I know I’m not dreaming anymore when one of my mates slips into the bed behind me. Jax’s warm, woodsy scent full of untamed wildness wraps around me as he pulls me back into his body.

His naked, hard body.

I smile to myself, still naked from the night before, and he seems to realize this when his hand runs down the length of my body. He groans low in my ear, sending warm shivers down my back.

Pressing his lips to my shoulder and up my neck, I tilt my head giving him better access.

“Jax.” I feel his erection harden against my ass. Warmth unfurls in my lower stomach, spreading to my thighs.

He slides his hard length along my wet folds, and I grind my ass back against him, needing to feel every inch of him.

His thick cock pushes inside me agonizingly slowly, teasing me and setting every inch of my body on fire. It’s exquisite torture.

He slides back out and in again, keeping up his punishing slow pace, until my whole body is in flames.

By the time he pushes my leg up for better access, I’m slick with a sheen of sweat, panting and craving his touch and the feel of him.

“That’s it baby.” His voice is rough, husky and sexy as hell, driving me crazy. I reach an arm around and pull his lips to mine needing to taste him.

I want to feel his hard cock as it drives into me…until I’m clenching and coming all over it.

I drag my lips from his. “I want you to fuck me hard.”

As soon as the words leave my lips, Jax loses it. I can feel him grow harder and thicker, and his cock begins to swell and throb inside me. He pulls back and thrusts into me again and again, pushing me closer and closer to the edge, until I’m ready to tip over.

“I’ll never get tired of fucking you.” His ragged breath rushes across my neck, making me shiver.

The pleasurable ache continues to build and spread to the rest of my body.

So close.

I’m nearly there when his thrusts slow down, making me want to strangle the fucker. I must have said it out aloud, as he chuckles, pushing into me and holding himself there.

I grind into him, needing him to move, but he holds me still, his cock growing thicker inside me, filling me and stretching me like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

I try to move again but a surge of pleasure stops me from going too far. I cry out, feeling deliciously full, so damn full. Too full… It’s like he’s…swollen and locked in.

No. He couldn’t have…

“Jax?” I try to move again when he groans behind me.

“Did you just fucking knot me?” My voice is breathless, every slight move making me feel like I’m losing my damn mind.

“Did you really think I’d ever let you get away from us?” Jax’s harsh whisper slides against my ear.

“I meant it when I said you weren’t leaving us.” Jax growls, his deep voice full of heated promises. He bites down on my ear, sending a bolt of heat straight to my core.

“Til death do us fucking part.”

“We’re not married.” I gasp as he begins to move behind me. His hard length slides back barely an inch, not able to move any further. Slowly, he pushes back in, grinding against me. The delicious pressure makes my eyes roll to the back of my head.

“No, but we will be. I’ll declare, sign, fuck and tie myself to every inch of you, right up until you realize who you belong to.”

My core clenches each time he grinds into me, over and over as he brings me closer and closer to the brink. But with his knot, it feels so much…more. It reaches the peak like last time but keeps building, reaching higher.

“You don’t get to run from me,” he growls out, sounding more beast than man.

“I wasn’t—”

“You were, but never again,” he demands.

Never,” I promise him.

I’d never leave any of them. Kai was right, even if I was created. I was created for them, just like they were for me. We are only whole when we’re together, and I never wanted that to change.

Jax kisses across my shoulders, his hand sliding around my front to my wet folds. A long, drawn out moan sends hot shivers down my body. “Always so fucking wet for me.”

His fingers slide across my folds, as his hot breath trails across my neck, leaving wet kisses behind.

“How is this even possible?” I ask, panting.

“You’re my mate,” he states like that should explain everything.

My nipples peak and grow hard as his fingers rub over my sensitive bundle of nerves. Added with Jax’s relentless pace and his large, knotted length reaching deep inside me, I start to fall apart.

His thumb circles my clit, and that’s all it takes to push me over the edge. Ripples of pleasure assault my body as I completely shatter, screaming out his name.

Wave after wave of pleasure continues to hit me, gripping me hard as I push over the edge and fucking soar. It’s deliciously relentless, continuing for what feels like ages before slowly coming back down again.

“Damn,” Jax breathes.

I come down from my high noticing Jax is still…attached, and hard, leaving me so damn full, I moan feeling the heat build once again.

