Kai’s whole body turns stiff. It starts to expand as his eyes pulse a deep red. “You. Are. Mine,” he growls out, his voice more beast than man.


He squeezes his eyes shut, hissing out a harsh breath as he tries to push back a shift. “Do you want to leave us, Kiarra?”

“Of course not.” I step closer to him, reaching a hand up to his face. His body releases some of the tension as he leans into it.

“Then what does it matter if you were born or created? Because it sure as hell doesn’t matter to me.”

“Or any of us.” Rion steps up my side. His whole body is taut, like he’s seconds away from reaching out and grabbing me.

I drop my hand to Kai’s chest and look at them both. “But I was created from hell. How does that not bother either of you?” Hearing it from my lips makes it sound crazy.

Kai takes my hand, holding it to his chest. “I’m a descendant of hell. Does that change how you see me?”

My eyes soften as I look up at him. “You know it doesn’t.”

“Then why does it matter what you are? None of this changes anything between us.”

“I don’t know,” I tell them both as my stomach continues to twist and turn. “Nothing makes sense…My mom—”

Loved you, Kiarra.” Kai’s grip tightens on my hand. His eyes plead with me to trust what he’s saying. “She loved you so much that she sacrificed everything to have you. She gave up her memories, her immortality and more, all because she wanted someone to love. If you were created, then you were created from her love.”

I swallow hard against the lump in my throat. She loved me…Deep down; I know she did. She’s never showed me anything but that. But the other side of me…

Kai takes my chin. “None of this matters, because you belong with us.”

But do I really? I was created, after all, and even if a big part of that was from my mother, my other side and the abilities that came along with it are unknown. Maybe I accidentally did something to form the bond with them. The thought alone sends a sharp spear through my heart.

“What if I did something to…form the bond when we were kids? What if I’m not—”

Kai slams his lips to mine, pulling me against his hard body. His lips move against mine, drawing a moan from my throat. I melt into him as my panicked thoughts come to a shuttering stop.

Fire and ash invade my senses. His scent, intoxicating as ever, pulls me under.

Hands slide around my waist as Rion’s warmth seeps in from behind me. I gasp into Kai’s mouth as Rion places soft kisses along my shoulder.

Kai pulls back, his eyes dark as they gaze down at me. He takes my hands in his, placing them above his heart. “Do you feel that Kiarra?” I feel the hard thump beneath my fingers.

“Look deeper. Can you feel the bond? Our bond? It’s right there. And no matter what way you look at it, that’s not going to change.” Kai is determined as he stares down at me.

The bond pulses between us, making me feel stupid for even questioning it.

Kai runs a hand down my chest and over the curve of my breast, making me gasp. His trail continues to my lower stomach just as Rion continues his trail up my neck.

“Does this feel real, Kiarra?” Kai asks.

A rush of heat floods my body with each of their touches. “Yes.”

“No one stands in our way, not even you. I won’t let you.” His words turn sharp, his alpha power behind them. It seeps out around us, making my core slick with heat.

Kai notices the change in me, in my body, and his eyes darken.

“Tell us what you want.” Kai moves a hand to my chin, making me look at him.

What I want…I want to feel everything except what I’m thinking right now.

“I want to…let go…to just…feel and not think of everything inside my head right now.” I gasp as more alpha power seeps around me, shooting straight to my core.

Kai’s lips tilt up. The lust in his eyes is nearly my undoing. “You need someone to take control.”

“Yes.” I breathe, melting under his heated gaze.

Rion runs a hand down my back, making me shiver. “Who do you want right now? It can be either of us or—”

“Both.” My eyes find Rion’s as he tries to pull back. “Stay.” I breathe out before glancing back at Kai.

Rion looks to Kai in question.

Kai’s answering smile is wicked, his eyes never leaving mine. “You heard her…Stay.” Kai runs a hand up through the side of my head, bunching my hair in his hand before gently pulling it to the side. Sharp heated jolts slide down my head and back as I lean into his touch.

I feel his warm breath as it slides along my ear and neck, making me shiver. “I’m not playing it safe anymore. You’re going to find out just how real this bond is between us when I mark every inch of your body, and you’re never going to question it again.”

