She tried to break free a few more times, but could never get rid of him. Indignantly, she retorted.

"The baby you're carrying, is it really Justin's?" His harsh gaze swept to her belly; today she was wearing a looser dress and didn't really look like she was pregnant.

"No matter whose child it is, it has nothing to do with you." She didn't acknowledge it and said coldly, "We're just faking our marriage and we're getting a divorce license next month. You don't need to know." Luther was instantly agitated. He used a little more force, pulling her closer to himself.

She emitted a fragrance. It was the smell of her body, instead of any perfume.

The feeling and the smell were so familiar and he could not control himself and dragged her right into his embrace.

The softness of her body and the familiar smell... With her in his arms now, the emptiness he felt just now instantly disappeared and he felt like his heart was full again. He tightened his arms subconsciously and locked her tightly and didn't want to let her go.

His behavior stunned Joyce as well.

Did he remember something? So he would be so intimate with her?

"Let go of me, people may see us!" When she came back to her senses, she pushed hard against him.

Luther was stunned and suddenly let go of her.

He was very confused as to what he was doing. He was making intimate gestures towards her in public.

Even he himself could not understand it.

Not far away, the employees were leaving in twos and threes, and from time to time they looked over. It seemed to them the boss had a new fiancée and an old love, so he could not take care of both? Joyce just wanted to question him.

But then she saw him suddenly cupping his forehead with both hands, his thumbs pressing hard on his temples.

He looked like he was in pain, so much so that he even bent over, his forehead and neck were covered with veins, and she could even clearly see the veins pulsating inside.

She instinctively went forward to hold him.

"What's wrong? You have a headache? Do you want me to call Jamie for you?" She asked with concern.

When she saw him like this, she didn't want to bother with him anymore. After all, he had a car accident and lost his memory.

He half leaned his body on her side and breathed heavily, "No, it will be fine in a moment."

She didn't move and let him lean in.

A few moments later, he finally felt better, the bout of pain passed, and he pressed one hand to his temple and straightened up.

At that moment just now, he embraced her in his arms, and a flash of white light seemed to cross his mind. He seemed to think of something, it was so close but was interrupted by the bout of pain. And he finally remembered nothing.

"Are you alright?" She asked, softening her voice.

"Doesn't matter." He waved his hand.

"You're okay, then I'll go first."

At this point in their conversation, her cell phone rang. She looked down and took out her phone and glanced at it. It was Justin.

He also glanced along and saw the words that stood out on her phone screen, "Justin".

"You're meeting Justin tonight?" He didn't know why but asked before thinking.

Joyce froze.

After a short while, she didn't deny it and returned, "Yes, I'll go first."

After saying that, she left without looking back.

Luther stood in the corridor, looking at her slender silhouette fading away. She was on the phone, a smile on her lips, looking in a happy mood, a scene that made him inexplicably irritable.

Why would he feel so upset by her relationship with Justin? Why did he subconsciously hug her just now? Why would he find her feeling and her smell so familiar? Why would he feel so attached to her?

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