Joyce instinctively retracted her hand.

No, she could not do that.

No matter how cruel this might sound, she could only say, "I'm sorry, Justin, thank you for your kindness. But I really can't accept it."

She reached out, put the ring back in its place, gently closed the box. She pulled him up off the floor, an apologetic smile on her lips, "I don't deserve it, you deserve better. Justin, you will find the girl who will love you with all her heart and treat you well. She's a better fit for this ring than I am."

A shimmer of sadness and despair suddenly came into Justin's eyes, and when he saw her trying to retract her hand, he hastily held her arm.

"Am I being too abrupt? I'm sorry, I was in a bit of a hurry. I can wait a little longer." It was not that he didn't hear her rejection, but he just didn't want to give up his last hope.

"There will be no other girl. I will never get married without you. The owner of this ring, can only be you." There was an unmistakable determination in his expression, "You know, I'll do what I say." Joyce was inwardly shaken, when had he become so persistent?

"Justin, I'm sorry, I know you must have misunderstood what happened this morning. It's actually not like what the reporters said..."

"I know, and I trust you unconditionally." Justin interrupted her hastily.

He wasn't spurred on by the news to make a spur-of-the-moment decision to propose. He had asked her to marry him at St. Maria Hospital before his surgery. It was a rushed and hurried affair that ended badly, and he still had regrets.

At least, he had never expressed his feelings formally and completely.

"I owe you a formal proposal, whether you accept or reject it. Joyce, I'll wait and wait for you to come around. I will prove everything to you." He held her hands firmly, conveying his firmness.


Joyce wanted to say something but couldn't.

Finally, she made up her mind, "Last time you asked me about my plan for the future. I can answer you now, I plan to finish the current project I promised the director of R&S Group before I divorce Luther. After that, I will leave the R&S Group."

"Really?" Justin was overjoyed. She was about to leave Luther for good! It was just great!

He asked excitedly, "Do you want to start your own business? Money is not a problem. I can help you solve it all. Anything you need, just ask me."

"Never thought about that for now, but anyway, thank you very much for your kindness." Joyce smiled faintly, "I just want to find a peaceful place to raise my child alone."

She looked around at the beautiful decorations. Unfortunately, it was not the right time and she was not the right person for him. All his efforts just had to be wasted this time.

"I don't think I'll be able to have this dinner with you today. I'm sorry to disappoint you." She sighed softly, "Sorry Justin, I'll go first."

After saying that, she resolutely turned around and left.

Hesitation would only hurt them both. She didn't want to hurt Justin. He had only found himself back after all the struggles and returned to the glory and glamour he had once enjoyed. She had been looking forward to that all the time.

Justin stared blankly at her departing back. He wanted to stop her, but found that he did not even have an excuse. He was just powerless.

He leaned dismally against the long French table and held the blue diamond ring tightly in his hand.

His heart was aching like it was stabbed by a sharp blade...

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