Chapter 149 

When Allison heard that he had always been aware of the truth, her eyes started to well up with tears. 

All this time, she thought he did not know the truth, so he raised hostility in his heart for her. 

She pushed him hard, which created a distance between their bodies, but his hand did not leave hers. 

“It’s your fault too. Why didn’t you tell me who you are? Why did you keep it a secret? If you told me that you were an Alpha of another pack, maybe things would not have happened like this. Maybe no one opposed our relationship. Maybe your relationship with your parents would have also been good. Maybe we…” @ 

She paused and bit her bottom lip to control herself. She could not say what she was feeling. 

She was angry at him at the same time she was sad. 

“Wow, Allison. Just wow. Always want to stay with convenience? 

Haven’t you heard of it? Prosperity brings friends; adversity tries them. Ryan said and reaffirmed his hold on her to bring her closer to him. 

ne could not feel anything as her mind was lost. Her wolf was also whining for him. 

“So if I were not the head Alpha of a pack, I didn’t have any right to get you? And why would it have made a difference about who I was? Didn’t you say, you loved me the way I was? Or you changed your mind that night in greed to become a Luna, huh?” 

She shook her head and lowered it. “I-I always wanted to ask forgiveness.” 

“Forgive?” He asked with shock and pushed her 

Because of the push, she came dangerously close to falling to the ground, but she managed to keep her balance by holding the couch 

She stood straight and turned her head at him. She saw him running his fingers through his hair in anger 

“Two years.” He muttered and fell silent for some time as if recalling those days. Then he started, 

“For two years, I have been waiting for you. Each and every day. I thought you would call off the wedding. I thought you would look for ment for me to return after canceling it. But what did I get in 

he woman I gave the right in me the most never dared to on her own feet?” 

rned to her with a pair of furious eyes. She could not be more ocked. She did know that he had been waiting for her to cancel the wedding. 

“Do you want to know what more I got which rubbed my wound like salt?” He clenched his jaw and asked. 

She could see contempt in his eyes. But she could not take her eyes 

off him. 

“That woman was becoming strong for another man. She was getting trained and learning life lessons to serve another man. She was 

preparing herself with every intensity to become another Alpha’s Luna. 


She was stunned by his every word. He had every news of her how she had spent her life in the last two years. 

She avoided his gaze and said, 

“I-I could not c-choose you over my p-parents. I-I am so-sorry.” After 

stating that, she quickly started walking towards the door. She was well aware that if she continued to stay here longer, she would lose herself in front of him once again. 

She grabbed the doorknob and realized that the door was locked. She recalled that she did not close the door but let it slightly open before entering the room. But when she came out of the bathroom with the 

first aid box, the door was closed. 

Did he lock the door? 

She was about to move the lock when she felt a hand turn her around. Her back pressed against the door. 

“I-I think l-I should leave.” She sobbed while evading his eyes. 

She had been preparing herself to stand in front of him one day, but 

she broke down. 

If he were to say that he detested her for the past two years, she would play along and let him live his life happily. 

But he said he had been waiting for her. She had no idea how she would be able to confront the man who had once loved her so deeply. 

Even though he was the most powerful Alpha leader and could have any woman he wanted, he still waited for her. 

pierced her heart. 

She felt depressed by his words. She was cursing herself for not 

canceling the wedding and kept listening to her father. 

She messed up everything. 

Now there was no possible way to get back to the old life again. 

She desired to die, just like she felt the night she broke their relationship with him. 

+25 BONUS 

It was more painful than that night. She was already living her life with guilt, but how was she supposed to live from now on? 

“Please let me go now. I-I can’t talk to you right now.” She said and looked at him slowly. 

Her eyes were red from crying; she was continuously sobbing. Her lips were trembling when she spoke. 

Even if she wanted, she could not get a backbone for herself against this man. Because she was the main traitor in this situation. In front 

of her stood a devoted lover who had waited for her for so long. 

She felt that she was the one who needed to get out of everyone’s lives and move far away from them. 

She did not want to be faced by the venom that shone from this 

man’s eyes. 

Her eyes were filled with tears as she begged him to let her go and give her the opportunity to hide the agony and guilt she felt. 

“Let me go.” She sobbed in silence as she uttered the words. 

He lowered his head to come to her level and replied, 

“You came here by your choice, but you can’t leave until I want it.” 3 

+25 BONUS 

nded a punch on it.

“Aahhh!” She let out a cry.

did not stop him. He attempted to hit her shoulder, but she grabbed his hands and pushed him.

“What’s wrong with you, Ethan?” She asked in a high tone.

“You wanted me to train you like a kid? Then sorry, Allison Clark. I am an Alpha. I can’t do that anymore.” He let out, and his leg hit lightly to get her leg. She fell to the ground.

She glared at him. “You are hurting me intentionally.”

“So what? You should defend yourself. Your enemy won’t show mercy to you in war. They will crack your neck in one go.

