"Derek could you call mama, and tell her that I was actually kidnapped," I told him and all of the boys froze at my statement. What? Was I not supposed to tell? Well, I’m very sorry to break it to you... But, you are in hell boys.

"You were what?" Cole, Sammy, Derek, Jack, Aunt Lilly, uncle Aaron all yelled at the same time, and the kidnappers... Cursed under their breaths while sending me glares. I’m hotly evil if that’s even a word.

"Kidnapped... K-i-d-n-a-p-p-e-d by Ian, Nick, Logan, Luca, and Lucas." I pointed at them with a smirk. "And I don’t even know the reason for that. I asked them to tell me but they didn't!" I finished then waited for them to talk. After a minute of silence, Uncle Aaron facepalmed himself. What? He is crazy, his son is crazy, everyone is crazy. Speaking of his son, he has triplets who I haven’t seen yet.

"You can’t possibly be serious... It was A JOKE, you dimwits!" He yelled then looked at them with raised eyebrows. He was in a state of disbelief and I couldn't blame him.

"But uncle Owen said it was a dare," Luca was the first one to speak. And what he said made me froze, I even froze my thoughts. I blinked one time, two times then... Three times. I slammed my palms on the table to look angrier and more intimidating. "It was just a fudging dare?!" I raised my voice, then crossing my arms.

Aunt Lilly raised her hand to speak like an elementary student. "Okay I’m lost, could someone explain what’s going on? Why don’t you start, Ian? Enlighten me please." She glared at the boys and my brothers nodded, I gazed at them while feeling the anger vibes coming out from their bodies.

"No, I’m good. Dad, why don’t YOU explain to mom. After all, you started it," Ian grinned like he won the debate and uncle Aaron paled. She looked at her husband with a smile. "Babe?" Aunt Lilly spoke in a quiet tone that sounded too intimidating to ignore.

Uncle Aaron looked at me, then he nodded. "Okay, I’ll tell you but first...Remi, do you know what happened to your mom before she was married to your dad?" He asked me and I shook my head. I thought he was going to say ′lemme take a selfie′

I thought about it and then shook my head. "No, the boys started telling me when you entered the house, why? What happened to her? Don’t tell me she got stuck on an island for days or even years without her voice!" I commented and they all looked at me, confused and shocked. "What?" My brothers responded and I got alerted. "What?" I said back, to distract them and it always worked. "Anyway, we need Ariel to tell the story," Uncle Aaron suggested. See?

"Okay, I’ll call," I grabbed my phone and dialed the number. "You had your phone on and didn’t call for help?" Derek commented and I laughed. "How could I? When I was sitting on Ian’s lap and the boys were staring at me none stop!" I replied and it was all facts. My brothers’ eyes widened and they stood up. "She sat on your lap?" Sammy yelled at Ian. Oh no, the overprotective mood is on the leash.

"Y-yeah, was that wrong?" Ian asked with a smirk knowing that he was pissing them off. As my dear brothers wanted to choke him to death, mama answered the phone. I put it on the loudspeaker to break the tension.

"REMI THEA MCKNIGHT, WHERE ARE YOU?" It was dad who answered the phone, he must have snatched it from mama. I cleared my throat and breathed deeply. "Hey daddy, I missed you." I countered in an innocent tone, trying to calm him down a bit.

"I missed you too muffins, where are you? Your mom and I were worried sick!" He replied, sounding really hurt and it broke me. "Welllll... Here’s the thing... I got kidnapped," I spat out the truth and waited for his reply. I didn't like to stall much.

There was a pause on the other end of the phone and then I heard someone fall. "Like actually kidnapped? You are not joking now Remi, are you?" This time it was mama who was speaking. She sounded excited for some unknown reason.

"Yes mama, and guess by who?" I replied then grinned. "Who?" Mama and dad asked. I looked at the boys and saw them listening carefully. "Hey, Jaxon ” Uncle Aaron came closer and greeted dad. "Aaron? Is that you? Did you kidnap my only daughter? You son of a-" As dad wanted to swear, mama, cut him off with her famous word ever.

"Language! And hey Aaron, why in the world would you kidnap my daughter, huh?" Mama asked him however, she didn't sound angry. He shook his head but obviously, mama couldn't see him. "Not me... Ian did, Owen’s and Noah’s kids as well," Uncle Aaron answered him.

"Ian, Logan, Nick, Lucas, and Luca!" Mama yelled their names and they looked frightened and screwed. Mama power.

"Yes, ma’am?" Ian replied after a moment of thinking what to say to her. "Why?" She simply asked. "Well, that’s why we called you. We need you to come over and tell the story of your life, Ariel." Uncle Aaron explained and mama sighed. Everyone knew what he was talking about but me. "Okay, where are you? we will get in no time ” Dad asked.

Two hours had passed since we last talked to mama and dad. We all watched Men in black and laughed our hearts out. "That was amazing!" Logan commented after the finishing song ended. "It was," Nick agreed then we heard the doorbell ring. Aunt Lilly got up and headed to open the door. She was greeted by mama’s tight embrace.

"Lilly, how much I missed you," Mama said Dad dashed to me. He hugged me tightly, holding me in his arms. "Muffins, are you okay?" Dad didn’t pay any attention to the others. He didn’t even acknowledge my brothers. "Yes, I’m perfectly fine, daddy," I replied.

"I love you baby girl, I don’t know what I could do without you," dad said when he earned some complaints and huffs from my brothers. "We are here, you know," they said in unison, annoyed at his comment that I loved so much.

"Oh boys, I love you- wait... What are you doing here?" he asked them, still holding me in his arms. "We thought of visiting the boys since they moved here. We didn’t expect them to kidnapped our baby sister, we were pissed at first," Sammy replied and the quads nodded.

Mama and Aunt Lilly looked at us, then she snatched me from dad and hugged me tightly. "Okay Aaron, spill it!" She demanded and we all gulped because her tone was not so nice. We all sat in the living room. I sat on Cole’s lap because there was no more space on the two couches except next to Ian, but of course, my brothers didn't allow me to sit next to him. Now. Let’s hear what mama has to say...

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