Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 465

Chapter 465 Stop Exaggerating

With caution, Alpheus asked, “Mr. Lund, is your sister Lady Lockwood?”

“Yes,” Emrys replied nonchalantly, glancing at him.

Suddenly, everyone’s expressions changed. Filled with

excitement, Alpheus said to Blanche, “Blanche, why didn’t you tell us about such an important matter earlier?”

In the martial arts field, Larissa was a well-known figure.

Although she was currently only at the Manifestor level, her talent was exceptional, and her future achievements were boundless. More importantly, her background was impressive. It was said that Hazel had already treated her as part of her own family.

In other words, Larissa had the support of the Mapleton family.

If they had known earlier that Emrys’ sister was Larissa, they wouldn’t have been so distressed, let alone make the decision to marry Blanche off to the Langford family.

Blanche looked at Alpheus with disappointment and sneered, “For you, this is, of course, important, even more important than your own daughter.”

Alpheus was speechless.

Samuel spoke up. “It’s better to rely on oneself than on others. I support Blanche’s decision. If anyone dares to treat you as a


sacrificial pawn in the future, I won’t let them get away with it.”

The matters concerning the Langford family were almost resolved when Emrys received a call from Larissa. Taking this as an opportunity, he bid farewell to the Langfords.

He arrived at the Jipsdale Martial Arts Academy and saw Larissa standing at the gate.

Her legs were straight and slender, and her figure was graceful. The flawless symmetry of her form made her captivating even when she was just standing there.

Beside her were two other people.

One was Vice-Chancellor Vaughn Diaz, who was in his fifties, and the other was a man in his late twenties. He was a teacher at the Jipsdale Martial Arts Academy named Darrell Holt.

Students passing in and out of the gate frequently cast sidelong glances, their expressions filled with excitement. The focus of their attention was primarily on Larissa.

Larissa, their charismatic senior and revered idol, had graduated, yet her legacy lingered. Her name continued to resonate within the academy’s corridors, and her photograph, a symbol of her achievements, remained prominently positioned atop the list of the academy’s most distinguished alumni.

This photograph, unknowingly, had become the driving force for countless people to bravely forge ahead.

At that moment, she looked even more beautiful and captivating


in person than in photos. If it weren’t for the presence of the vice-chancellor, they would have swarmed around her long ago.

“Rys, over here!” Larissa tiptoed, flashing an enchanting smile as she waved at Emrys.

She was tall and strikingly beautiful, effortlessly standing out. There was no need for her to stand on tiptoe. Emrys had spotted her in the crowd with just a single glance.

“Larissa, is he the one you said you were waiting for?” Darrell’s expression subtly shifted.

“Of course,” Larissa replied.

When Emrys approached, she introduced, “Rys, this is Vice- Chancellor Diaz. And this fellow here is Darrell, my senior, who is currently a teacher at our academy.”

After introducing Vaughn, Larissa then introduced Darrell. Then, quite naturally, she hooked her arm through Emrys. Tilting her head to look at him, she playfully said, “And this here is Rys, Emrys, a person who is very important to me.”

You called him so affectionately. There’s no need to emphasize it. It’s clear that he must be someone very important to you.

Darrell’s lips twitched. He felt disgusted by their public display of affection.

Emrys immediately sensed Darrell’s hostility, but he didn’t want. to engage in an argument with him. He turned to Vaughn with a courteous demeanor and said, “Greetings, Chancellor Diaz. My


wife has spoken highly of you for a long time. She described you as a person of great generosity, noble character, and unwavering integrity. You prioritize moral education, embody the wisdom that comes with experience, treat others with sincerity, and prioritize the well-being of students above all else. Your

dedication to students is evident in everything you do, and every student is valued-”

“Hey, hey, hey, that’s enough. Stop exaggerating, young man.”

Observing Emrys’ incessant talking, Vaughn quickly interrupted him, fearing that if he continued, he would soon be as embarrassed as a young girl.

While everyone appreciates a bit of flattery, certain attempts can be perceived as insincere.

Emrys earnestly replied, “Chancellor Diaz, I assure you that I’m not exaggerating. Although I’ve never been to the Jipsdale Martial Arts Academy and haven’t met you before, I’ve heard of your esteemed reputation from my wife. Furthermore, I may not possess many talents, but I have a knack for reading people. When I saw you for the first time today, I realized how accurate my wife’s description of you has been.”

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