Time rushed by, and soon enough Quinn’s pack, my mother and Brianna had left along with what was left of the Luna pack with their new leader, Tamsin.

They had all been a great help in rebuilding the town, but it was time that they went home, and we would rebuild as we went. Bodies of the vampires were burnt, housing rebuilt and the best thing ever, we rebuilt The Pit as I used a wall to paint a memorial for those we lost.

What was left of my father’s pack had all been contacted and most still lived in our old home town, most of the vulnerable, women that couldn’t fight and the young were left in safety. Between Mum, Lucien, and I, we talked to them and they agreed to move to the new town, helping to build a better and brighter future for the little ones. Of course, the whole pack was grieving for my dad, but it seemed that everyone respected me, they smiled at me in the street, they hugged me and talked to me as one of their own and I was so happy that I had such an amazing pack.

Tony and Pauline now lived in the flat above the café as they ran it with the help of Olivia and Carla who was beginning to show her pregnancy bump. It was so cute, and I had to admit, I was a little jealous of her.

Lucien had the house rebuilt as we decided he would live there with a few of our top unmated warriors as a training ground for everyone. A little plaque was made to put on the side of the building in honour of Vance who had died there, unable to be burnt at the pyre.

When we talked to each member of the pack we gave them the chance to choose where they wanted to live, making a detailed plan first before we built the houses. Most of them wanted to be close to the pack, either in the centre of town or close by to Lucien’s.

A beautiful house was made for Zane and I as it would be the main packhouse so we had it kitted out so that if there was any trouble it would have access to all that would be needed, even a brand new tunnel that led straight to hunter headquarters and Lucien’s warrior house.

Weeks flew by and we had nearly finished the town, making sure that we had shops, schools, a small hospital, and everything else a small town would need. Pauline had placed a barrier spell around the town making sure no humans would come near until we were ready to start again, but now we had almost completed it she would now be able to lift the barrier that kept out humans from seeing the town. We needed some sort normality back.

“Do you realise just how many people have found their mates lately?” Zane calls from the kitchen.

“I know! Quinn and I are going to sort something between all the packs that the unmated can get permission to take a few weeks out to travel via different neighbouring packs so they have a better chance of finding their mates, but we will also then have issues of couples wanting to stay with certain packs, so it has begun but we’re still working out the kinks,” I smile walking into the kitchen as I wrap my arms around his waist.

We had been so busy with the rebuild that we still hadn’t had time to mark each other, although we had gotten to know each other a lot more as we worked on everything together, talking day and night. It was safe to say, I was actually falling for him and not just because of the bond, he was genuinely an amazing man, he made me laugh, he helped pick me up when I was down, knew when to let me breathe if I needed it and hugged me tightly if I needed that too.

“So…The rebuild is almost over…” I kiss his neck as I hear him growl and turn to me with a grin before picking me up and sitting me on the kitchen side.

“Are you suggesting what I think you are?” He growls lustfully.

“Mate with me, mark me, Zane,” I smile as he kisses me, lifting me off the kitchen side as he walks with me, legs around his waist, carrying me to the bedroom taking his time, giving me his full attention.

“I hope you know I plan on filling you with our own pups,” He kisses my stomach as I giggle.

“I have been watching Carla walk around all pregnant for the last couple months, broody and horny. You better get on with it then Zane,” I giggle and then gasp as he nips at my neck as I bare it to him, his teeth sinking into my hot flesh as I do the same to him. Moaning as I feel our bond connect with power.

“So beautiful,” He murmurs as he makes love to me on our bed, our bodies exploding with passion.

“Fuck, Zane,” I moan as he sinks into me slowly, kissing my mark. I had never been taken slowly, most of the time it was always quick and hard, but he took his time, pleasuring me with every touch, his fingers, his lips, his teeth, they all made me shiver with pleasure as we climbed to our climax together.

“I will never get enough of this…This house will be full of pups,” He chuckles as we lay beside each other after the first round of mating.

“Perfect,” I smile snuggling into him as he kisses my head.

A howl sounded in the distance as I groan, someone was calling for me… I hadn’t realised before just how much power our howls had, how much they meant to us as a pack, they could relay so many messages, love, hate, anger, they could help relay orders, push the pack forward and, apparently, call for your alpha to get out of bed…Great…

“Don’t go,” Zane murmurs in my neck.

“What choice do I have? You’re coming with me, right? I don’t want either of us in pain,” I sigh kissing him.

“Of course,” He smiles as we quickly get dressed.

“Why couldn’t they just call me via the link? Then I wouldn’t need to get out of bed,” I groan.