I turn my head around to look at Jax and find him staring back, wearing a smug smirk, still locked in and ready for round two.

Damn, if he keeps this up, I’ll never leave this bed…or be able to fucking walk again.

“I don’t think I can go again. Can you die from too many orgasms?” I ask, breathless.

Jax chuckles, low and deep.

“We both know you can’t die.” I can hear the smile in the smug fuckers voice.

Still knotted, he throws his leg over me before getting to his knees behind me. Each slight movement sends small jolts of heat straight to my core.

“What are you—”

Once he’s settled behind me, he yanks my body back onto him, grinding his knotted cock into me.

“Fuck.” The intense pleasure builds once more spreading across my stomach and down to my thighs.

Jax slowly slides a hand up my stomach to between my breasts, pausing on my neck. He tilts it to the side and dips his head to lick up my neck to my ear.

Just when I melt into him, he bites down hard, sending shivers down my body and straight to my heated core.

I lick my lips as his hot breath slides across my ear. “Tell me baby? Do you want it soft and sweet, or wild and hard?”

Biting my lip, I grind down onto him. “The second option.”

I feel his lips smirk followed by a soft kiss under my ear. “That’s my girl.”

Sliding his hand around to my back, he pushes me towards the bed.

I catch myself with my hands, grabbing the sheets as he tilts my ass up toward him.


Using his knees, he widens my legs apart and settles in behind me.

Pulling back as far as he can with the engorged knot, he thrusts back into me. The jolt slams right to my core, tearing a moan from my lips.

“Hope you’re not tired…because I’m just getting started.”


Jax chuckles. “I said I have to go. Luka needs me for something. I’ll be back in a few, but Axel is here.”

“Is Luka okay?”

“He’s fine. Don’t even think about leaving or I’ll hunt your ass down and tie you to the bed.”

I bite my lip, giving him a wicked smile. “In that case, I might just run away.”

Jax leans down on to the bed. “If you want me to chase you, baby, all you have to do is ask. I’ll even give you a ten-minute head start.” He bites my ass before slapping it, hard, making me moan.

“Don’t miss me too much.” He pauses, narrowing his eyes and shaking his head. “Scratch that. Miss me loads. Fucking pine for me and when I get back, I’ll let you suck my cock until you’re dripping, and then I’ll fuck you nice and hard.”

He leaves before I get a chance to pull him back to me. I frown, feeling beyond frustrated.

How the fuck did I go from barely any sex to craving it constantly from my mates? I wonder what Luka and Axel…No. I push the thought out of my mind and get up and head for the shower…a cold one.

Heading into the bathroom, I step inside the shower, turning it up to cold before finding the right pressure. Stepping under it, I let it flow over me for a few minutes before turning up the heat.

Picking one of the mango-scented bath washes, I lather it up and rub it down my body, thinking over everything that happened the last couple of days.

Draven revealed a few eye-opening truths, but I don’t know where to begin or what it all means for me.

Does it change who I am? I don’t feel different, not in any life-altering way.

But I do need to find answers. Answers to the questions still piling up. About my mother. About what being created from the pits of hell means.

My new powers are still a mystery, something I will need to learn about. But with no one else like me, I’ll have to learn as I go.

Will they continue to grow?

I reach down inside me, slowing dragging my power up and watch as the dark shadows seep from my skin like steam.

I close my eyes and search the power inside me. It reaches out around me sensing a connection nearby. It flickers in my mind right before the shadow beast appears outside the shower.

It tilts its head. “Need?” it asks in my mind.

“No. Leave.” It immediately disappears in a puff of smoke.

How the fuck did I end up with him? At least I think it is a he. Another question to add to my ever-expanding list.

What I do know is that I can’t pull away anymore, unintentionally or not. No more hiding and trying to deal with it myself.

Kai is right. We are a family, and together we will figure it out.

I finish up before getting out and drying off. After getting dressed, I head towards the kitchen, drawn in by the enticing smell of bacon and coffee. Picking up my pace, I find Axel alone.

“Morning, Princess.” Axel has his back to me as I move closer. I glance over at the food he’s making. Bacon, eggs, pancakes with syrup, and coffee.

Axel turns around, his shirt open, revealing his lean torso with an…eight pack. My mouth waters, wondering what it would be like to lick the syrup off each one.

“Do you want to help or are you just going to stare?” Axel smirks at me with a knowing look.

