After a long night with Roo, and attempts to murder her for her stupidity, I could finally say that today was the big soccer game that we’ve been waiting for. It was a big game for them, my brothers could get a scholarship to their dream university if they perform well. We supported them with all our hearts and souls. I sound like my grandma. I feel old... No, I’m still 16.

The school principal, Mr. incredible Dunn decided to cancel today’s lessons because of the game. But... I may or may not dropped the hints that we didn’t want to learn or study before the game and I might spill his secret if he made us learn anything. That happened while I was talking with him about the janitor’s break yesterday. He agreed. You’re welcome. Who am I talking to? Remi, you are getting crazier by the day.

Due to some events that happened yesterday at the mall -cough -kiss-cough- I ended up wearing an old white shirt that was written on it my favorite quote: I don’t run. And if you ever see me running, you should run too because something is probably chasing me. and I wore black ripped jeans with black vans. Then I tied my hair in a tight ponytail. I’m proud of my choices. I mean, who wouldn’t like this shirt?

I turned my back and looked at Aurora who was wearing her black boots. She wore a dark gray shirt that said: Me? Crazy? I should get down this unicorn and slap you. She wore a boyfriend blue jeans. The girl can wear. Wait... That’s my shirt. I knew I saw it somewhere before. I saw it on me. So, damn, I can wear.

"Are you ready?" Roo asked me and I nodded, then I put my phone in my back pocket. "Hell yeah, but first, let’s go eat then we can go to the game with full stomachs," I replied and she grinned at me. Food before cheering mood. That kinda rhymes in a way.

When we got down the stairs, I looked at the clock and found it 4:30 pm. The game would start at 6 pm. We still had time to eat. "Girls," dad called from the kitchen. "Yeah?" I called back then we entered it. "Wanna eat now?" He asked while holding the frying pan. Roo walked to the sink and washed her hands. I drank some water then washed my hands. "Duh. That question shouldn’t be asked in the first place." I replied and he laughed. We sat on our chairs.

"Where is Aunt Ariel?" Aurora asked dad. "She’s taking a bath before the game. I told her to do that after the game but then I regretted it and I received a slap of the face. I’ll never argue with a pregnant woman, especially your mama." Dad replied while rubbing his right cheek. I snickered. Her slap is hard and it stings. I never tried it and I’m not planning to, but I heard her slap once. She slapped one of my brothers when she wanted ice cream with Oreos and didn’t find it. So... Poor dad.

"Who will take us? You or one of my brothers?" I asked him after we began eating his heavenly food. Him being an author who writes in his own house means: He can find the right time to cook for us.

Dad sat and grabbed a cup of coffee in one hand while his laptop was placed in front of him. "I can’t, I have to wait for mom. Jack and Cole can’t, obviously. Derek and Sammy are already there with your brothers so... you’ll go with Ian, he brought his car and I already talked with him," dad replied and our eyes widened. Roo pinched my arm to make sure she wasn’t dreaming and it hurt like shit. You see, dad was not that kind when it came to boys. He could be super overprotective, more than my brothers. So he, saying that Ian can drive us to the school’s hall, was something utterly new, rather shocking for Roo and I. Something bad will happen. I know.

"Uncle Jax?" Roo put her spoon on her plate, cleaned her mouth with a napkin then she looked straight at him with serious eyes. "Yes, Aurora?" Dad replied. "Are you okay?" She asked and I nodded. He was acting very weird. "Yeah, dad, are you?" I repeated with a worried expression on my free from makeup face. I was too lazy to put on anything. He arched his eyebrows. "Yes, why are you asking?" He asked back.

I placed my palms of the counter. "Dad, you do realize what you just said, right?" I pointed out, then he put his cup of coffee of the counter. Looking as confused as ever. "What Remi?"

"You said that Ian can take us. Ian. The boy. The not female kind. The male. You agreed to that?" I cleared in a loud tone, completely overwhelmed with confusion and fear. Dad rolled his eyes at me, then he huffed. "I know what Ian is. I’m not stupid, cupcakes. I talked with him, plus, the drive to school is not that long." He explained with a wicked smile. Talked with him? More like threatened him.

"Okay... " Roo related, not completely convinced by him. I didn’t blame her. We went silent and returned to our food. We ate it without saying any other word until we heard the doorbell ring. I got up and headed to the main door, and as soon as I opened the door, I was engulfed in a warm hug. I looked up and saw a smiling Ian.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, yelled at him. "Dad is in the kitchen. He can kill you with the knives that are surrounding him." I added, trying to release myself. "I know, but I missed you!" He replied and I blushed. Damn his sweet talk and that was smooth.

I hugged him back for a bit. "I missed you too, but my dad can not see us like this." I countered with a sad whisper. Ian let go of me, then he kissed my cheek real quick. "Ian!" I exclaimed. "Remi, who is it?" Dad asked from the kitchen. I jumped from the fright then hit his arm with my fist. He just laughed.

I walked back to the kitchen and Ian was right behind me. "It’s Ian, Roo, I think it’s time to go. Did you finish eating?" I asked as I saw her putting the spoon in her mouth. She nodded then she swallowed. "Hey, Ian, and yes I finished. Let’s go," she replied and got up from her chair. "Be careful guys and have fun, we’ll be there before 6. Behave." Dad directed his last word to Ian. He nodded with a smile.

"Yeah su-” I was interrupted by my phone buzzing. I pulled it from my back pocket and looked at the new message. It was from an unknown number, I opened it then my eyes widened when I read it. It said: ′Watch your back at the game Remi, from V.PWhy now?

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