“Perhaps it’s another pack?” He frowns.

“Anyone know what’s going on?” I ask via the pack link.

“William’s missing!” Lucien calls as my eyes widen, and I quickly get dressed.

Zane and I rush outside, shifting as we head towards Robin who is crying, running around calling out for him.

“Robin tell me what happened?!” I shift, taking her in my arms as she cries.

“We…We… we were at the park, just playing when Ralph and his mother came over and we were talking, I turned my head for a few seconds and then he was gone!” She cries.

“Where are Ralph and Hannah?” Zane asks.

“Over there,” She sobs, her eyes darting everywhere as I noticed only Hannah was near the park. I gave Zane a look as he walked over to speak to her.

“What about his link? Nothing?” I ask.

“No…I can’t feel it…” She cries.

I close my eyes and focus, pushing hard to find him as I feel a link, it was weak, but there.

I pushed harder, my head pounding with pain before I burst through and felt where he was. He was encased in a box, still in the pack territory. What could keep his link weak?

“Anything?” Zane asks beside me as I’m trying to work out where he could be.

“A box…In the territory…It’s dark…Wait…”

He was crying as I felt the box move.

“William! Where are you?!” I pushed painfully.

“Help me, I don’t know. Help me, Serena,” he sobs as I feel pain in my heart, wanting to find him.

“I’m going to find you, I promise little man,” I say.

“William! Shut the fuck up!” I hear through his ears as I recognise the voice.

“HANNAH! Where’s your son?!” I growl storming up to her.

“What…I don’t know…Why?” She frowns crossing her arms.

“As your alpha I command you tell me where your son is right now,” I snarl.

“He’s playing,” She says, her face showing resistance to my order.

“WHERE’S RALPH?!” I roar out angrily.

“I…I…He took William…He’s just playing…” She stutters.

“Who knows where Ralph is?” I growl through the link.

“He’s at the warrior house, Alpha,” Liv replies.

“Take him down, chuck him in the cells and search any box nearby! He took William!” I order.

“YOUR SON TOOK MY BOY!” Robin growls angrily going for Hannah’s throat as I get in between them.

“He’s just teaching him how to be brave. Your boy is a wimp,” Hannah huffs.

“Robin, go to the house. I will deal with Hannah.” I order but she shifts and goes for Hannah again.

“STOP! Hannah and Ralph will be punished for their actions, but this will be done before the pack, go get your son Robin. They won’t be getting away with this, I swear as alpha,” Robin growls at Hannah before nodding at me and tearing off towards the warrior house as I turn to Hannah.

“You and your son will face punishment for your disgusting actions towards one of our pups, it will be in front of the whole pack and they will even get a say in your punishment. I will not take harm coming to anyone, I will not take bullying of any kind.” I growl as I see two of the older warriors race up behind her, ready for my command.

“He’s weak, a runt, he doesn’t belong in the pack!” Hannah shouts.

“The only ones who don’t belong in this pack right now are you and your son. Gentlemen, if you don’t mind, take her to the cells, I will call a pack meeting shortly once I learn that William is safe,” I ask them as they place a hand on her shoulders firmly and drag her off as she snarls at me.

“Never liked her,” Wren suddenly pops up out of nowhere.

My wolf is snapping and snarling in my mind as it wants the pack protected, William to be safe.

“I need to get to the house,” I growl as I shift, Zane and Wren following close behind.

“We found Ralph, but there’s no boxes anywhere near him!” Lucien whines, he was so worried, he had come to care for the child, like he was his own.

I pushed harder to the house as we arrived in record speed, wolves searching everywhere for the little one.

I sniffed the air, I could smell Ralph’s scent as I followed it, but it kept darting everywhere like he was trying to hide his true track.

I went into William’s mind again, ignoring the pain, but he wasn’t responding, it was like he was unconscious…

“I want this whole place searched! No stone untouched! If Ralph was there, it gets checked!” I order as I rush to the house, shifting as I storm inside and down to the basement where the cells were.

“Alpha,” The warriors guarding nodded in respect as I burst through the doors to Ralph’s cell.

“Where the fuck is he?!” I growl menacingly, I could see the fear in his eyes which he tried to hide as he saw the alpha rage in mine.

“Playing with the dirt,” He smirks not looking at me.

I shook with rage as my hand went to his throat and lifted as he struggled against me.

“WHERE?” I snarl.

“Runt…Probably nearly dead by now…Never find him…” He choked.

“Where is my SON?!” Lucien storms in angrily behind me.