“Hmm, I don’t know. I’ve got a really good view from here.”

Axel’s grin grows, glancing up at me, his eyes darken. “Get that ass over here.”

I move around the long counter, glancing around at what to do.

He raises a brow when I pause. “Have you ever cooked?”

I narrow my eyes on him. “I know the basics…”

He scoffs. “What? Boiling an egg?”

I place my hand on my chest in mock outrage. “It’s a damn skill and you know it.”

His gruff chuckle slides down my back like warm liquid. “You can’t even do that, can do?”

“I never said I was perfect, but let’s not be picky. What can I do that won’t burn the place down?” I glance around at the food, wondering if I can sneak something in my mouth before he catches me.

“How about you flip the bacon? That can’t be too hard, can it?” He looks at me as if expecting an answer, but the hell if I know.

I turn around, ignoring his growing smirk, and flip the bacon slowly. I was not going to burn it, if only to prove to him I could manage this little task.

I’m concentrating so hard on this one little sliver of bacon that I don’t notice the thick piece beside it bubbling up to attack me. The oil spatters across my fingers, making me hiss.

“Let me see.”

“It’s fine, it’ll hea—” Axel takes my finger into his mouth and sucks, cutting off what I was about to say.

Fuck. Now I’m imagining what else that tongue can do.

“You know I can heal.” I tell him, but I’m more focused on his tongue as it slides around the length of my finger.

“True…But that’s not going to stop me.” He sucks my finger one last time before releasing it.

I have to mentally shake myself before speaking, my complete focus still on the sensation and pleasure of his tongue wrapped around my finger. “If you wanted a taste, all you had to do was ask.”

Turning around, he quickly turns off the food before focusing back on me.

Axel’s smile turns smug. “We both know I wouldn’t have to ask for anything.”

“Well, I won’t be begging for—” Axel slams his lips to mine, dragging a moan from me and cutting off what I was going to say.

I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck. Without breaking the kiss, he lifts me up and places me on the counter.

Opening my legs, he pulls me to the edge of the counter and grinds into me, making me gasp.

He drags his lips down my neck to my ear as he runs his hands up my thighs. “Tell me, Princess…What did Jax do to make you scream like that? That sound was fucking delicious. I’ve been thinking about it ever since.” His low, husky voice makes me shiver.

“He knotted me,” I breathe, focusing on the way his hands drag up and down my thighs.

“He…” Axel leans back, looking down at me with a stunned look before narrowing his eyes. “That fucker. Of course, he fucking knotted you.” He shakes his head, scoffing.

His pissed off expression makes me laugh. “Jealous?” I run my hand down his bare chest and watch as his muscle flex beneath my fingers. I glance back up, seeing a challenge light up his eyes.

“Not even fucking close. By the time I’m finished with you, you won’t even remember what Jax did.”

I could still feel the delicious stretch that only came with his knot. I squirm, thinking about it and how I couldn’t wait to do it again.

“I doubt that. I can still feel—” I gasp as a burst of energy shoots straight to my core, making me instantly wet. Glancing down at my body, I feel a strange tingling sensation similar to a mini orgasm. It disappears seconds later, leaving me aching for more.

“What the fuck was that?” And what can I do to make it happen again?

Axel gives me one of his smug looks. “I’m a dragon, princess. One that can absorb energy and right now, I’ve got a shitload that’s looking for an outlet.”

Energy…My whole body lit up like a firework. I can still feel the heat in my cheeks, and fast beat of my heart from the small tease he gave my body.

“But that was—”

His smirk grows. “I can manipulate that energy and move it where I want…”

I feel a spike of pressure along my neck just before it slowly trails down my body. It feels like he’s sliding a hand slowly down the length of me. I close my eyes, leaning into it, feeling the trail of heat that follows.

“Or change it, to do what I want…”

Cool air hits my body, making me open my eyes. Glancing down, I catch the end of my top as it burns away.

I find Axel’s eyes as they pulse gold staring at my bare chest, but all I can think about is how he was able to burn my whole top and bra off without leaving any marks.

“It doesn’t hurt.” I glance up at him in surprise.

Axel’s eyes soften. “I’ll piss you off like there’s no tomorrow, but I would never hurt you.”

I give him a soft smile. “How are you able to control it like that?” I still feel a slight warmth on my skin, but no pain.

