Melissa was speechless.

She wanted to leave but Marcus insisted they stay. In a surprisingly good mood, he invited his

colleagues to join. “We're dining here! It's Miss Brown's treat.” The brown-nosers eagerly praised Melissa.

“I heard the food's amazing here. I've been dying to try it.” one said.

“Exactly! How generous of you, Miss Brown,” chimed in another.

Upon hearing this, Marcus signaled the waiter to clear the table and ordered more food.

Rolling her eyes, Melissa thought Marcus had no shame.

She handed him several bills and said, “Here you go! Enjoy your meal!” About to leave, Melissa was surprised when Marcus didn't stop her.

Instead, he spoke gently. “I'l check on Matthew tonight. You had spicy food for lunch, so tell Julie to make something light for dinner” Melissa wished she could throttle Marcus.

She didn't return until eight p.m. She expected Marcus to still be there but found only Julie, Matthew, and Yvonne at home.

Confused, Melissa searched the house.

Julie, noticing her confusion, asked, “What's up? Have you had dinner? I saved you some food” Shaking her head, Melissa asked, “Julie... Did Marcus come by?” Julie was surprised. “Nope! He called this morning, said he’s off on a

week long business trip. His flight was this afternoon. Matthew also knew this.

Didn't you? Men always act like that. They don't even care to tell the loved ones about their schedules,” Julie mumbled.

Meanwhile, Melissa couldn't reveal she'd been fooled by Marcus. She changed the subject, played with Matthew and Yvonne, and got ready for bed.

Late at night, still seething with anger, Melissa messaged Marcus.

“Finding it fun to pull my leg?!" Five minutes later, Marcus finally replied.

“It would be even more fun to pull your pants. Don't you agree?” Receiving Marcus’ message, Melissa felt a mix of embarrassment and anger.

She hadn't expected him to be so shameless.

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