“Yes.” I moan, needing him to take away all my fears and doubts.

“You were made for us Kiarra,” Kai says before stepping back, taking his warmth with him. His dark eyes fix on me as he unbuttons the top of his shirt.

“Strip.” He demands as Rion moves to the other side of the bed.


“Strip. I want to see every inch of you.” Kai says. I glance between them both, and the heated look in their eyes spurs me on.

Slowly pulling off my top, I throw it to the side of me before unbuttoning my jeans. Bending over, I hear a low groan just as I slide them down my legs and kick them off.

Standing in just my bra and panties, I bite my bottom lip and stare between them both.

“Take them off…slowly,” Kai demands, his voice a husky growl making me shiver.

Maintaining eye contact with them both, I slide my hands up my body. Their eyes blaze with heat as I slowly peel off my bra.

Sliding my hands back down my body, I hear a deep growl followed by a sharp intake of breath as I slowly bend and drag my panties down.


Smiling to myself and basking in their heated looks, I step out of them before raising a brow, wondering which of them will give me my next command.

“I can smell your arousal from here, but I want you to tell us. Tell us how wet you are, beautiful.” Kai smirks at me, giving me a challenging look.

I narrow my eyes on him before giving him my own wicked smirk. Placing my hands on my neck, I slide them slowly down my chest. Licking my bottom lip, I make a show of dragging my hands over my breasts, squeezing them before moving down my stomach. I add a few gasps and moans and watch their heated stares become molten lava.

Kai takes a step forward before stopping himself. Clenching his fist, he narrows his eyes on me, like he’s just figured out what I’m doing.

He opens his mouth, probably to try to reprimand me and tell me he’s in control, but I wasn’t finished yet.

I was only getting started.

I wanted out of my head and to do that, I’m going to focus on feeling…everything. Even if that means teasing two of my mates until one of them breaks.

“Kiarra…” Kai gives me a warning look but all it’s doing is spurring me on.

Moving my hand down my center to my core, I slide a finger along my folds. “I’m soaked…Is that what you want to hear?” I glance at both of them, knowing my words are provoking them into breaking the little controlling act they have going on.

“Is that what you wanted me to tell you? That my core is so slick with heat that I could…” Sliding a finger inside myself, I tilt my head back and release a low moan.

Fuck.” Rion sighs. Glancing over, I watch his dark eyes follow my hand. I lick my bottom lip and slowly slide my hand back and forth, watching as his breath quickens.

I smile to myself when he takes a step forward, not thinking Rion would be the first to give in to my little game.

“Enough!” Kai demands. I look at him, about to call him out, when his eyes pulse red just as a shitload of alpha power seeps into the room.

I gasp as it hits me, making my legs tremble from the blast of heat that shoots through me.

Kai smirks, a devilish glint in his eyes. Rolling his shoulders, he raises a brow at me. “I think our girl needs a better use for that smart mouth and hand. Rion. Go, get our girl ready for us.”

Backed with his alpha power, Kai’s order makes me shiver. He gives me a look as if to say, ‘now who’s playing whose game?’

I don’t get a chance to muster up a reply before Rion pulls off his shirt, stepping closer. My eyes drift down his bare torso and each ripple of muscle as he steps in front of me.

“Siren.” One guttural word from Rion as his eyes trail down my body and I completely forget what I was doing.

My fingers itch to reach out to him, to drag him to me. I lift them, not able to stop myself.

Kai’s voice rings out, breaking our spell. “On the bed, beautiful.”

I glance over at him. His eyes are dark, the devilish glint still there but now with a scorching heat that makes me squirm in place.

Maybe I could play along for a bit.

Taking a step back, I keep my eyes on Kai as I lie down on the bed, using my arms to stay slightly up.

“Legs, beautiful…open them,” Kai hums, watching as I pull my knees up and slightly open them.

“Wider,” Kai demands. His voice is deeper, making me shiver in pleasure. He takes a step closer, his dark eyes locking on mine, encouraging me to trust him.

Biting my lip, I open them wider, feeling the cool air against my center as I lie bare and open for them.

