Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)
Chapter 1949: Prepare For The Worst

Chapter 1949: Prepare for the Worst

"Is that so?" Joyce looked at him skeptically.

Clint pretended to fumble around on her dashboard, deliberately asking, "I don't even know what these buttons are for. It'll take me some time to get used to your car."

"But I saw you handled it quite well, you shouldn't be unfamiliar with Bentley cars," Joyce placed her bag in front of her belly, obscuring it slightly. The fetal movement earlier was a bit intense.

"Hehe. If I were an engineer or a tech person, just a car. I should be able to adapt quickly," Clint planned to change the subject to cover up his previous mistake, "We're almost there. Can you check the navigation, is it a right turn ahead? It's not clear on the screen, how should I park?"

"Yes. It's a right turn ahead, you don't need to park, just drive up to the entrance," Joyce pointed.

At this point, she looked at Munin again, the left-hand drive car was driving very smoothly, she thought, maybe he was just a little flustered earlier, touching the wrong buttons, she was overthinking it. After covering up his mistake, Clint drove the car to the entrance of the warlord's hospital and stopped.

"Ah, I almost forgot, you are the daughter of a warlord, where do you need to park? I see your license plate is very special, it must be a special permit for warlords?" Clint pretended to be curious, "Can you violate rules at will? Run red lights? Or change lanes and overtake as you please? Park on the side of the road?"

Joyce gave him a look, "You're thinking too much. Although there are privileges, I should adhere to the law."

"Oh." Clint chuckled.

"I'll get off here, you stay here and don't move. See, there are warlord guards in front, don't leave their sight. I'll go over and greet them to ensure your safety," Joyce said, then got off the car with her bag. Clint leaned out of the car window, waved at Joyce, "Got it. I'll wait for you here."

Joyce waved back at him, then greeted the guards at the entrance and walked into the hospital.

She went all the way to her exclusive VIP room.

Dr. Jiang was specifically responsible for monitoring Joyce's pregnancy.

After entering, Joyce sat on the sofa.

Dr. Jiang hurried forward to greet her, asking, "Miss, it doesn't seem like it's time for your checkup yet. Why have you come early? Is there something wrong?"

Joyce shook her head, "I feel fine, the fetal heart is monitored every day. Everything is normal."

"Alright. Are you here for blood tests today or..." Dr. Jiang was interrupted by Joyce.

"I'm here to consult you, if I want to have a cesarean section. When would be the earliest appropriate time?" Joyce furrowed her brows.

Dr. Jiang was taken aback, "Didn't you want to have a natural birth? We have been planning according to the standards for a natural birth. Including your daily diet and sugar intake. Your weight has been well controlled. And the development of the twins is normal. Following this trend, a natural birth is completely achievable. Why did you suddenly change your mind? Do you want a cesarean section?"

"I heard that there may be risks with natural birth, especially for twins. The second child faces even greater risks when it comes out. I don't want any mishaps," Joyce said.

Dr. Jiang advised, "Miss, please lie down on the examination table, let me check you. Okay?"

"Mmm." Joyce walked to the examination table, took off her shoes, and lay down.

Dr. Jiang carefully examined Joyce.

Then he judged, "Currently, the fetal development is normal, the amniotic fluid is sufficient, and your physical condition is really good. I still recommend a natural birth for you. Trust us, we will ensure the safety of you and the two children."

Dr. Jiang tried his best to persuade, after all, as a doctor, if there was a mistake with the warlord's children, the responsibility would be too heavy for them to bear.

"I do trust you. I have some reasons beyond your control," Joyce took a deep breath. "I will try to have a natural birth, but I want to know, just in case... I'm just saying, just in case, when is the earliest I can have a cesarean section?"

She didn't mention the reason.

Since she asked Dr. Jocelyn about the poison in Luther's body, if, if it was really irreversible, if his life was really less than a month...

At this point, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest, so painful that she couldn't help it, turning sideways and dry heaving.

Dr. Jiang asked, "Do you still have morning sickness? You shouldn't. I'll take some blood for testing, to see what's wrong."

Joyce waved her hand, "I'm fine. I had a bad lunch, suddenly felt uncomfortable. Help me check the dates." Her plan was that if that day really came, she hoped Luther could witness the birth of their two children with his own eyes. This was the only thing she could do for him.

She couldn't help but think, just thinking about that scene made her heart ache endlessly.

But she couldn't ignore it. In her torment, she could only make a trip to the hospital, preparing for the worst.

"Okay," Dr. Jiang quickly opened the computer, checking all of Joyce's pregnancy records.

Finally, he said, "Next month, on the 8th, I calculated the gestational weeks to be sufficient. If you have a c-section at that time, it won't affect the growth of the two children at all. In fact, many pregnant women choose c-sections, especially for their third or fourth child, when the physical burden is too heavy, they often choose to have a c-section earlier. This time is the most suitable. Rest assured, I have a lot of experience in this area. The chosen day will be perfect."

Joyce looked at the calendar, the 8th of next month.

She silently counted in her mind, it was early in the month now, the 8th of next month, barely a month.

She hoped everything would be fine, and she hoped he... could hold on until that day. Back then, they both missed the birth of Anderson and Alisha, this time there couldn't be any regrets.

Joyce stood up, "I understand. Dr. Jiang, about my visit today, including my inquiry about a c-section. Please do not disclose this to anyone. I will inform you when I make a decision."

Dr. Jiang nodded, "Yes, please rest assured. I will keep it confidential."

Joyce nodded and then left the exclusive VIP room.

She went downstairs.

Sure enough, Munin was still waiting in the car.

Seeing Joyce, Clint quickly waved at her, "Already? I thought I would have to wait a long time."

Joyce got directly into the car, sitting in the passenger seat.

"Where shall we go next?" Clint asked with a smile, tapping the steering wheel, "Wherever you go, I'll go. I'll be your driver."

Joyce glanced at him speechlessly, "Let's go to my company, don't you want to work? We currently have a smart surveillance project, we're in need of help, are you interested?" She felt she had to give Munin something to do, otherwise, he couldn't keep pestering her.

"Okay." Clint's handsome face showed false excitement, secretly pleased in his heart, great, goal achieved. He was closer to her again.

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