“Jax isn’t the only one with special talents.”

I clear my throat to cover the laugh bubbling up. I was definitely not telling Jax that Axel accidentally called his knotted dick a talent. He would never hear the end of it.

I give him a wicked smile. “What else can you do?”

His smirk grows before he steps between my legs. He grabs my chin using his thumb and drags it down my bottom lip. “Suck.”

I smirk, watching his eyes darken as I take his thumb into my mouth and suck, nice and hard. I swirl my tongue around it, licking up and down its length before taking it into my mouth.

“Get it nice and wet, just like I’m going to make you.” I squirm on the table as his smirk grows. “Or should I say…like I already have?”

His chuckle is low and deep. “Are you wet for me, Princess?” He presses into me again, grinding his thick, hard length against my core and pulling a moan from my lips. I move to wrap my legs around him but he pulls back. I go to lift my mouth off his thumb, to demand he move back when his hand tightens under my chin.

“Don’t stop,” he warns, his eyes growing darker.

I narrow my eyes on the demanding fucker and suck his thumb until I start imagining it’s his fucking cock that I can’t get enough of.

“Good girl.” He’s about to pull it out when I bite it, making him grunt.

“Fuck,” he breathes. His pupils dilate, and he licks his bottom lip. Sliding his hand down my neck, a sizzle of heat follows, making my skin tingle with pleasure.

“How does that feel?”

“Good.” I moan.

I hear a husky chuckle as his hand slowly moves down my chest. He cups my breasts and massages them before brushing his thumb over my hardened nipple. A flash of heat slides across it, sending a bolt of desire straight to my core.

Tilting my head back, I arch into the sensations just as Axel dips down and takes my other nipple in his mouth, making me moan.

With Axel’s warm wet tongue sucking and swirling around one nipple, and his heated thumb rubbing and teasing the other, it makes every one of my senses go into overdrive. The heated pleasure becomes the only thing I can think about.

“Are you going to beg, Princess?”

I can’t even focus on a reply as more energy slides along the length of my body, pulsing back and forth.

I gasp as the pleasure builds and expands, barely brushing my core before pulling back. He does it again and again, reaching every inch of me but my core.

“Axel…” I groan.

I feel his deep chuckle as he continues to work my body to the edge, only to pull back and start again. My entire body is trembling, aching for more by the time he moves down to my stomach.

It gathers there, making me whimper at how intense it grows. Once it reaches a peak, it spreads straight to my core, making me gasp.

A lick of heat brushing against my clit is all it takes to send me spiralling into the scorching pleasure, becoming an all-consuming climax that radiates to every limb in my body.

I’ve never felt anything like it. Like he’s bottled the energy from loads of mini orgasms and just shot them straight into me at once.

I’m panting, my body is trembling with sweat dripping down my back, as I slowly come down from the delicious aftermath.

I find Axel’s eyes as he leans over me. The intense look he’s giving me is more than just lust. There’s a tenderness there too.

I open my mouth to speak when he slams his lips to mine, dragging a moan from my lips. His body presses into mine, making me want to absorb the feel of him. His raw, smokey scent hits my senses, making me want to melt into him.

We’re both breathless by the time he pulls back. Glancing down at me, he licks his lips.

“I could live on those little gasps and moans. They’re fucking delicious.” The savage look in his eyes makes me shiver as the heat trails down my back once more.

I reach a hand up, and he takes it, leaning into it. “Axel…”

The heat in his eyes changes, if only for a moment, to something more soft. A tenderness that is soon covered by a dark look that scorches me to the spot.

“It’s time for desert. Lie back.” I don’t even question his demand. My body is still too heated to do anything but listen.

I feel his hands on my hips and a rush of heat before my leggings and underwear burn off, leaving me bare and open.

I don’t get a chance to adjust to the change before he leans down and places a soft kiss against my lower stomach, making me gasp. He slides a hand down my body, stopping on my stomach.

He continues kissing down to my center before sliding his tongue along the length of my core, sending a bolt of pleasure up through me.

Sliding a hand down my leg to my core, he gently spreads me open and slowly licks up to my clit, making me whimper. “Axel.”

“Are you going to scream my name, Princess?” The husky growl to his voice sends a delicious shiver of heat through my body.

He doesn’t wait for my answer before continuing with his agonizingly slow rhythm, sliding his tongue up and down my core.