Instead of feeling self-conscious, I feel powerful. Even though Kai is giving me commands, I feel like I’m the one in control here. Especially with their dark possessive gazes following my every move.

“Good girl.” Kai’s praise slides down my back like warm silk, soothing me.

Rion moves to stand at the end of the bed, his heated stare gazing down at my body leaving a trail of flames in its wake.

I lie back as he bends down, crawling up my body before hovering over me, a hand on each side of my face.

“Siren,” he whispers, before dipping down and kissing me. He teases at first, then deepens it, caressing my lips and tongue with his own.

He drags his lips down my chin to my neck. I feel each brush and lick, and it sends small jolts down my body. He continues down my chest to my stomach before moving to my center.

“Rion…” I reach out to grip something as the heat builds. Fisting the sheets in my hands, I focus back on Rion’s lips just as they brush against my core. One long flick of his tongue and my body is already throbbing. “Oh, gods.”

“No gods here Siren, just beasts who are going to devour you whole.” Rion slides his tongue up and down my core, licking and sucking, making me pant and moan and beg for more.

He keeps up his slow pace, dragging his tongue up and down the length of my core, each stroke making me soar higher with the building sensation.

He speeds up his pace, bringing me to the brink only to slow down again, my searing need turns into a rising torment of pleasure.

“Please,” I beg, needing some form of release.

But he ignores my pleas, keeping his relentless pace, bringing me to the edge, only to pull back and start again.

My whole body trembles as it climbs closer and closer to that delicious edge, only to find another peak.

“Please.” I whimper. My entire body tightens, on the brink of a shattering release.

“That’s enough. Make her come,” Kai commands.

Rion’s tongue changes, I feel it thicken as it slides up me, and growing larger before it enters me.

Fuck. Why the hell did he not tell me he could do this? The thickness and length makes it feel like a cock as it slides in and out of me.

I moan, as the delicious feeling of being full brings me that much closer to the edge. The idea of fucking his face just took on a whole new meaning and something I was definitely trying later on.

I’m so close to reaching my release that the brush of his finger barely touching my clit, makes me explode. I cry out, arching into the surge of pleasure as it ripples over me in tingling waves.

The sensation drags out feeling endless. I slowly come down from my high, still breathless when Kai comes up beside me.

“Good girl.”

My eyes travel the length of him. He’s taken his shirt off, his chest bare with each of his hard defined muscles on display.

I bite my lip, my gaze trailing down to the V between his hips and lower to the large bulge in his pants. Glancing back up at his eyes, I catch his knowing smirk. “Do you want to taste Rion, beautiful?”

I nod a yes, licking my lips. My eyes move to Rion as he stares back at me. His eyes blaze with need.

Licking my lips, I crawl to the edge of the bed to where Rion is standing. He leans down, meeting my lips before sliding his tongue inside my mouth. The kiss becomes a slow, drugging, sensual kiss that makes me want to savour every sip. I taste myself on his lips and, mixed with his heady scent, heat stirs in me once more.

I nip his bottom lip, sucking on it before kissing down his chin and chest. A tremor ripples through his body as I move down to his stomach.

Glancing up at him, I watch as he briefly closes his eyes. I reach out and slide his pants down. His large erection slips free, making my mouth water.

I bend down, placing a soft kiss on the tip, and watch his eyes darken before I take him in my mouth. He’s so big that I can’t take him all the way, so I grip the base of his cock and stroke and suck, keeping the same rhythm. Rion grunts as I slow my speed before picking up, just like he did with me.

“Siren,” he warns, but he’s not the only one who gets to tease.

Keeping my eyes on his, I slide my tongue back up his length before swirling my tongue around his cock.

Rion’s mouth drops open on a low groan, his face contorting in ecstasy.

I gently massage and run my fingers over the base of him while licking the tip of his cock.

“Siren,” he grunts. He clenches his hands to his sides and I start sucking up and down him, taking him as far as I can before pulling back. I forget about teasing him and lose myself, loving the taste and feel of him in my mouth.

Rion curses. “Right there. Siren…That mouth should be…” He moans, “Damn.”

