Joyce spent the night tossing and turning on the couch, struggling to sleep, and staying up until almost dawn before falling asleep.

When she woke up again, she looked up at the clock in the room. It was almost eleven o'clock!

She sat up with a jerk, only to realize she was sleeping in her room on her bed, covered with her own quilt. What the hell? She clearly remembered that she slept on the couch last night, covered with a blanket Did Luther carry her to bed? And he helped her with the quilt?

She subconsciously looked at her collar. Fortunately, her clothes were neatly dressed and nothing happened.

She hurriedly got out of bed to wash up; apparently, Luther had left in the morning.

Damn, she was late for work, and he didn't even wake her up when he left, knowing that she had to go to work too. This man really made her speechless.

By the time she arrived at the office at the group's headquarters, it was past lunchtime.

Juanita came forward and said with concern, "Joyce, why did you come to work so late today? I packed your lunch for you and have put it in the break room. I texted you and you didn't answer." "Oh, yeah?"

Joyce hurriedly took her phone out of her bag and opened it, "The phone was on silent, no wonder I didn't hear it."

"Is something wrong? Is it important?" Juanita asked carefully when she saw that Joyce was in a poor state of mind and a bit disoriented.

"No, no, I just overslept." Joyce reluctantly smiled, not wanting to worry Juanita, "Thank you, I'll go have lunch first."

She came into the lounge and hurriedly ate the lunch Juanita had packed for her; she hadn't had time to eat breakfast either, and now she could have the two together.

In the afternoon, she sat muddled in front of her computer, completely uninterested in her work.

These days, she was in a poor condition with her work.

Finally, she made it through to the end of the day, when she received a message from Justin reminding her to go to the penthouse box of the King's Hotel at 7pm tonight, where Garrett wanted to see her.

It was then that she remembered with a start what she had promised Justin earlier. Hell, it turned out to be tonight.

When she looked down at what she was wearing, a cheap hundred-dollar t-shirt, and faded white slacks, she couldn't help but frown. This morning she went out in a hurry and didn't even bother to clean up a bit.

She looked at the time again, the King's Hotel was not close to the R&S Group headquarters, and she would not have the time to return to Eden Apartment in time to change. Forget it, it didn't matter.

It was not that she actually cared about her appearance. She just dresses too casually and looked disrespectful to his family. Garrett was after all Justin's father, who was particularly particular about the manners, and they had a not-so-pleasant one-sided encounter.

She combed her hair carefully in the lounge and found a black dress that she had previously kept in the lounge, which was better than the slacks she was wearing now. She decisively changed into the black dress, left the group headquarters, and took a taxi to the hotel.

It was right after work hours, with red lights all the way and traffic jams all around.

It was almost seven o'clock when she arrived.

The King's Hotel was Khebury's new private club with luxurious and upscale decor, a new favorite of high society.

Joyce arrived to find out that this place also belonged to the Henderson Group.

Entering the door, the lady at the door greeted Joyce with a strange look. Well, she looked pretty, but her dress was really shabby... After looking at Joyce for a long time, she finally recognized that she was just Joyce, that scandalous girl who was said to have a story with the son of the Henderson family Justin.

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