I take delight in the unfamiliar surroundings and the new faces I’ve encountered. I had the chance to meet Lucy and express my gratitude for the delightful breakfast she prepared.

Learning that she’s the resident cook responsible for the meal, crafted especially for me, genuinely touched my heart. Just yesterday, Cres had brought over some cookies Lucy had baked, and I was nearly left in awe by the last bite. Lucy’s culinary talents are truly remarkable, and I’ve even managed to put on some weight.

Thankfully, Cres is a bit plumper than me, allowing her clothes to fit me perfectly; otherwise, I’d be stuck with uncomfortably tight attire, a rather awkward situation to be in.

The curiosity about their unwavering kindness toward a stranger still lingers, but those doubts quickly dissipate when I witness their countless gestures of goodwill.

Today, I woke up early, deciding to venture outside for a solitary stroll without Cres’s company. I slipped into the loose tee and black jeans that Cres had provided, completing the ensemble with a pair of Converse shoes.

Stepping out of the front door, I made my way into the adjacent forest. The refreshing and invigorating air embraced me, affirming the wisdom of my early rising. The lush greenery surrounded me, creating a picturesque scene.

As I walked amidst the dense trees, I became aware of a presence beside me. Turning my gaze, I realized that the person walking alongside me was none other than Anord, clad in a jogging suit that accentuated his appeal.

I relished having him by my side as we walked in unison, maintaining a steady pace. An awkward silence hung between us, and my thoughts were consumed by his presence.

“Good morning,” I greeted, attempting to break the silence.

“Morning. Where’s Cresel? Why aren’t you with her?” He questioned, his tone carrying a scolding undertone that made me feel as if I were a child being reprimanded.

“Why? Is there a problem?” I inquired, striving to keep any irritation at bay.

“It’s not safe. There are wild animals around here,” he replied, his tone seemingly concerned, though his gaze was fixed on my face.

“Oh, thank you for the reminder,” I responded with a hint of sarcasm, feigning gratitude for his caution, albeit poorly.

He mumbled something about my supposed foolishness, and I decided not to engage further, knowing it would only escalate matters.

After a few more minutes of walking, he suggested that I return home. I had no desire to argue, so I complied and made my way back to the house, where a delicious breakfast awaited.

We managed to reach just in time and enjoyed our meal without discussing the earlier encounter. Cres and I then headed back to my room.

“We’ve watched... wait, let’s go shopping. I almost forgot that we need to get you some new clothes,” Cres exclaimed, abruptly halting on the stairs and gripping my arm to stop me.

“No, really, I’m fine with wearing your clothes,” I protested. The idea of them spending money on me seemed unnecessary.

“I’m not accepting a refusal. We must go, and if you consider me your friend, you’ll come. Friends help each other when needed,” Cres insisted, unwavering in her determination. I relented, nodding my agreement.

“But we should probably ask the Alpha... I mean, Anord,” Cres added, trailing off as she mentioned Anord’s name.

“Alpha? First name? And why do we need to ask him?” I wondered aloud. Was he some sort of stern boss figure?

“Um, he looks after us, so technically he’s like our leader,” Cres explained, emphasizing the term “boss.”

“Alright, then let’s go,” I agreed, my excitement evident as the prospect of shopping appealed to me.

We approached a large wooden door, and Cres seemed to pause, her gaze fixed on the door as if lost in thought or communication.

Before I could inquire about her behavior, a commanding voice interrupted, causing a shiver of apprehension to run down my spine.

“Come in,” the voice demanded attention, and I inwardly rolled my eyes, imagining him giving orders as if he were in charge of everyone.

As we entered the room, I found myself in a spacious area with a bookshelf tucked in a corner, a sofa along one side, and a table positioned at the center.

He was seated on the sofa, engrossed in the papers before him. The scene was remarkable; he exuded a striking handsomeness. Eventually, his gaze shifted towards me.

To avoid his penetrating stare, I shifted my attention, taking in the abstract painting that had captured my interest. As I was absorbed in admiring the surroundings, I only caught the tail end of the conversation between him and the two men who had entered the room, presumably assigned as our security detail.

“Bodyguards? We don’t require them,” I stated, asserting that we weren’t like lost toddlers.

“True, not like two-year-olds, but perhaps akin to an immature one,” he retorted with a smug expression, projecting an air of superiority.

I whispered to myself, questioning whether I had spoken too loudly for him to hear. The slight embarrassment deepened as I noticed Cres nodding in response to my muttered words.

“Immature? It’s quite audacious of you to label me immature when it seems to describe you more accurately,” I countered, momentarily forgetting my status as their guest and allowing my frustration to show.

“You’re treading on thin ice. Here, take this card, and they’ll accompany you,” he retorted with a hint of irritation.

I declined his offer with a polite “no, thank you.” I was about to turn and leave, but before I could, he caught my wrist, and our proximity caused me to bump into his chest.

A rush of sensations overwhelmed me – his scent enveloped me, and his touch sent unexpected sparks through me. I pushed away, but his steadfast stance remained, and he pressed the card into my hand, urging us to depart. I wanted to argue, but Cres intervened, pulling me away and guiding us out of the room.

Suppressing my anger, I maintained silence during the car ride. Cres seemed lost in thought, while the two men in the front focused on their roles – one driving, the other keeping a watchful eye on me.

I glared at the men intermittently, then directed my gaze outside. Soon, we arrived at a bustling mall located in the city center, the place teeming with people hurrying about their activities.

Cres led me through various stores, and together we selected several dresses. I had reservations about using Anord’s card, yet Cres was insistent, and eventually, I acquiesced.

With our shopping concluded, we decided to take a leisurely stroll and approached an ice cream vendor. Just as I was about to grab my chosen flavor, Cres firmly grasped my hand and hurried me back to the car.

Her demeanor radiated concern, and despite my attempts to inquire about the situation, she insisted I enter the vehicle. As we drove away, Cres explained that Anord had requested our return.

“Seriously, I didn’t even get to enjoy the chocolate ice cream,” I sulked, my thoughts lingering on the missed treat.

“Yeah, I apologize, but it was an urgent matter.”

I simply nodded, and approximately 20 minutes later, we arrived back home. Oddly enough, there hadn’t been any pressing emergency; Anord had merely wanted me to return earlier.

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