opened her legs. His tongue dipped into her pussy. He heard her scream and felt her fingers tugging on his hair as he licked and sucked till her body shook with another orgasm.

“No more CJ, I’m worn out, I can’t take anymore,” she cried out with a satisfied laugh.

“Oh baby, I’m far from being done with you.” Ripping another condom from its package he rolled it over his throbbing erection. He couldn’t believe his stamina when it came to this woman. He couldn’t get enough of her. As he eased slowly inside her hot, wet pussy he watched her face, her eyes kept fluttering open and then closed again. Her face was flushed, lips plumbed and the sounds of her low purring drove him mad with lust. The feel of her nails scratching his back as he pumped faster only added to his desire to make her his. His moans were muffled as he buried his mouth into her neck as they reached an amazing height of sexual fulfillment, their orgasm rippled through their bodies like a raging river.

She snaked her leg over his thigh when he rolled over onto his back. “Holy shit CJ, you are going to be the death of me if you keep going this strong.”

Hearing her say that made him feel proud, at least he knew he was satisfying her, as she was to him. “You bring it out of me. It’s like you cast this magical spell over my cock, making it come alive by just the sight of you. So you see, if you are getting too much sex it’s all your fault.”

She laughed and swatted him in the chest. “Yeah right, and I never said I was getting too much sex.”

He sat up, his mood changed to that of a serious nature. “I want to ask you something.”

“What?” she asked, running her hand up and down his back while she remained laying on her back.

“Move in with me.”

Her hand stopped its gentle caress on his back. Sitting up she pulled the sheet up to cover her naked body. “What? she asked, frowning.

His eyes lit up and he stroked her hair, loving the silkiness of it. “It makes sense, we spend almost every night together. When we’re apart we can’t stop thinking about the other and I wake up sad that you’re not laying beside me.”

She lowered her head. “CJ, I’m still a married woman.”

“I don’t care Sam.”

She looked up at him. “It’s too soon, we haven’t known each other that long and I’m not ready to move in with anyone. It took me a long time to get my independence back from a man that belittled and degraded me. I’m afraid to give myself totally to another, afraid that I’ll be hurt again.”

Cupping her face in his hands he made her look at him. “I would never take away your independence or hurt you in any way, you must know that by now. Take a chance on us, Sam, move in with me.”

A tear trickled down her cheek. “No,” she said softly.

Dropping his hands from her face he sat on the edge of the bed, his shoulders slumped over. He felt his heart was breaking, the pain was almost unbearable. The first time he finally met the woman he wanted to spend his life with turned him down. Getting up he pulled on his pants, hearing her sniffling he turned back to look at her.

“So that’s it then? You’re just going to leave me because I won’t live with you.”

Seeing her eyes filling with tears and rolling down her cheek he went over, taking her in his arms and crushed her against him. “My God no Sam, I’m not leaving you. I am hurt but I’m not giving up on us. Baby, I’m just going downstairs for something to drink.” He lifted her chin up, he wanted to look into her eyes, eyes so beautiful, ones that could melt ice. “You’ve worn me out, I need to get some fluids into my body. Can I get you anything while I’m down there?”

“A large glass of orange juice, please.”

“You got it, and baby, I’m in this for the long haul.” With that said he went downstairs, in bad need of a drink. As tough as she tried to act deep down she was a scared and vulnerable woman who has been so deeply hurt that she had trouble with trust issues. He would prove to her in time that she could trust him.

The next day they went riding and later painted the spare bedroom.

With the paintbrush in her hand, she smiled at him. “You have some paint on you.”

“Where?” he asked.

Going over to where he stood she raised her brush and ran it across his chest since he was shirtless. “Right here,” she laughed.

He looked down where she had covered him in the paint, lifting his eyebrow looked at her. “Oh no, you didn’t.” He then used his brush and ran it up her neck, hearing her loud squeal.

Going over to the can of paint she dipped her brush in, bringing it back out she grinned at him.

“Sam put the brush down. Don’t you dare,” he warned her.

A smile plastered on her face she flicked her wrist and the paint splattered all over his face.

“OK, now you’ve done it,” he said and charged towards her.

Dropping her brush she let out a scream and tried to make a run for the door. It was too late, he grabbed her and lowered her to the floor, his paintbrush in his hand. “No, don’t do it CJ.” I’m sorry, stop.” Her cries of protest went unheard when he straddled her, lifting her shirt up he covered her breasts in the paint.

CJ laughed, she wasn’t wearing a bra under her t-shirt so he painted her breasts. His one hand held hers above her head while the other one went to work. He released her hands and was turned on watching how her chest was rising and falling rapidly.

“You jerk,” she muttered.

“Jerk, well maybe I should paint your whole body then.” He went to undo her jeans when she stopped him.

“Wait, stop.”

“What will I get if I do?” he asked, smirking.

“We can take a shower together and I’ll let you do whatever you want to me. I’ll wash you and you can wash me. I will clean every inch of your body and lick you dry.”

“Every inch?”

“Yup,” she said, licking her lips seductively.

Jumping to his feet pulled her up, tossed her over his shoulder and carried her to the bathroom. There they stripped and stepped into the shower. Taking the wet cloth and soap he started washing her, the paint disappearing from their bodies. When she was clean she then washed him.

Dropping the cloth she started kissing his neck, moving down his chest. She kept moving lower, on her knees she wrapped her lips around his cock, her tongue flickering over his tip. Her mouth slowly moved up his shaft till she had most of him in her mouth.

CJ arched his head back, the palm of his hands on the shower wall. The way she was licking and sucking had him moaning, his balls tight and his heart racing as the blood in his veins heated up. Her lips and mouth were so warm, sending shivers throughout his entire body. He was so close and not being in control of his body which had a mind of its own he came. “Oh my sweet God,” he let out a loud grunt, grabbing a fistful of her hair.

Grabbing her arms pulled her up, his hands going around her waist. “That was amazing.” This was the first time she had gone down on him. He never expected her to do it, not after the horror story she told him how her husband forced her to do him. She had cried when telling him how he would hold her head, pushing her into him till she gagged, even then he wouldn’t stop until he got what he wanted.

That was why he kept his hands on the wall, if she was going to do it he wanted it to be her choice. That way she could stop whenever she felt the need to. He lifted her up by placing his hands under her bum. He felt her legs going around his waist when he put her up against the wall and entered her. He took her fast and hard, her back hitting the cold tile of the shower. In the heat of the moment, they forgot about using protection until it was too late.

Setting her down on her feet he pulled her roughly into his arms, his mouth came down hard on hers, and his kiss was hot, demanding. All his feeling went into that one very long kiss. What she had done and the way it felt being inside her without a condom was unlike any feeling he’d ever enjoyed.

He finally released her, his hand holding her head on his chest. “I’m sorry. I got carried away and I didn’t use a condom. I’m so sorry, I should have protected you.” He felt terrible, what if she were to get pregnant? To him, it wouldn’t be the end of the world, but he wasn’t sure how she would feel about it.

With her arms around his waist, she lifted her head to look at him. “It will be OK, I am on the pill.”

All dried off and dressed they cleaned up the mess they made and had a late dinner. Later they slept in each other’s arms. It was back to work for both of them, which always made them a bit sad, not knowing for sure when they would be seeing each other since he could be called to the hospital. It seemed as if every woman in town was giving birth these days.

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