You Hit My Heart
Chapter 480

"What a coincidence that we ran into each other just as you arrived. What did you come to see today? Want to hang out together?" Joyce was very enthusiastic, a far cry from her usual self. It was obvious that Charlotte had lied. She had seen them clearly coming out of the jewelry store together, and Charlotte must not have known that she had actually watched them for a while before she lied about just coming to Skymall.

If they didn’t have something to hide, why would they lie?

Shopping together? Charlotte dropped her jaw and had no idea what to say at all. Since she met Joyce, she had never shopped with Joyce, Joyce suddenly proposed to shop together, she did not know how to answer.

"Yeah, fine. What do you want to shop for though?" Charlotte stammered back.

“Just kidding, I'm here for business today. I want to see some car decorations. You two take your time shopping, and I'll leave you to it." Joyce smiled and waved her hand, followed by a few more glances at Ricky, trying to remember his height, body, facial features.

When she left, she deliberately walked towards Ricky and brushed past him.

Then, a moment before approaching Ricky.

"Oops." Joyce deliberately let out a low cry, pretending to break her ankle, and planted her whole body towards Ricky.

Ricky did not expect Joyce would deliberately fall, he subconsciously tried to dodge, but still, he was a moment too late, and Joyce fell right into his embrace.

Joyce grabbed Ricky's right arm and pretended to stand still with great difficulty, then she hurriedly apologized, "Sorry, sorry, I wore a new pair of shoes today, and I could not stand still."

“It's okay." Ricky couldn't help but answer Joyce and had to speak up. Joyce jolted and winced when she heard Ricky's voice. Why? His voice gave her an inexplicable sense of dread, as well as a sense of familiarity, as if she had heard it somewhere before. It was low and thick, giving out a hell-like terror.

Moreover, just now she bumped into him on purpose, and his body smelled faintly of perfume, exactly the same as Charlotte's.

In addition, the feeling of his limbs also gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Why exactly was that?

Ricky held back the pain, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead, because Joyce just tugged on the gunshot wound on his right arm. Last time he killed Thomas, after being chased by the police all the way, he was accidentally shot, and still had not fully recovered.

Joyce noticed his expression. He seemed to be clenching her teeth and holding back from pain, she exclaimed, "Uh, I'm sorry, you have an injury on your arm, don't you? I accidentally touched it just now, are you okay, do you want me to take a look at it for you."

When she said that, she went to pull Ricky's sleeve.

"No need."

Ricky looked alert and immediately took a step back.

“No, he's fine." Charlotte shouted out at the same time, she naturally knew that gunshot wound on his right arm had not fully recovered, and she just could not let Joyce see his wound.

"Oh. Sorry." Joyce gave a dry laugh, "Just as long as it's okay, I'll be off then."

After saying that, she spontaneously turned around and left.

Charlotte let out a long sigh of relief. It's bad luck. She was in a good mood to go out for a stroll, but she met Joyce and her mood was spoiled.

"Miss Meyer, she's gone far." Ricky narrowed his eyes, his body lit up with danger. A keen instinct told him that Joyce must have bumped into him on purpose.

"Ricky, will she be suspicious?" Charlotte asked uneasily.

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