Tossing her phone aside, she headed for a shower. When she returned, there was another message from Marcus. “Missing me already?”

What a jerk! ) Melissa ignored him and retired to her bed.

The next day, she went about her usual routine at the office. The secretary asked, “Need me to schedule a meeting with Mr. Scott?” Lounging in her chair, Melissa paused, and then replied, “Not right now! Alan's probably still fuming. I doubt hes in any mood to invest. Check out what projects Hosan Union Ltd. is up to lately. See if we've got any tough competition.” She added after a moment's thought, If so, we'll definitely need new sponsors.” The assistant nodded and left the office.

Once alone, Melissa reviewed a document carefully.

Marcus offer to invest in Waston Group then crossed her mind. Despite their rivalry, Melissa had to admit it was tempting. All she had to do was ask.

But then she hesitated.

In her current role, it fell on Melissa to take down Alan herself, without Marcus’ help.

As days passed, Alan continued to ignore Melissa.

Undeterred, Melissa handled him the same way.

Then, one day, they ran into each other at a private clubs golf course.

Weldon happened to be there too.

Ignoring Weldon, Melissa greeted Alan.

Alan returned the greeting with a smile. “It's been a while, Miss Brown!” With a smile of her own, Melissa replied, “Indeed. Fancy meeting you here, Mr. Scott” Swinging his club, Alan chatted, “Aren't you a sweetheart? Since you turned down Jaime, he's been living on takeout. What should I do with him, Miss Brown?” Melissa replied with a faint smile. “Actually, I owe you an apology, Mr Scott.” She signaled to her assistant, who promptly presented the project contract.

Alan was visibly surprised.

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