Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 466

Chapter 466 A Thing For Older Women

“Excuse me, young man, but that’s enough. If you continue to praise me like this, I’ll be overwhelmed with embarrassment.”

Vaughn tried to maintain a stern expression, but his raised eyebrows betrayed his true feelings. He found it much more pleasing to be addressed as “Chancellor Diaz” by Emrys, rather than hearing empty, flashy words.

After all, they were both chancellors. Why should there be a distinction between a chancellor and a vice-chancellor?

Emrys’ sweet words flowed from his lips like honey, causing Larissa, who was holding his arm, to pause in surprise.

At first, she wondered which woman Emrys was referring to.

It was only later that she realized he was referring to her.

Suddenly, she was overwhelmed with mixed emotions.

When did I ever praise ViceChancellor Diaz like thisNo, no, when did I become your wife?

Larissa pinched Emrys fiercely.

There was not a trace of pain on Emrys’ face. He had seen through Larissa’s thoughts. He leaned into her ear and said with a mischievous grin, “Didn’t you start this mischief?”

When Larissa introduced him, she didn’t mention that he was her godbrother. Instead, she had said that he was someone very


important to her, then affectionately linked her arm with his.

Wasn’t it just a deliberate attempt to create an illusion for others that they were in a romantic relationship?

Emrys felt that there was nothing wrong with calling Larissa his wife and that she should also praise him for being considerate.

Off to the side, Darrell watched the intimate actions of the two with growing jealousy and decided to make an issue out of Emrys’ recent attempts at flattery. “You flatterer, don’t you know that Vice-Chancellor Diaz despises those who flatter him?”

As expected, Vaughn’s face darkened. He gritted his teeth and said, “You’re right. I have emphasized more than once that we should focus our energy on practical matters and not waste our time on irrelevant distractions.”

He looked at Emrys and added in a stern tone, “Young man, even though we haven’t interacted much, take my advice and don’t waste your time on such meaningless matters in the future.”

“Your advice is enlightening, Chancellor Diaz. Your words have truly opened my mind. I will certainly heed your advice,” Emrys said.

Vaughn nodded. “It’s good that you learn from your mistakes. Larissa, your boyfriend has a good character. When your teacher returns and meets him, she will surely be very pleased.”

Darrell was instantly taken aback.

A good character? Is that what’s considered a good character? How can 


you tell? Just because he learns from his mistakes? Then what about us who did nothing wrong? Isn’t this nonsense

Darrell was filled with confusion.

Larissa’s cheeks turned a slight shade of red as she showed a rare hint of shyness.

She created the illusion of being in a relationship with Emrys, all in an effort to dissuade Darrell from pursuing her. Unexpectedly, Vaughn took it seriously and even praised Emrys for his good character.

It was truly baffling.

Emrys was somewhat surprised and asked, “Larissa, you’ve been at the academy for most of the day. Haven’t you met your teacher yet?”

I have already cured Old Mr. Langford’s illness at the Langford residence and also put on a show with him and Blanche. I can’t believe Issa still hasn’t met her teacher.


Both Vaughn and Darrell were taken aback.

Just a moment ago, you were calling her your wife? How did she become your sister now?

Larissa’s beautiful eyes curved into crescents. She was curious to see how Emrys would extricate himself from this situation.


It was at that moment that Emrys became aware of his slip of the tongue. However, he swiftly devised a solution, displaying a slightly embarrassed smile. He explained, “In truth, I have a fondness for mature women. It’s a term of affection that my wife and I use. She enjoys calling me ‘Rys’ and I find pleasure in calling her ‘Sis. However, these endearing nicknames are

typically reserved for intimate moments. I inadvertently let it slip out in my haste earlier.”

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