Joyce walked straight to the end of the aisle and gently pushed open the door of the box.

The dim light, the quiet environment, it was as if she was now traveling back in time when she went through the door.

Garrett was already sitting inside waiting.

She subconsciously glanced at her watch, 6:50. Luckily, she wasn't late. It was Garrett who had arrived early.

The dining table was placed under a set of small chandeliers, and the yellowish glow on the porcelain white tableware made the atmosphere particularly soft.

Garrett looked up slowly, saw Joyce approaching, and offered to speak, "There you are."

"Mr. Henderson." Joyce bowed politely, then took a seat across from Garrett.

When she saw Garrett again today, she did feel somewhat surprised. Garrett had obviously aged a lot. It was just over two years, and it was as if it had been decades in his face.

Once he was so young and there was only contempt in his hawk-like stern eyes and now his forehead was full of wrinkles, his cheeks were saggy, and his eyes were dim. The past arrogance was nowhere to be found in his body. There were only the endless vicissitudes.

Joyce couldn't help but be amazed at what had happened to Garrett. It made him look so much older.

"Sit down please." Garrett spoke slowly, his voice with a hint of huskiness, "I was the one who proposed to see you, Justin never agreed at first, but then he finally gave up and agreed."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Henderson. I was the one who never wanted to come before and waste your precious time." Joyce said politely.

"I'm already happy that you're willing to come. I know that more than two years ago, I caused you harm. I would like to solemnly apologize to you." Garrett waved his hand, followed by a few coughs in quick succession.

"It's okay, I've forgotten about it. Mr. Henderson, you seem to be in poor health, are you alright?" Joyce didn't expect that Garrett would start the conversation with such a topic, and she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Two years ago, the first thing Garrett said to her was to ask her to stay away from Justin.

"As you can see, I'm sick." Garrett coughed again and took out a napkin to gently wipe the corner of his lips, "I have small cell lung cancer." "What!" Joyce whimpered, "How did that happen?"

Garrett held out a finger against his lips to stop her, "Don't say anything. Justin doesn't know yet, he thinks I just have fibrosis in my lungs. It hasn't been long since I was diagnosed, and I haven't told anyone." She had heard of small cell lung cancer, and Stephanie also had lung cancer, so she knew something about lung cancer when she was taking care of Stephanie. It could be said that small cell lung cancer was the king of lung cancers, with the lowest survival rate, and even after surgery, it was prone to recurrence and almost hopeless.

She never imagined that a financial tycoon like Garrett would have such a vicious disease. God must be kidding him.

"There's not much time left for me." Garrett spoke slowly, "As I'm sure you are aware, some time ago, the Henderson family underwent a major change of its structure. It was my eldest son, Derrick, who set you up over two years ago, so you were not being able to compete in the finals of the World Shooting Championships and Justin also broke both of his legs. And I was kept in the dark about it. I didn't even know Justin broke his legs. I thought that he had run off with you and hadn't been heard from. Garrett did a great job of keeping me in the dark."

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