I moan into the ripple of pleasure that slides up my back. His energy swirls around it, intensifying each ripple to expand and grow. I’m lost in every little sensation, when soft feathery strokes of heat start to brush down my stomach, adding to the deep ache coiling in my lower stomach.

“Please,” I whimper. I’d beg at this stage for another release and the fucker knows it.

I hear a husky chuckle as his tongue continues to work my body. Sensations gradually build inside me, and each swipe and swirl gets me closer and closer to that edge.

I gasp as he presses the tip of his tongue along my clit, making me lose my mind. I arch into it, grinding into his mouth.

“Fuck,” he groans. The delicious vibration shoots straight to my throbbing core. I grind harder into his mouth, getting closer to that edge. I hear him grunt and moan just before he picks up speed.

“Please,” I beg, needing a release.

He squeezes my thighs, running his hands up and down my legs.

“Are you going to scream for me?” His warm breath blows against my core, sending a ripple of pleasure through me.

“Yes.” I whimper against the onslaught of overwhelming sensations.

Axel moves his thumb to my clit. The swelling pressure builds just before a bolt of heat shoots straight through me, making me gasp. Fuck. He just used his ability straight on my clit.

“Again,” I moan.

I hear a throaty chuckle just as he does it again and again until I’m begging, pleading and cussing him out.

“Axel…You better—”

My demand falls flat as my body becomes overwhelmed with a surge of energy flooding it. Axel swipes his tongue once more along the length of me and it’s all it takes to make me explode.

And I fucking explode. I shatter, coming apart piece by piece. I arch into his mouth as wave after wave of pleasure continues to pulse throughout my body.

I’m panting, breathless and still tingling from head to toe when I finally come down from my high. Opening my eyes, I find Axel’s as he stares right at me.

“Fuck,” he breathes.

“What the hell was that?”

Axel’s smirk turns smug as fuck. “Well, princess, if you don’t know what an orgasm is, I think I need to have a talk with your other mates.”

My eyes widen on the smart-ass. “That wasn’t a fucking orgasm. I think I left my body.”

Axel’s smile grows the more nonsense that spews from my mouth, his eyes sparkling in delight.

Shakily, I slightly lean up, narrowing my eyes on him. “Don’t even think about getting a bigger head than you already have.”

Axel leans in, grinding his thick erection against my core, making me gasp. “Too late.”

“Fuck.” I tilt my head back as the heat slowly builds once more. “Axel…”

“I’ve got you, princess.” His eyes darken as he slides his hands up my thigh. I watch a smug smirk spread across his face just as flames lick up my body. Literal flames.

What the—

I glance down at my chest and watch the orange flames glide across my body, leaving nothing but lingering heat behind.

“How?” I gasp.

Axel’s smirk grows, his eyes pulsing gold as he skims his hands up my thighs. “Unlike Jax, I’m not a one-trick pony.”

I don’t get a chance to reply before he enters me in one swift thrust, his cock stretching and filling me completely, drawing a moan from my lips.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” he grunts, his eyes pulsing gold as more flames follow his trail.

“You, too. Don’t stop.” I’d castrate the fucker if he tried.

His possessive gaze finds mine, sending a delicious shudder through my body. He pulls nearly all the way out, a carnal look in his eyes raking down my body, before he thrusts back in, making me gasp and moan his name.

His possessive gaze gets darker, the more I unravel in front of him. Reaching back, I grab the counter and arch up into the pleasure as he surges into me again and again, not stopping his punishing pace.

His eyes pulse gold, staying that way just as more licking flames caress my heated body, making my senses spin.

I know I’m close when I start to clench around him. “Axel…”

So close.

But just as I’m about to shatter, Axel pulls out of me, making me whimper. I’m about to reach out and grab hold of the dick when he shifts, grabbing my waist and lifting my hips so my legs are resting on his shoulders.

Keeping hold of my legs, he thrusts back in, making us both moan at the delicious feeling. The new angle making him feel so much deeper.

“Fuck.” Axel grunts as he rolls his hips. Slowly pulling out all the way before driving back into me, making me gasp and cry out for more.

I gasp as he thrusts back into me again and again. The heat builds and builds, getting higher again with no end in sight. I whimper, biting my lip as my throbbing core gets closer and closer to that edge.