I don’t realize how worked up I am until Kai comes up behind me, sliding his hands down my back.

“Stunning,” Kai growls. His hands work down my body as if memorizing every inch. He moves around my hips and down my thighs, inching closer and closer to my slick heat.

“I’m going to make you come apart for me.”

I moan a yes, and Rion grunts from the vibration. I do it again, giving him a wicked smile with my eyes. His own eyes narrow playfully at me as he starts slowly thrusting into my mouth.

Kai’s hands move down to my core. His fingers slide along the length of me before sliding a finger in. I moan around Rion’s cock, making him grunt and twitch inside my mouth.

“Fuck. You are dripping for us.”

Rion groans as Kai leans into me. His hard length brushes against my ass, making a delicious shudder of heat run through my body.

Kai grabs hold of my hips, before slowly pushing into me with short thrusts. His girth is bigger than the others making me feel deliciously full. As he grinds into me, each slight thrust strokes the fire inside me, soaring until my whole body is heated in delicious flames.

With Rion in my mouth and Kai pushing his cock into me from behind, my sense becomes overwhelmed. In the best way.

I can’t think of anything else but the feel of them and how much more of them I want.

I moan, dropping my hands to fist the sheets as I pant around Rion’s cock. My body becomes overwhelmed with every little movement.

Once Kai is fully sheathed inside me, I push back and clench around him. He grunts as his hands tighten on my hips.

“Kiarra…” Kai groans as he pushes his weight into me, making me take more of Rion’s cock.

Rion grunts. I glance up, watching as his eyes pulse gold as they stare right at me.

I’m lost in his heated gaze, in the feel of his silky-smooth cock in my mouth when Kai slides out of me, slamming back in and pushing more of Rion’s cock further into my mouth.

I moan, loving Kai take control of my body. Rion’s eyes roll to the back of his head the more Kai slams into me.

I know Rion is close when I feel him pulse and throb in my mouth, so I reach a hand up and massage the base of his thick length. My next moan is drawn out, dragging Rion’s release as he comes in my mouth. I continue to suck him, swallowing and savouring every last drop.

I release Rion just as he dips forward, catching himself on the edge of the bed. His eyes follow mine as my mouth drops open. The feel of Kai thrusting into me brings me closer to another shattering release.

I gasp as Kai yanks me back against his body. With my knees barely touching the bed, he holds me there, the new angle deeper, making me feel even fuller.

I lick my lips as his left hand slides around my waist pulling me tighter against him.

“I can control your body…make you feel pleasure like you’ve never known, but you’ll always have my fucking heart, Kiarra. Never forget that.” He leans down, placing a soft kiss on my neck, making me shiver. I close my eyes and tilt my head back to him as his right hand slides up to my throat. I moan as the slight pressure holding me in place sends a bolt of desire to my core.

I feel Kai’s grin on my neck.


I grind down onto to his thick cock just as he starts thrusting into me again, gasping at each jolt of intense pleasure as it shoots through me.

Kai’s alpha power fills the room again, making me gasp at the added pleasure. I whimper as he thrusts into me over and over, his speed relentless. Just when I think I can’t take any more, he tilts his hips. I feel him even deeper, and it pushes me over the edge.

I grab his hand, gripping it tight as I clench around him.

“Fuck.” Kai breathes. He surges into me hard, and I shatter. The world falls away as I give into the orgasm and slip into the heat engulfing my entire body.

“You’re mine.” Kai growls as his body stiffens just as he comes inside me, lengthening the pleasure, making it stretch and spread all over me.

He pulls out of me as we fall back onto the bed, both breathless and deliciously sore.

“And mine.” Rion gives Kai a look, making him smile before they both look at me.


Rion heads to the bathroom, coming back with a wet cloth. I smile as he gently cleans me. He gets back into bed with me before pulling the covers over me and Kai.

“Get some sleep,” Kai tells us.

“Yes, Alpha.” I tell him, biting my lip.

Their bodies stiffen up before I hear matching groans.

“Keep that up and we’ll be here all night,” Kai growls.

I laugh, the weight of my worries feeling a lot lighter with the two of them by my side.

“That’s the plan.”

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