I tossed and turned on the bed, but sleep eluded me. Searching for a distraction, my gaze wandered around the room and eventually landed on the window that I had left open earlier.

Outside, I spotted movement among the grass, illuminated by the moonlight. I rose to close the window, but as I was about to do so, my attention was captured by a bright yellow glint amidst the foliage. It resembled golden eyes staring at me. Startled, I dismissed it as a mere insect and shut the window.

Returning to bed in an attempt to find rest, I discovered that sleep still refused to embrace me. My body remained alert and invigorated, leaving me to wander around the room in an effort to avoid disturbing others who were likely sound asleep after a day’s work. Here I was, unable to sleep despite my idle state.

I attempted sleep-inducing exercises, following a video that Cres had provided me. I persisted for two hours, but it seemed futile. I came to the realization that I needed to inquire about potential tasks or jobs to occupy my time more meaningfully.

Though I had attempted to assist Lucy in the kitchen, she politely shooed me away, emphasizing that such tasks weren’t for me. My intention had been to help, yet they extended an unexpected level of respect. I felt like a burden, yet their interactions with me seemed to indicate contentment. It almost seemed as if their happiness around me was tied to some sort of incentive from their boss.


Thoughts of him filled my mind, invoking both anger and happiness. His concern for me was appreciated, but I couldn’t overlook his manner of speaking. Despite being the boss, he shouldn’t wield that authority over me. Thirsty, I descended to the kitchen.

Opening the refrigerator, I retrieved a bottle of water and drank. Just then, the person responsible for my earlier frustration walked in, locking eyes with me. I shot him a glare as his gaze seemed focused on my legs. Ignoring him, I returned the bottle to the refrigerator.

As I was about to close the refrigerator door, my attention was drawn to an ice cream box. I had been resisting the urge, but my craving overpowered me. I took out the box, revealing the chocolate ice cream I had desired. Placing it on the table, I seized a spoon and indulged myself. Anord’s laughter echoed through the room, and surprisingly, it brought a sense of joy. He appeared even more handsome when he laughed, a stark contrast to his usual rudeness.

“What, am I a clown?” I quipped, as his laughter continued to fill the air.

“Yeah, a CLOWN,” he jeered, wearing a sly smile on his lips.

“Then you are a... joker. A rude, arrogant joker,” I retorted with a hiss, placing the partially-eaten ice cream box back into the refrigerator.

Suddenly, I felt his presence beside me. Before I could react, he grabbed my arm and lightly brushed his lips against the corner of my mouth. His unexpected action sent a jolt of electricity through my body, momentarily making me forget everything around me. His touch was strangely intoxicating, and I found myself drawn in.

As the moment hung in the air, the intrusion of a throat clearing shattered our connection. Anord swiftly released my arm, assuming a nonchalant demeanor as if nothing had transpired. The unexpected visitor turned out to be none other than Tate, a mischievous smirk dancing on his lips. I blushed deeply, embarrassed by the intimate situation, and hurriedly fled upstairs.

Collapsing onto the bed in my room, I released a relieved sigh. Eventually, I drifted into slumber, finding solace in sleep.

In my dream, I found myself walking through a forest when a familiar voice called out my name. Emotions surged within me as I recognized the voice.

“Ukrine, my baby,” a woman clad in a white gown beckoned to me.

Confusion etched my features as I questioned her, “Who are you? Do I know you?”

“Of course. You are my daughter, and I am your mother. Come here,” she urged me forward.

Overwhelmed, I inquired further, “Mom?! Do I have a family? Where are we?”

Tears filled my eyes as I walked toward her, embracing her tightly. She offered reassurance, “Love, you do have your family, and you are in a safe place. Soon, you will reunite with them and find the answers you seek.”

“Mom, I’m exhausted, and it’s wearing me down,” I sobbed, my voice trembling as she comfortingly stroked my hair.

“Have patience, my dear, and never lose hope. Believe in yourself and wait for your father and Xeres,” she whispered, her hand gently cupping my face before placing a kiss on my forehead.

“Xeres, who is he?” I called out as her figure dissolved into thin air, my desperation echoing in the emptiness.

“Take care and find love,” her final words resonated before she vanished completely, leaving me with a sense of longing and despair.

I screamed and cried, running aimlessly in search of her, but she remained elusive. Tears streamed down my face, leaving me feeling utterly vulnerable and lost.

Suddenly, I felt someone shaking me and enveloping me in a comforting embrace. The warmth and safety of their presence calmed me, their soothing whispers easing my distress.

Blinking my eyes open, I found Anord by my side, gently running his fingers through my hair. I clung to him, crying like a child seeking solace. Gradually, I regained my composure and pulled away, allowing Cres to approach and embrace me in turn.

Cres held my hand as I sat on the bed, offering her support. Concerned voices echoed from the doorway, and Tate’s voice broke through the haze.

“Are you alright, Lun...Ukrine? We heard you screaming.”

“Yes, it was a nightmare. I saw my mother, but she disappeared,” I explained, my voice shaky as I recounted the haunting experience.

“Did she say anything?” Dan inquired with genuine concern, having been roused by my cries along with the others.

“She said, ‘Take care and find love,’ as she vanished,” I replied, wiping away a tear that escaped my eye.

“Find love? What does that mean?” Tate’s brows furrowed in confusion.

“She mentioned someone named Xeres, but before she could explain, she was gone. I lost her without saying goodbye,” I confessed, my voice heavy with emotion.

“Xeres? Who could he be?” Dan glanced at Anord, seeking answers, yet receiving only silence.

After a brief exchange of words, they left the room, leaving Cres beside me. Exhausted from the ordeal, I drifted back to sleep, hoping that slumber would bring clarity and answers to the enigma that had unfolded in my dreams.

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