But instead of tipping over into that shattering orgasm, he pushes me higher and higher. I whimper as the intensity becomes too much, reaching that fine line between pleasure and pain.

Just when I think I can’t take any more, I shatter, screaming out his name as I explode around him once more.

My core clenches as Axel thrusts one last time before spilling into me. I can hear my pulse pound like a hammer in my ears as the haze of pleasure continues to ripple over me in waves.

The flames across my body slowly die out with the spasms, leaving a caress of heat behind.

Axel drops over me, catching himself before he falls on me. Still out of breath, he looks down at me, a devilish glint in his eyes.

“You screamed louder for me.”

A bubble of laughter rises up and spills out around us, making him smile. Sliding out of me, he cleans himself up before putting his pants and shirt back on. Shakily, I sit up and squirm, cringing at how wet I feel.

Axel turns around. I hear the water turn on and off before he’s in front of me with a warm cloth. I smile down at his thoughtfulness as he gently washes down my core. He places a soft kiss on my lips before drying me.

His eyes trail down my body, darkening the longer he stares.

“Feed me first.” I plead with a chuckle.

His eyes meet mine. “Fine, but put this on.” Taking off his shirt, he hands it to me with a smirk. “I can’t focus if you’re sitting there like that.” I throw it on as he turns the cooker back on and finishes off the food.

My hands are shaking as I button up the shirt. I get three done before I give up.

“Fuck.” I glance up, watching Axel’s heated eyes trail down my body. “That’s even worse.”

His serious tone and frown that follows, makes me laugh.

“How is it worse? I’m covered.” I glance down at the shirt. It’s long enough to cover my ass, but it’s wide open, revealing the curves of my breasts. I shrug. He’s literally seen me naked. This is way more covered.

“Yes, but you’re covered in my shirt. You look sexy as hell, and my scent is all over you.” I dip my head, moaning when I smell the smokey scent that is all Axel.

“Princess…round two—”

After food…” I plead, smothering a laugh. I knew I could heal from anything, but the fucker was pushing my limits.

Axel’s grip tightens on the plate of food in his hand. Swallowing hard, he nods his head, still looking so serious.

Grabbing a fork, he spears a piece of fruit and places it in front of my mouth. Just as I dip forward to take a bite, he pulls back, chuckling when I narrow my eyes on him.

“I will eat you.” I growl at him. I needed food, damn it.

Axel’s smile turns savage. “Nothing about that is a threat. Just make sure you fucking swallow.”

My eyes widen on the fucker. I open my mouth to put the dick in his place when he shoves the piece of fruit in it instead, a glint of laughter in his eyes.

“Uckker.” I mumble around my food before moaning at how delicious it tastes.

Axel’s gruff chuckle slides down my back, making me shiver. He gives me a knowing look before picking up a piece of bacon. His eyes pulse gold as flames swirl around it.

A moment passes before a perfectly cooked piece of bacon appears.

“If you can do that, then why bother cooking?” I’d do all my cooking that way if I could. That or I’d burn the place down trying.

“I enjoy cooking. It helps me relax.” He shrugs.

I bite my lip, trailing my hands down his chest. “You’re not relaxed after that?”

His dark eyes find mine. “I could go days and still crave your body.”

Fuck. Maybe I only needed that small piece of fruit. I couldn’t exactly die from too many orgasms. Maybe he could feed me bacon in between.

I glance down at the growing bulge in his pants and smile. “About round two…” I lean back, biting my lip.

His smirk grows as he steps forward, leaning into me. I wrap my legs around him, pulling him closer.

“Princess,” he growls. He dips down, his eyes on my lips, when a bang breaks us apart. Glancing over, I catch the guys come in. My smile drops when I see the worried look on their faces.

“A large demon just showed up downtown. We need to head out—” Kai tells Axel but stops when he sees us and what I’m wearing.

“Damn.” Jax breathes.

“A demon?” I ask, trying to get them to focus. It’s not like they haven’t seen me naked. Well, except for Luka…

Luka clears his throat. “Yeah, another…attack.”

Jumping down off the counter, I ignore their groans as I head straight to the bedroom and throw on a pair of dark jeans and a top.

Coming back out, I hear Kai talk to the guys. “There’s a portal being opened on the ground floor.”

“Let’s go.” They all turn to me, each of their expressions ranging from worry to panic. But there was no way I was letting them leave without me.

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