You Hit My Heart
Chapter 546

Hearing Luther's sarcastic words, Joyce realized that he had forgotten how good she was with her shooting after his memory loss. Shooting games were just a piece of cake for her, of course. He must have also forgotten how they had fought the enemy side by side, and when she thought about it she felt loss and disappointment down in her heart. “Just for fun, the game is easy.” She returned lightly.

"Just for fun?"

Luther grunted coldly as he pressed the return bottom to return to the home page, and then he pressed the start button.

She made it sound so easy, so he wanted to give it a shot too.

"What are you doing?" Joyce didn't expect Luther to start the game on his own, "Hey, that's not how you play the game. Give me my phone now."

Juanita at this point secretly glanced back at them and lamented in her heart.

The long-awaited group trip was just ruined by the big boss. Now the entire car was pretty nervous, and none of them dared to make a sound.

Only Joyce's crisp whining complaints could be heard from time to time. “No, no. Your bullet will drop down, and you need to measure the distance. You can't hit it like that."

"Can you give me back my phone? Your teammates will not like the way you play it!"

"No, you can't use this gun like that. You won't be able to keep it steady.”

"There's someone at the opposite window, don't you see? Quickly use your medical kits!"

"Wait, you can't show your head, or the sniper will hit you."

"Done. Okay, you've done, can I have my phone back now?"

Finally, Luther handed the phone back to Joyce. He had just given it a casual try, and the game was not easy at all, and it was not at all like what Joyce said. You would need to have a good understanding of the gun ammunition, ballistic drop, and recoil to be able to control your gun well.

So, with no special training for the game, she played it so well. Was she some connoisseur for firearms?

Suddenly, a scene flew through his mind. Although it was very blurry, it looked like it was in the middle of some wooded valley.

Many people in black surrounded him in a group and attacked him, and they all had daggers in their hands.

"Bang, bang, bang." He seemed to hear the sound of gunfire, and the men around him were all hit in their knees and fell.

The shots were so accurate and impressive.

Since his memory loss, he had never remembered something so clearly.

Although only for a short moment.

Besides, he was a little confused whether it was just some illusions caused by the game just now, or it had actually happened. Moreover, it was just such a short piece of memories, he did not see exactly who fired the gun.

Just when he tried to think about it, the headache came back again and there was a thin sweat on her forehead. His face also turned pale gradually.

"Are you okay?" Joyce saw that his face didn't look right, and she touched his palm, which was all sweaty.

She felt her heart was getting softer and softer now. Every time she saw him having a headache, knowing that it was caused by his memory loss from a car accident, she was always upset.

"If you can't remember something, just let go.” She advised in a soft voice.


He leaned his head back feebly, after the pain had eased a little.

A heavy tiredness came over him, and unconsciously, he slowly rested his head on her shoulder.

She froze. What was he doing?

"Don't move, I want to take a nap."

Just after he finished the words, she could already hear his even breathing, as if he had been so tired and he was now in his deep sleep.

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