Chapter 186

I did not look at his grim expression as I continued, “I know. If it weren't for this baby, we

would have divorced by now. After all, there's no love between us!”

Raising my eyes to lock with his, I felt a strange sort of calm sweep over

me. “I won't cling on to you. Once the baby is born, I'll leave voluntarily. I've already signed the divor He let

out an incredulous laugh, furious beyond measure. “So this is the reason you ran off without your ph looking out for her and taking care of her —

was all because of Parker's dying wish. Do you understand?”

When I kept quiet, he added in an exasperated tone, “You're already seven months pregnant. How cc A bubble of laughter escaped me. “You never loved her?” I stared right into his eyes, snapping, “If yo would you sleep with her? Why would you get her pregnant? You risked your life time and again for Since he was vehemently against us sleeping apart, all thoughts about sleeping left my mind. I got uI and was about to leave the room.

He was quick to stop me. “Where are you going?”

“None of your business!” I shoved him aside and stormed out of the room, fury brewing inside me.

I heard him following me so I increased my pace. When I made my way down the stairs, he growled, Upon reaching the first floor, I spotted

Molly and several bodyguards blocking the front door. Ashton sped over and grabbed my hand. “Th “To die!” I hissed back at him. I was so mad I could not even think straight.


chuckled, both annoyed and frustrated. “Scarlett, you're really the embodiment of all the flaws a won As if I'm in any mood to sleep right now!

Shoving him aside, I yelled, “What flaws are you talking about? Being unreasonable? Being resentful When he remained silent, I declared, "Well, that's who I am! Since you love Rebecca so much, you're I pushed the bodyguards out of my way and rushed out of the villa. Obviously, there was no way a p However, Ashton was right. This was K City, not my hometown. There was no place for me to go. Thus, I took a walk around the yard. All the while, Ashton stood by the door with his arms crossed be me to go to him.


how enraged I was right then, just the sight of him had me wanting to beat him senseless. Despite tr After a moment of deliberation, an idea occurred to me. I glanced at

him and called out, “Ashton, come over here!

He raised an eyebrow, the anger in him dissipating slightly. A smile curved his lips as he made his wa Once he was standing in front of me, I tilted my head back to look him in the eyes. I announced bolc on innocent parties, the only choice I have left is you.”

With that said, I shoved him into the pond that was right behind him.

Caught off guard, Ashton was struck speechless as he tumbled into the pond. Thankfully, it was not \ climbed to his feet easily enough.

Sweeping a damp lock of hair away from his eyes, he had an exasperated expression on his face.

I did not wait for him to respond as I turned around and left. Doing that made me feel a lot better ar I curled up in bed, ready to fall into dreamland.

Ashton trudged in behind me and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. A few minutes later, I I His low voice drifted into my ears, “I'm going to the study to do some work.”

I kept my eyes shut, not saying anything in reply as I pretended not to hear anything.

I expected him to say something more, but all he did was get up and leave the room. The door clicke Even though I was lying in bed, I did not feel the slightest bit sleepy. My arms were aching terribly. I I continued to toss and turn, unable to fall asleep at all. The next thing I knew, it was already two in t There's no way he’s still working at this time!

Since I could not sleep anyway, I crawled out of bed and went to his study. I noticed that the lights w There was a bed in the study, which he was currently occupying. He looked like he was already aslee Being unable to sleep in the middle of the night was one of the most annoying things that could hay A few seconds passed. Just when I thought he was truly

asleep and was about to leave, his deep voice washed over me, “Are you having trouble falling aslee I paused before biting my lip and nodding “Yeah.”

Click. A yellowish light enveloped the room as the table lamp was flicked

on. He sat up in bed and stared at me. “Come here."

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