Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding the Light by Majie
Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding The Light By Majie Chapter 16



I blinked and immediately cancelled my aura when I heard Lia’s scream. I was about to move to catch Lia who was falling but saw her brother who just snapped out of my aura leaning forward and catching her in time. I narrowed my eyes but nevertheless did not stop him. Instead, I observed Lia to check what happened. Lia, who was already in her brother's arms, was profusely blushing as she stared at the flat ground under her feet. “Oh my gosh,’ heard her think. I tripped on flat ground again..." I must be the only werewolf to accomplish this..." “Even in front of Lewis and his pack.... she thought before covering her face with her hands. The feeling of embarrassment overwhelmed her inside. I blinked and the tips of my fingers slightly twitched. “What... is with this cuteness,” I thought as I looked at her hands that were also slightly red.

“Adel,” her brother said. I could not help but raise a brow.

'So, that's her nickname,’l thought. “Brother...” Lia cleared her throat and stood up, pretending that nothing happened. “Alphonse, it's good to see you,” she added as she looked at her brother with warm eyes. Subconsciously, I sent her brother a glare. The punk, however, ignored me. “Adel,” he said. “I came here as soon as I heard the news,” he added. The tone of his voice was menacing. And I knew that the menace was directed to me.

“I heard that you were kidnapped by some evil alphas. I am here to get you back,” he told Lia. Merely, I blinked at him. An evil alpha. The devil incarnate. Those were just some names I was known for:

'Ahh? Kidnapped?” Lia thought. “Why is he calling Lewis an evil alpha?’ “Eh? What are you saying? I was not kidnapped!” Lia said. She was both confused and flustered

Alphonse, her brother, appeared to be cold but looked at her with concern. “Be honest and don't be afraid. I am here now,” he told Lia.

“If anyone forced you or hurt you... I will make them pay,” he added as he sent me a hateful glare. "... no. No, really, I wasn't kidnapped. Nobody also forced me to come here,” Lia insisted before her face started to turn red once again. “Well, actually... actually...” she added. It was clear in her face that she did not know whether she should say the next words.

I stood there, quietly waiting for her to finish her statement. On the other hand, her brother's cold face started to look mad. “Tell me,” Alphonse told Lia. “I will definitely bring you out of here,” he added. “No... that's not it,” Lia stated. “Alphonse, in fact... in fact...” she added. Her voice became smaller and smaller with each word she said until she talked in soft whispers. “Brother, in fact... I was the one who kind of forced Lewis to be with me,” she softly said before looking on the ground, embarrassed.

A couple of minutes later, I was standing on a balcony with the culprit for ruining my breakfast. "With all due respect, Alpha Talascar. I will say this straight,” Alphonse, Lia's brother, said.” Stop playing with my sister,” he added. Although his words did not surprise me, I still raised a brow at him. “You may have managed to deceive my naive sister, but you can't fool me. My sister is not your mate. So please, let her go,” he coldly told me. “Oh?” I merely replied as I glanced at the garden where Lia was. “If you let my sister go, I will work for you,” Alphonse said without emotion. “My wolf... has a strength that is on par with my alpha, Alec Emoresi. I will be useful to you.” “So peacefully let my sister go. If you don't... I am more than capable of bringing trouble,” he threatened me.

"Oh?" I narrowed my eyes on him. “You think I'm fooling your sister?”

“Is it not so? Although normal werewolves do not know this, I am privy to the fact that the moon goddess only pairs a wolf with another wolf of similar strength. My sister is merely an omega while you are the strongest wolf in the land. There is no way that she will be your


'So, he knows,’l thought as I stared at him. The secret of the werewolves. In fact, the moon goddess only pairs the werewolves of equal strength with another. The normal werewolves were not able to perceive this because werewolves were not able to fully control the full powers of their wolves. Some had immensely powerful wolves but remained to have normal strength because their humans were too weak and had no knowledge on how to recognize and control the power of their wolves. And thus, when they became paired with a powerful wolf, everyone just thought that they were fortunate.

It was only the higher-ups who knew this. And they kept the secret among themselves because they did not want the normal wolves with undiscovered powers to suddenly rise in power and overthrow them. “That bastard Alec has a powerful wolf. It's the reason why he was originally paired with Lia,'l narrowed my eyes with the unpleasant thought.

“But that isn't important right now,’I thought as I returned my attention to Alphonse. “So, you are saying, “I started to say, “That you are willing to be a traitor to your pack in exchange for your sister's freedom?” I finished my statement with a cold glint in my eyes.

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