Chapter 146

Allison lowered her head. She had nothing to say about her father. Even her mother supported her father. She was unable to

comprehend the fact that she had also turned her back on Ryan.


She turned to Teresa and saw her crying.

“I am so sorry. I should have been with you.” Teresa said. Tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

Allison smiled at Teresa sadly and hugged her.

“Don’t cry. I am happy that you are back to me. I was so alone at that time.” Saying that Allison could not stop her shuddering voice.

She could not stop herself anymore.

The two close friends comforted one another with hugs and tears as they sobbed together.

After breaking the hug, Teresa held Allison’s hand and made her sit on the bed, then sat next to her.

“Allison, what you did was never your wish. What’s now? How will you live like this?”

Allison shook her head. “It’s been a while. Everyone has changed, including me. Currently, this is my life. There is nothing else that I can do at this time.”


“Teresa, relax. I told you the truth because you are my best friend. Don’t tell this to others. All of this was in my past. My present and future are what I am right now.”


Teresa sat there without moving or uttering a word. It seemed as though she was in conflict with herself in some way. Then she asked,

“How did you pass all those days?”

“By training.”

“So, are you ready to be this pack’s Luna?”

“What else can I do? Life never gave me the chance to let me live like I wanted. It broke my heart at first by rejection, and then when I tried to mend it, it broke me once again.”

Teresa had no words to console Allison. Where they came in was a really critical point in life.

“I think…” Teresa said but paused.

“What?” Allison asked as she turned her head to her. She saw that her

head was down.

“I think he still loves you.”

Allison let out a chuckle as she rubbed the palm of her hand with her thumb.

“No have seen hatred in his eyes. I deserve it. I am the one to blame


say that.”

resa talked to her for a while, then she got a call from Max.

“I think I should leave now.” Teresa pushed herself to her feet and

stood up.

“So quickly?”

“Yeah. There is some sort of file that requires my attention right now.”


becbesend encharted into a businesswoman; not bad.” Allisoson arkad while bilectingling to herself.

u have avetica dea how i am feeling at this very moment. I got my bestst nd backalotoisseid sed you a lot.”

ahsanoticediberhyou your were missing while making a new bestst

d. Allisonsaidsand andedited her eyes.

an Teresa émarched, streshe paused for a moment. She gave a smatlall ke of her head end aaddsaid, Weswear. She will never be able to replacece in my hear. But it stros adtethethat she is a good friend.”

te her have nothinthaga against hen in my heart. But why did sheqe let me last night in the chabalub?”


me on. Don’t try to convivance than at your were blind to what sheq when you saw it She She succonee ore on anything and everythingna

aining to Ryan./an.”

[That’s normat to her. Shessers granpabova Ryem. When first met i thought she was insane. But thenheralrzed zea that she is not a bad f out just obsessed with Ryan/an.”

on was silently listening. Teresa est her franconote where she realized.

she was talking about another womannanking Ryann front of


on was able to observe Teresa sheshencan see Site gave her a

idly grin and reassured her, her



okay, Tess. Lam happy that he got someoneorovho actually loves pur


wait Jell me when you will come to the packaduseuse.”



hy nottodov??

bm not feeling like goin We/vevillenett tomorrow.”

kay. Then see you tontonowweraseseoponded:

ison went downstairs withilferesato testehofioff to the door.

hen they headed to the doondTeresa sacropped whenshe saw ison’s father coming from outsidade.

then did you come, Teresa?He asketters areldagianced at Allison.

ome time ago, Uncle. Kam leaving mow WTeresesapeptied without any notion, as she was really angry at him..

here are you going? prepared a few meats sceacally for you.

tesa, how about we all eat lunch to cedere Allisoner’s mother came tof the kitchen when she heard them rallenging.

resa turned to her and declined her by halting henneacad.

dwould have gladly agreed with her if she had nonnabuotitche ality of the situation. However after hearing all of chaheinusgs that Baon said,she became very upset with both on Ailistin’s pararents.

ysoury Aunt. Right now, i have to leave. Eam grateita that go you prestera. ByesTeresa said to her.

ventevilytually enhade her way out of Allison’s home after engancher d beat bedrendbrace.



werer parkepacked outside. She unlocked the car and got insideshShe “C atchehdushouse for the last time and then drove away in thehe hafahepack packs house.


reachedthepackpackshouse, she noticed that Elora had alreadydy Y ercanovar. Addituiditionally, she was also outside.

were you? yourěstaassa asked with a surprised look while cominung th


out of the car.

Because Elora was new here, she would lose if no one guided her here. So Teresa was worried for her.

Elora got out of her car, closed the door, and then threw the keys to the security guard standing nearby. “Park it for me.

“Y-Yes, Madam.” The guard said, astonished by the woman’s rude


Then Elora turned to Teresa and responded to her question, “I went to the club.”

“At this time?”

“Yeah.” Elora replied while avoiding her gaze, which confused Teresa.

“You are not allowed to act in such a manner toward my people.”

Their ears were able to pick up Ethan’s voice. When Teresa turned around, she saw that Ethan was standing nearby with a few pack fighters.

His words were directed at Elora. He did not like how she threw the

car keys at the guard.

Elora rolled her eyes and crossed her arms before continuing, “I can do whatever I want.”

“My brother did a wonderful job of spoiling you.”

“Oh my gosh. What brought on this sudden realization that he is your brother? For what? Just because he turned out to be an Alpha with more power than you?”


Come on, guys. Stop arguing like new lovers and shorten out the things between you, which we can’t understand. Everyone is sick of

hearing you two argue with one other.” Teresa’s voice broke through the silence.

Ethan was taken aback by her words. Elora also did not like either. Therefore, she started to walk to the pack house, avoiding the other


Teresa glanced at Ethan, and then she also went inside the pack


However, rather than going to her own room, she walked to the very last room and knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

She opened the door after getting permission.


She said as she looked over at Ryan, who was seated on the couch.

He was using his laptop, which was positioned on the coffee table in front of the couch, to do his work. A cigarette was gripped between his two fingers. While a bottle of wine and a half-filled glass were placed next to the laptop.

e gave the door a glance before responding.


Teresa could see his mood was not okay since he was working.

However, she steeled herself, summoned the fortitude, and said,

“Alpha, I need to talk to you.”

“I am busy right now, Teresa. Talk to Max if you have any issues with any sub-Alphas.”

She shook her head and requested,

“Alpha, it’s important. I want to talk about Allison.”

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