Allison got mad at him. She gathered all of her strength and stood up.

He tried to attack, but she dodged his every hit. She practiced with him all these times, so she knew his moves now. But she knew it was

front of how he trained those boys. He was going easy


ied to grab his hands, but he spun her around quickly. Her back s pressed hard against his bare chest. It appeared as though he as trying to cross her hands with his own. She tried to put up a fight,


but he was strong as a rock. After she struggled for so long without success, she gave up and just remained there, making no attempt to

break free of his clutches.

“I didn’t know that you liked clubs and parties.”

She heard him. He was a tall man, the same height as Ryan.

He bent his neck, and she heard his words in her ear once more.

“Or do you only like it when you are with my brother?”

Allison frowned and tried to move, but his hold became increasingly tight.-

“This is the same position. You were beaming your smile at him. After Heft the club, you seemed to have a great time at the party.”

“What are you saying?”

“I have seen those pictures…” He uttered those words, had a little pause, and then murmured,

“But I don’t like them at all. You were not looking good with him. He doesn’t deserve to be with you like that.”

She froze at his whispers. It took time for her to get her mind back.

“Leave me.” She spoke out in anger.

He loosened his grip, and she turned around. However, he was not ready for her next move. The moment she turned around, she

punched the left side of his chest with all of her strength.


k a step back and touched his heart..

don’t have any right to talk to me like that.”

hen he heard her, glared at her.

He rushed to her, and it startled her. She thought he would hit her but

donandreptat dat e sht her eyes tightly.

Mynorked white white lacking at her

Don’t fall to

What are ta

Allison was

to end looked at hun Matavou have stready done if Land replied eplied

Abbrin Aahhh

hing. I wanted to show you what that the actual attack

She rubbed

“When What happe

push him, but he grabbed her pants tunded keep her


ain. He is not good for you Hedengr someone neone e Tel She fell to t He wyt ruin you.

What What’s hap

you blabbering about? There is nothing being between en if we have that’s none of your business, okeys, okay?

partre pack to

He minterned an

pha. Securing my pack’s ontegas is my dis dy duty immedimmediately

d look at others too. I have my parents to took to look No onelva one was

asked asked anyth

aftook after you.”


had expediere

licvwthis: Why was his father doing that? Then? The

again? Was it was

awiroway from Ethan, the more he tried to push harish han la hefaidh


“Don’t won’t bittuty

“M-My WatMitsolf!

about Ryantleyamel came here to get rained. You You

oplinecfermentering fremy life.”

g. thing.”

nd said said,

Ethan’s eyes wide to your wolfelt wolf

Allison was losvag

about her wolfer w

“Don’t fall for him ever. He is trying to destroy you.”

“What are you talking about? Why would I fall for hi-*

Allison was interrupted by chest pain.


She rubbed her chest. Ethan immediately let her hands go and asked,

“What happened?”


She fell to the ground while clutching her heart over her clothes.

“What’s happening to you?” Ethan lifted her in his arms and rushed to the pack house.

He mind linked to Wade to call Linus and tell him to come there immediately.

No one was in the living room, which made things easier. No one asked anything, and he went directly to his room.

Allison sobbed out of her suffering. It brought back the agony she had experienced after Ethan rejected her. Why was she feeling that again? Was her wolf leaving her? But why?

Ethan laid her on his bed and caressed her head.

“Don’t worry. Linus is on the way.”

“M-My wolf. It’s…” She could not help but cry in front of him.

Ethan’s eyes widened. He held her hand and asked, “What happened to your wolf?”

Allison was losing her mind in pain. She unintentionally told him about her wolf.

“V. You rejected me, and she was not reacting for a long time. Now that pain of that night came back toine again.”

Pam? Ethan stared at her

He had no idea about how much pain she had to bear for him.

His eyes turned red. “Nothing will happen to your wolf. I promise.”

She shook her head and turned her head to the opposite side. If she lost her wolf, she would become a wolfless woman. How would she

live in this werewolf world then? She would have to die.

Linus and Wade entered the room together. They puffed as if they

had come here in a hurry.

“What on earth happened, Allison?” Linus went to check on her.

“I want her wolf back, Linus.”

Ethan stood up and warned Linus that if Linus could not fix the

situation, he would kill him.

Linus avoided the warning and checked on Allison. His worried face

turned into a relaxed one.

He gave her an injection and said,

“It is a painkiller dose. You will be fine, Allison.”

She looked at him with glossy eyes. “My wolf…”

s totally back. It’s the pain she felt for you. Now that she is you have to take it for her.”

son’s eyes lit up. “S-She is back?”

inus nodded his head. “You can try to reach her.”

She nodded and tried to connect with her wolf. She heard a painful

growl. Then she felt herself howling inside. Her wolf was howling in


Tears rolled down her cheeks. She let out a sigh while closing her eyes in pain.

“Yes, she is finally back to me.”

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