“Fuck you…” Ralph coughs.

“The only reason you are alive right now is because you know where he is…” Lucien growls.

“Exactly why I’m not saying a word,” Ralph smirks evilly as I throw him hard against the wall, hearing his bones crack as they break.

“I will break every single one of your bones again and again if you don’t tell me where he is!” Lucien growls storming forward as I place a hand on his chest stopping him as Ralph just laughs.

“Or would you rather we do it to your mother?” I raise a brow as it gets the reaction I was hoping for.

“Bring Hannah to me,” I order Zane at the doorway as he nods and quickly grabs her, bring her in as I push her to her knees.

“Get the fuck off my Mum!” He growls pushing himself from the ground.

“Tell me where William is,” I growl back as he shakes, trying to fight himself from shifting.

“Kid deserves it, he’s weak!” Ralph shouts as Lucien growls beside me.

“Fine,” I snap as I extend my claws placing them against Hannah’s neck.

“You wouldn’t…” Ralph laughs as I raise a brow.

“My father always told me that sometimes it was necessary to do things we wouldn’t ordinarily do, including harming one of the pack if they have committed a crime. So, one last chance before your mother loses her voice box…Those don’t grow back,” I growl.

“Please…Don’t…” Hannah cries.

“She told me to do it!” Ralph shouts out pointing at his mother.

“LOCATION NOW!” I snarl.

“Don’t do it, Ralph!” Hannah cries out as I get angrier, claw against her throat as I push them slowly as she screams out in pain as I tear out her vocal cords.

“I buried him in the treeline, east of the house!” Ralph shouts in a panic as he watches his mother hold her throat in agony as she began to heal over, without the ability to use her voice.

“Go,” I nod to Lucien and he races out, ordering the pack to help with the search.

“Lock them back up,” I walk out the room as the warriors look at me with respect, everyone loved William.

I threw the bit of flesh in my hand to the bin as I looked at it in disgust, I never thought I would have to be this kind of alpha…I didn’t like having to punish or torture for an answer, but I could not be weak, not when it came to the safety of the pack and its wolves.

I hurried outside with Zane by my side as he held my hand tightly as we headed east.

The ground looked untouched… Then I saw the river beside it.

“The river! Search the river!” I shouted as I ran into it joining the search.

“William!” Robin screams.

“Come on kid,” I murmur as I duck under the water, searching through the murky ripples. I went to go back up for air when I spotted a glint in the deepest part. Quickly going back up for air and then diving back down I found the box as I pulled at it bringing it up with me, struggling for breath… Something burning my skin as I hold onto the box.

“Help me! Hold me not the box!” I order as I pull harder before several pairs of hands joined in, helping me lift the box out of the water as I coughed out the dirty water from my lungs, ignoring the pain in my hands.

I push open the box as we find him inside, unconscious, on the brink of death as I feel his link once more.

“Wren!” Lucien shouts in panic as Wren rushes to their side, putting his small body on the ground as she gives him CPR.

“Come on William,” I murmur, shivering in the cold air, just praying he would be ok.

Suddenly he lets out a series of coughs, water pouring out his mouth as he screams out.

“William! I’ve got you baby!” Robin holds him in her lap as I sigh with relief, sat on the ground with my hands in my lap.

“Get him to the hospital,” I order Wren as she nods, helping up Robin as they carry him away.

“Serena…Thank you,” Lucien hugs me quickly and rushes off.

“Be careful with the box boys, it’s coated in silver,” I groan looking at my hands which were slowly healing from the burns.

“Serena, why didn’t you say something?” Zane looks at my hands carefully before kissing me gently.

“They are already healing, and William was more important,” I sigh.

“I love you, Alpha Serena,” William’s soft voice called through the pack link as a tear fell down my cheek.

“That’s the cutest thing ever,” Carla said in my mind.

“Love you too little man,” I link to him as I smile.

“So, what are we doing with Ralph and Hannah?” Zane says as we walk back into town.

“I fully intend to have the pack join in on deciding their fate,” I say.

“You know that’s a death sentence right?” He replies.

“Then so be it, their actions were disgusting, I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour,” I huff.

“I know my love, I just don’t want it to plague your mind, you are a sensitive woman Serena, you think too much and do not have a cruel bone in your body,” Zane takes my face in his hands, looking deeply into my eyes.

“I know, which is why I want it to be a pack decision. We are a family and families make decisions together.” I answer as he nods and kisses me tenderly, but it becomes more heated as our mating bond pushes us to mate.

