Chapter 211

Allison felt her heart start to beat fast, like a marathon. She met his gaze and peered into his eyes. They were rife with lust.

“No, I can’t allow myself to be trapped.” She whispered to herself and pushed him hard.

He retreated back to the push. She shook her head. “No, you don’t want me at all. You are just feeling needy. Isn’t it a real fact? You are still harboring resentment toward what happened two years ago, aren’t you?” She said while looking at him.

Tears wailed into her eyes. She bit her bottom lip to keep her tears from falling.

Ryan, on the other hand, was stunned by her. He stared at the woman, who was crying. She did not want to be with him anymore because she believed he did not want her.

Was that the truth?

“Look, don’t cry in front of me.”

Allison frowned at him. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Why? Now I can’t even allow myself to cry? Why can’t I cry in front of you? What do you want? To cry alone in my room so that you can’t see what you have done to me?”

He looked away from her and turned away from her. He proceeded to the nightstand and accessed one of the drawers there. He reached into his pocket for a pack of cigarettes and lit one of them.

She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. When she noticed him moving to the couch, she walked to him and grabbed his arm. She turned him to her.

“Look at me. Why are you avoiding making eye contact with me? This is what you have done to me. When I thought everything was going to be fine, you broke me once again. Are you happy after making me feel like this? I asked you to cancel the wedding, but you chose to stick to your guns and not listen to me. Where do I fit in? I never got my happiness on my side. Just one mistake, and you broke me like this?”

He looked at her. “Allis-”

She interrupted him by lifting her hand. “You don’t have to say anything. I don’t want to be with a man who is cruel. People talk about how cruel you are, but I never imagined that you would treat me in the same manner as if I were one of your adversaries. I have decided that I won’t marry you. Even if you force me, I will find different ways.”

She went to the door and kept knocking.

“I will keep knocking until someone comes and opens the door. I don’t want to be with this man. He only hates me. I don’t want to stay with him. He will tell me the next morning that he regrets staying with me. She continued to yell out loud to herself while furiously pounding on

the door.

Suddenly, she felt her body being lifted in the air.

“Aaah!” She let out a scream.

Ryan looked at her as he held her tightly in his arms.

“Put me down.” She said and began to move her hands and legs.

He was completely unaffected by it in any way. Instead of setting her down, he moved toward the bed.

“I said put me down. I will leave you soon. I don’t want to stay with you.”


oved her down into the bed. Hisleyes looked diarddtetten Me got mad

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like this woman, who tried to actamry,cuttimot even behave She looked like a cute kittemimanger

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He closed his eyes and chuckled, which made her feel startled.

“Have you gone mad? Why are you laughing? Aren’t you angry?” She asked and patted his shoulder.

He opened his eyes and met hers. She saw his eyes come back to their calmness. She felt somehow relaxed. She did not want to face

an angry Ryan either.

He did not reply to her.

On the bed, she could feel his hand circling her waist and pulling her closer to him. He lifted the other hand and brushed her cheek with the

knuckles of his hand.

His actions astounded her.

“Two days ago, you were making a lot of profound statements, such as gripping my heart and all. What happened to your bravery?” He asked while fixing his gaze on her face. As he drew closer to her, his body pressed up against hers.

She felt her wolf howling inside at her mate’s touches. She closed her eyes, and tears rolled from her closed eyes.

“You hurt me, Ryan. I had pure intentions for you. For the last two years, I cried every single night to be with you. I desired to be in your presence. But I have never imagined that you would ever make me feel embarrassed just to kiss you. You hate me, but you also want to marry me. You hate my touch, and you hate my kiss. You feel

disgusted around me. You regretted that you said those things in your drunken state. You regretted that you kissed me ba-”

She stopped when she felt a pair of lips press against her own. Her eyes sprung open, and she looked at him.

He gave her a pack on her lips and shifted his gaze on her.

“I was angry with you that time. I have never regretted anything that’s related to you.”

Her eyes widened. “But y-you said you don’t love me a-anymore.”

He smiled at her and wiped her lips with his thumb, then replied,

I go to your pack? Don’t I want you to be

“What do you think? Why c with me? Don’t I love you?”


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