Why is/ay is every woman after Ryan possessioessions. What about the wo 

mate’sace’s stan at the same time h 

ared bits of glass from her her 

ently spread an ointment on then the 

ented to move her leg, but heit he 

leediner grom doing so. 

ve have another option tomon to 

smirked at hehorgrplexed ichchor docked at her lear and ndaded etatowidyth the s 

ou knowmateneanim not the mates wound if he is an Alpha.” He ok a moment to pausu sed ut mare athor before continuing. Bu you ow the process of behintingo Sbut you want, ca 

most instantivushe removed leder from his lap and set it downom e ground below. She jumpeded fuentedeat and yelled in a hurried voice. 

ba’t even think of these sypesed tiitiungslekeat your Allison, not me.! ve my Ryan He has the powever microene at any time.” 

ying that she rushed out of the locomatough she was in pain. 

han did not know what had happeneged tominusa suddenly that he e es even ready to heal herer. 

stared at the door and sigheded 

hy is every woman after Ryana Heladvayo sasaysahatddbok over his ssessions. What about the women en nyntiveltefelte haids my ex- ite’s heart at the same time he is going no manarmynsy second mate.” 


dayjayson on didnot on to schicoc instead she decided to tago eckiusause 


adot ontbirthing hastast night. 

re the decision to to talkwah Alpha Nell. Only he had the powerver if the wedding Shwe was aware that their reputation would be he the evesves of other Ash as because it was too late to do aboutout it. 






I tried 

at at 

ther hand, shemadede dedecision to accepethe punishments Here nexpected cancescanion to the dredding. 



o tell aim the treat SheShe wouell tet him that it was always herer decision. She was nevee hermapoyt with it. 


ting ready Allison exited ne terhearoom, when she got rs, she saw her mother derfetterheaswas not at home. 


Hit, ok 

‘t look like goinore schacipotefteomener said as she took a 3 She- ok at her daughter’s attire. She ive was Gressed in a long ftoral al 

and going to the pack house.se.” 

ave a stight no-1 of her head and scarecterbroving in the 

bofrihe door. 

Elec bab. 


trom behind. She stopperatorioviandanthen 






El Ellam 

Sh She s 

ata gor hecher.d 

10 God 

+25 BONUS 

“My dear. Don’t behave rudely with your dad. You know how much he loves you. Your behavior is hurting him. We never raised you like that.” 

Allison maintained her gaze on her for a while. She struggled with her mind within herself about whether or not she should argue with her. about it. 

“Mom, you two have already ruined my life. I know you are my 

parents. But this does not imply that the two of you bought me. I am aware of the loving and attentive way in which both of you raised me. I tried to amend them by choosing you. But I feel like I can’t repay you at all. I am worn out. I just can’t carry on like this any longer. 

Her mother’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?” 

‘Mom, I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I will talk to the man among us who holds the position of authority.” 

Her mother sprinted to her and seized hold of her hand. “Don’t do anything childish. Let your father come back home. We will talk about it, oka 

moved her mother’s hand from hers and replied, 

om, please. We can’t talk about it anymore.” 

She exited the house and began walking in the direction of the street. 

Because her father had left earlier with his car, she would need to 

take a cab. 

When she arrived at the pack house, she realized that Alpha Neil and Ella were not at the pack house. 


Teresa and Beta Max sitting on the couch. They were having a good time. When Teresa noticed her, she stood up and rushed to 

her. She hugged her and said, 

“Good morning.” 

on the back before greeting her the with 

+25 BONUS 

my chesy chest. Lopened u completeypietely honest wit 

“What Whhe didylte say?’ Ter 

asa Allison’s direction bafore rang to his to his hOwen. Hesaid to Teresa and headed toded 

did made her sit on the couch.ouch 

noesmiyesterday? Teresa asked here. 

AllisonArson smiled at her the state bitan He hates me being boite sin weakul shot 

Teresallereoutletion a heavy 

her best to restabrasolve the 

“I don’t know whowway to 

eve krewt that it had been her best beat ony therable pack houselin order for her or her Ryan. 

“What youadidovas e vrasje 

othersoaterstaboutit, Tess. But you broke brokand hugged aged her 

But RyButt isyan is non among those onneeds toridado know the truth. I could pain Batmnow how that know the truth, thou 

sa was stilbbelding being her hands.. 

Elora, right? tight?” 

1 she heard the quest question. 

The sight tighe staircasein Elora was steppisteppitited shaky. Sheywane viseoret around the waist avaişireme 

Are Allison art Teresa ereka b 

worl worried for Etoforandrgnod 

“Be careful.”reful.” 

Wel-White he had a niam gripo 

oport anything than carat can break your 

oke up two years ago slago. It is 

cok look before pushing his har 

Twill” will be careful. You don’t 

Ryan back. Bin nowthechase hose loyal Elora Elora’s response was deli: tam happy with twith it.” 

Okay “Okay. As you wish.” Ethan 

our life, Allisonllison. You 

Elora Elora’s eyes widened as st 

held Wheld her. This time, he gras 

unbe knows that too. Albchakshanks talrew drew her close to him and the burden that had been testingesting onractpractice of accepung my 

my chest. I opened up to him about everything last night. I could be completely honest with him about everything.” 

“What did he say?” Teresa asked nervously. 

Allison smiled at her expression. “He is not a fool. He knew that from the start. He hates me because I don’t deserve him. I betrayed him by being so weak. I should have stood up on my feet and chosen him.” 

Teresa let out a heavy sigh, and she had a sense of defeat. She tried her best to resolve their matter, but she failed. 

“I don’t know what to say.” Teresa muttered. 

“What you did was enough. I am grateful to you, Tess.” Allison said and hugged her. 

The sight of the staircase caught Allison’s attention. She noticed that Elora was stepping on the first step. Her movements were quite shaky. She was on the verge of falling when someone grabbed her around the waist and prevented her from falling down. 

son and Teresa broke the hug and stood up in surprise. They were orried for Elora and ignored the man who was holding her waist. 

“Be careful.” 

While he had a firm grip on Elora, the man spoke. Elora gave him a look before pushing his hands away! 

“I will be careful. You don’t have to be concerned for me, Alpha Ethan. 

Elora’s response was delivered through clenched teeth. 


ou wish.” Ethan said and immediately released her. 

lora’s eyes widened as she almost fell; however, once again, Ethan held her. This time, he grasped her wrist and pulled her closer. He drew her close to him and said, “It appears that you have made a practice of accepting my help. But you are an ungrateful woman. You 

don’t know how to thank others” 

Allison stared at them from downstairs. She furrowed her brows as she observed Ethan’s behavior towards Elora. 

For a few days, she could see his changing behavior, which she tried to understand. 

Elora did not argue with him and allowed him to assist her in descending the steps. 

When they reached the bottom of the steps, Ethan took his hand off of hers. He glanced at Allison and asked, 

“When did you come?” 

few minutes ago.” Allison replied and looked at Elora. 

She was about to ask her if she was okay when her attention was drawn to the bandage that was covering her foot. 

fore then, Elora was interrupted by a phone call. She gave her e a quick peek. Her facial expression started to show signs of 


Excuse me.” She said to them and walked slowly to the garden. 

Allison stared at her back and thought, 

‘Whose call made her so nervous? Why does she need to go outside to talk with the person?’ 

+25 BENUS 

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