You Hit My Heart
Chapter 224

It was still raining outside, and the “clatter” of rain hitting the windows sounded urgent and sharp.

His magnified handsome face was right in front of her. He seemed very tired, and after a closer look, she realized that he had a dark blue under his eyes. She thought he must have rushed back from Mufron without any rest, and treated her wounds. It must have been a long day for him. She slept in the middle of the bed, while his slender body, curled up on her side, seemed all a bit pitiful.

Joyce gritted her teeth, when did he sleep on the bed? She thought he would sleep on the couch consciously.

As she tried to move, a slight jolt woke Luther up.

He opened his sleepy eyes and glanced at the time, "It's only nine o'clock, why don't you get more sleep?"

"Why are you sleeping in the bed?" Joyce couldn't help questioning.

“I was sleeping on the sofa, it was you who kept humming in your sleep restless and kept shouting in pain, so I slept next to you and massaged you around the wound from time to time. Later, when I saw you stopped all the humming, I fell asleep.” He said it as a matter of course.

"How is that possible? I cried out in pain when I'm asleep?" Her face instantly reddened. He said it as if it was all for her, and it was her need for him that made him sleep in the bed.

“I need to get up." She moved her arm, trying to reach for the phone on the bed.

But when she moved, she pulled the wound, and the pain was too much for her to breathe.

"Don’t move around. Let me see how the wound is doing." Luther rolled over and got up.


As soon as she said that, he had lifted the covers.

She was completely speechless! He just undressed her and lifted her blanket without even giving a second thought! After all, they were not at all any real couple. How could he do such a thing at will?

Luther carefully examined her wounds, his slender fingers following along the whip marks all the way down... "Not bad, the wound is scabbed. You should be able to get out of bed after a couple of days." "A couple of days in bed! How can that be?" Lying in bed all the time was too uncomfortable, and she was going to get crazy. Two more days of lying down, she must be bored out of her mind!

She frowned and asked, "Why didn't your family hire a maid? Can you call a maid? A temporary caregiver will do."

"What is it that I can't do?" Luther spoke with a bit of flirtation in his tone, looking at her with amusement.

“I ..." Joyce bit her lip, "I want to wash my hair!"

She hadn't washed her hair in the past few days. Ever since she was taken away by the police at the Warner residence and then entered the detention center, she could wash her body in the morning and evening, but she had no chance to wash her hair. She scratched her hair helplessly, her hair was itchy and she really wanted to wash it.

“If you don't mind, I can do it for you. More than your hair, maybe, I can even help you with a bath.” He couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Forget it, don't bother. Help me put on my clothes first, I'll get up by myself." She refused in a hurry.

Let him help her bathe? She would be really crazy to ask him for that. Would just anyone ask a wolf for that?

“Your wounds are not yet healed and your body can't touch water for a while. I can bring your toothpaste and toothbrush to the bedside.” He offered.

“No, thanks." Joyce balked.

Luther helped Joyce put on his own shirt.

Joyce struggled to reach one hand to the front, and it took quite a while for her to button up the shirt. The men's shirt on her body already reached her thigh, showing barely anything more than her long, white legs.

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