Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding the Light by Majie
Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding The Light By Majie Chapter 15



For the past centuries, there were countless rumors surrounding the Pack of Talascar. Many werewolves were saying that my pack was the strongest pack in the whole world. Others talked about how secured our territory was and that the security here was even better than that of the royal palace.

These rumors are correct.

Indeed, the territory of the Pack of Talascar is the most secured place in all the realm and for the past century, no one has breached this security yet.

“Until today,’l thought. My brows could not help but to furrow as I sensed the intruder who was moving fast towards our direction. And in just a few seconds, he finally arrived at the garden.

Lia, who already sensed that someone was approaching us, had her eyes widened upon seeing the intruder’s figure.

I stayed still on my chair, waiting for how Lia would react upon seeing him. If there was even a hint of displeasure from her, I would definitely kick the nuisance out. “Big brother,” I heard Lia say. She might have not noticed it, but voice shook as she called towards the man. She was surprised and delighted to see him. I felt a hint of displeasure in my chest. “Big... big brother!” Lia repeated before she stood up and ran towards the figure. The corner of my eyes twitched, especially when I saw the man opening his arms to receive Lia.

I had the urge to stand up and stop them from reaching each other. But I prevented myself... because I could hear Lia's thoughts and felt her intense emotion in the mind link that we still shared. “Alphonse, my brother...? “My brother is still safe...? Lia repeatedly thought as the feeling of despair and happiness collided in her chest. “That's right. My brother is still safe right now. In my vision... in my vision, he was the only one who believed in me. And in the end... in the end... he died while protecting me,’ Lia thought to herself. The feeling of melancholy and hopefulness evenly spread in her heart. My hand formed into fists and I could not help but frown. "Just what kind of vision did she see? Inside of me, the feeling of rage started to sprout in my chest.

So, that guy was supposed to die protecting her,’ I thought, finally giving Lia’s brother a quick assessment.

His physical appearance quite resembled Lia. Both siblings had ash blonde hair and blue eyes. But that was the end of their similarities.

Unlike Lia who was warm like the sun, her brother's demeanor was very cold. And dissimilar to Lia who wore her emotions in her sleeves, her brother was very expressionless aside from the frostiness that emanated from his body. He must have felt that I was observing him because the punk suddenly met my stare. And without any warning, our surroundings changed. The garden that was formerly filled with sunlight suddenly felt chilly and the warm air that was surrounding me turned frosty. The frost was like small knives directed at me. It felt like if I moved even an inch, I would be stabbed by them. “Heh. Not bad," a smirk formed on my lips. “No wonder he was able to breach the barrier. His power is on par with Halen.’

“But to fight against me... it is still too early for him," I thought as I let out my aura from my body. Dark colored aura immediately came out from me and the moment it met the frosty aura, the latter forthwith turned into nothingness. Lia's brother's eyes slightly turned wide in surprise. But instead of backing away, his eyes shined crystal blue and a much stronger layer of frosty aura surrounded me. This time, the frosty aura was not like knives. It was akin to small bombs around me that were ready to explode. I blinked once and retaliated. Suddenly, the frosty aura that was attacking me was gone. At the same time, my aura reached him and pressed on him. All the sights, the sounds, and even the feeling around him ceased to exist.

I made him fall into a world where nothing exists. Lia's brother turned more serious. But unlike the others who felt my power before, he did not cower. Instead, without hesitation, I could feel him immediately trying his best to break out from my aura. “Interesting,’ the smirk on my face turned wider. “Oh? Hmm. Something feels off," I thought. “Seems like he also has some dormant power that is yet to be woken up,’ I observed as I felt him fight against me. Everything happened in an instant and only between the two of us. Others, especially Lia, were not the least affected by our fight. And by the time we exchanged a few contests of auras, Lia had almost finally reached him. “Alphonse!” Suddenly, I heard Lia's voice. "You are here-“She started to say but was not able to finish before I heard her panic scream.

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