“If we don’t get out of here now, I’ll be making love to you in front of everyone,” Zane groans as I smirk against his lips before kissing him again.

“Like you actually care,” I laugh as he growls lustfully, lifting me and pinning me against a tree.

“Don’t play with me Serena,” He smirks as his hands drift over my body.

“Can’t you two do that somewhere private?” Carla laughs as she and Daniel walk up to us, Zane letting me go.

“If I remember rightly, I caught you two doing something similar in your mating week…” I smirk pointing at them.

“But you two aren’t…Wait! OH MY GOD! You did it!” Carla claps happily seeing our marks.

“About time,” Daniel laughs.

“Been a little busy Daniel,” I shake my head at him with a smirk on my face as Zane nuzzles into my neck.

“You two should go home and enjoy yourself, don’t worry about the rest. William is now safe. Ralph and Hannah aren’t going anywhere. You’ve mated, you need to establish your link,” Carla points out.

“I agree with the very nice pregnant lady,” Zane smirks.

“Suck up,” I shove him playfully.

It was at that moment I felt a pang of pain as I felt a link snap, my mind searching for who I had lost.

“Serena?” Daniel says in a panic.

“Hannah…” I murmur as I race towards the house once more, bursting through the doors as the warriors are sat playing a card game.

“Alpha?” They frown as I open the cell door as Ralph comes rushing forward, knocking me to the floor as he’s covered in his mother’s blood.

“Grab him!” I shout as the warriors jump into action and go to grab him just as he shifts, he slips through their fingers as I shift too and rush after him.

“Stand down!” I growl as I pounce on him, he snaps at me angrily as he tries to get at me. I see his eyes, black, cold, and dead as if he had gone feral, no sign of his human left.

“He smells weird!” Carla shouts in shock.

“Daniel, keep Carla away! He’s gone feral!” I shout as he nods and drags her away.

“I haven’t seen anyone do that in years,” Warrior Liam announces as he and a few others help me pin him as he snaps and struggles against us.

“What do we do?” I ask, having never dealt with something like this before.

“There’s nothing that can be done, once you’ve gone feral, there’s no way back…You’re gone. If you let him go he risks the pack…” Liam says as I sigh.

“I have to kill him…” I whine, my wolf not wanting to kill anyone else.

“It’s the only thing we can do…There’s nothing inside him now…” He replies.

“I…I…I can’t…” I cry.

“Serena, take a walk,” Zane says.

“But…” I stammer.

“I will be out in a few minutes we won’t hurt through the bond for long. Carla, Daniel, take her out with you,” Zane says as Liam helps me up and I head outside with them.

We walk a short distance before I feel the sting of being away from my mate before I feel the harsh snap of losing yet another pack member.

“What the bloody hell is going on?” Lucien calls to me.

“Ralph went feral and killed his mother…” I answer.

“So you killed him?” Lucien replies.

“No, I did,” Zane answers as I see him exiting the house.

“I feel sick,” I mutter out loud.

“There was nothing you could have done Serena,” Daniel says.

“Doesn’t make it any better…Sometimes I hate being alpha,” I sigh.

“I know, but you’re a great alpha and the pack love you, never forget that,” Daniel smiles.

“I’m coming back to deal with this with you Serena,” Lucien says.

“NO! Stay with William and Robin, there’s no point in you getting involved. It’s done, both are dead, nothing else can be done. There will be a pyre done tonight for those that wish to say goodbye, but I will not force anyone to go, it will be a simple if people wish to go, they go. I’m not making the pack say goodbye to awful people.” I reply.

“I’ll deal with the pyres and spread the message,” Liv says.

“Thank you,” I reply.

“How is William?” I add.

“He’s fine, little shaky and nervous, but he’ll be fine.” Lucien answers.

“Look after them both Lucien,” I say.

“I will,” He answers, and I know he will, he had become so protective of both of them, he loved them both.

“So, when are you going to get all emotional…Just so I can get ready with hugs, ice cream and a movie?” Carla looks at me brow raised in question.

“What?” Zane frowns.

“She’ll snap…Our girls emotional,” Carla smirks as I swear at her.

“I can deal with that,” Zane smirks kissing my neck making me moan with need.

“That works,” Daniel laughs.

“I hate you all,” I laugh.

“No, you don’t. Now go home, the pack has all this,” Carla waved her hand towards the house where the warriors were already dealing with the bodies following Liv’s orders.

“Come on love, we having bonding to do,” Zane smirks at me, lifting me into his arms as I giggle.

“Have fun!” Carla laughs as Zane walks away with me in his arms.

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