The second precinct.

Joyce came to the second precinct again today. She did not expect that Karl's jurisdiction was actually quite large, and it covered even the overpass. It took her a whole hour of cab drive to get there from R&S. Just now on the overpass, the passersby who witnessed the incident called the police for her.

In about five minutes, the police arrived at the scene and the man in black who had fainted on the ground had been taken away. In the police car, the man in black woke up, so the police did not take him to the hospital, but directly to the police station.

Joyce called to inform Juanita that she was in a cab and would go to the second precinct directly.

As Joyce identified Shelly as a suspect on the spot, the police brought Shelly back to the police station for investigation as well.

Now, Joyce, Shelly, Juanita, and the man in black were all sitting in the lobby of the police headquarters, and the man in black was held by a police officer. In addition, there were several onlookers at the time. The originally spacious lobby of the police headquarters instantly became crowded.

When Karl's tall and handsome figure appeared in the hall.

Juanita immediately greeted her, "You are here! What a coincidence. Every time Joyce has an accident, it would always be your case."

"Originally it was under the jurisdiction of a local police station, but they used Joyce's ID when they reported the case. I have informed all the police stations in the city, all her cases should be transferred to me, and thus the local police station has transferred the case to me." Karl explained seriously.

"Oh... So that's how it is... No wonder, just every time ..." Juanita seemed to understand something. Karl was really extraordinarily concerned about Joyce.

Joyce sat on the stool, slightly surprised, "Karl, thank you." She didn't even know that Karl had done so much for her behind the scene.

Victor, Karl's assistant, walked up to the now downcast man in black at this point, "What's your name? Where are you from? Where do you live? Show me your ID."

"Jimmy, from Winston Town... I have a few part-time jobs in Khebury and rent a room in Waterbank."

Victor took notes as he asked questions.

"You guys can take your statements first. I have other things to take care of. I will let Victor do the questioning here first and I'll be over later." Karl told them. "Okay, you go ahead and get busy." Juanita smiled sweetly and waved her hand.

"Wait, why should I stay here? I have nothing to do with what happened today. I want to go back!!!" Shelly stood up and shouted at Karl, "So you're in charge here? I'm telling you, you better let me go. Do you know who I am? Do you know who my brother is? Do you dare to do anything to me? I'll call your boss tomorrow and you will lose your job! Do you still want to keep your job?"

Joyce turned her face away. She could not bear to see how unreasonable Shelly could be. The most important thing was that Shelly probably did not know Karl's strong background, so she made such a speech here and made a fool of herself.

Moreover, Shelly's situation would only be worse if she provoked Karl like this.

And as she had expected...

"I know who you are. Luther Warner's sister." Karl glanced emotionlessly at Shelly.

"Since you know that, you still dare to hold me here? Are you tired of living?" Shelly's eyes widened and she spilled out, "Just how dare a little nameless police officer detain me?"

Instead of answering Shelly, Karl took out his cell phone in front of Shelly and dialed a number.

Shelly thought he was asking for instructions from his superiors, and her lips curled up in triumph, "Yes, hurry up and call your boss. If you know just who I am, you should never keep me at such a place."

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