Chapter 49 Worth billions, and yet they called me a construction worker‘ 

I didn’t expect Carolyn to be so sensitive. When she heard that the landlord wanted to take control of her company, she chose to refuse. 

Finally, Paloma rented the ground floor of the entire building to her at a relatively cheap price. 

Greyson named this building Cloud Building. 

Others didn’t understand Greyson’s thoughts, but Paloma understood in her heart. 

This building was another starting point for Greyson’s career. 

Sometimes, the strong wind broke through the waves, and the sail soared high, crossing the vast sea. 

He wanted to enter the business world. 

However, Carolyn couldn’t understand why she was so lucky to have obtained the lease for the first floor of Cloud Building at such a cheap price. 

She even asked Paloma, and Paloma said she was the first customer to come and rent, so they gave her a discount. 

Carolyn could only understand it this way. 

Otherwise, one cannot always assume that others covet their beauty. 

Carolyn was a woman of temperament, while Rebecca was even more outstanding than her. 

In the afternoon, Rebecca sent a message saying that she would go to Cloud Building with her mother later to check the progress of the 



Greyson checked the time and hurriedly went past. 

In the past, Paloma used to take care of all the matters related to Cloud Building, and Greyson only visited once. 

Today was the second time I came, and coincidentally, Blue Print Investment was also under renovation. 

The top ten floors of the building were all reserved by Greyson. 

Below the twentieth floor is the hotel, and from the twentieth floor to 

the fortieth floor is used for rental. 

Carolyn was ambitious, she took the forty–sixth floor. 

Because she didn’t want other companies to have control over her, she also saw the new company as another starting point for her career. 

Although the hotel had not been arranged yet, Greyson had already reserved the space, 

And its elevator is separate from the commercial area upstairs. Half of the lobby on the first floor belongs to the hotel, and it is accessed from the south side. 

The commercial district was entered from the north, with no interference on either side. 

Greyson came downstairs and happened to run into Rebecca and her mother getting out of the car. 

While her mother wasn’t paying attention, Rebecca smiled at Greyson. 

Greyson noticed Carolyn, who was indeed a northern woman and stood at a height of 1.7 meters. 

She had a great figure and standing next to Rebeeen, they looked like a pair of sisters 

Greyson followed the two people into the elevator calmly and unhurriedly 

Carolyn glanced at Groy son and saw that he was just an ordinary boy. so she didn’t pay much attention to him 

Greyson stood behind her, level with Rebecca. 

Rebecca quietly traced a few lines on Greyson’s palm with her finger and made a funny face, 

Greyson also didn’t hesitate and pinched her thigh. 

“Young man, are you the decorator here?” 

Carolyn suddenly asked. 

Greyson nodded and said, “Yes, Auntie, is there something you need?” 

Carolyn glanced back at him and said to Rebecca, “You see, this is the consequence of not studying.” 

“Young at age, I could only do such hard and tiring work on the construction site.” 

Greyson looked speechless, so you mean to ask me, was it just to step on me? 

Rebecca was also speechless. 

Greyson glanced at Carolyn and said, “Yes, I am not studying.” 

People who could only do manual labor on construction sites. 


The elevator reached the forty–sixth floor, and the mother and daughter got off

Greyson, however, arrived at his company’s site, where Paloma was present. 

She took this matter very seriously, after all, the company was her legal entity, and she was filled with passion. 

Greyson once said that he wanted to make her worth billions. 

After the establishment of Blue Print Investment, Paloma’s value naturally skyrocketed. 

At that time, she was the elite of the younger generation in this circle. 

“How did you come here?” 

“How did our design partition look? 

Greyson nodded and his gaze went through the window. 

This over fifty–story skyscraper soared high into the clouds. 

There are also many high–rise buildings in the surrounding area, but most of them were only around thirty floors. 

Therefore, Cloud Building had a unique taste. 

Looking from here, you can see the rolling river flowing eastward. 

Paloma stood by his side as Greyson asked, “At this moment, what do you feel?” 

Paloma smiled confidently, “There is a heroic dominance over the world.” 

“I was in a very good mood, filled with passion.” 

Cretam anled 

However, he did have such a mod 

The goal was very simple, which was to make money. 

What ambition and passion! 

Why think so much? 

Paloma pointed to an area over there and said, “This is the office area prepared for you” 

“Over five hundred 


“There was also a dedicated resting area. 

Due to Greyson’s plan, only one floor was renovated. 

Paloma divided an area in the best location, preparing to use it as Greyson’s office. 

Greyson shook his head, “I lere you go, I don’t need an office.” 

“Only I am allowed in your resting area, no one else.” 

Paloma’s face immediately turned red, and she glared at him with a disapproving look. 

I would have been relieved if you had said it earlier. 

With a blush on her face, she said earnestly, “What you said, don’t deceive me.” 

Greyson laughed heartily 

Looking out of the window downstairs, Carolyn stood with her daughter 

She pointed at everything outside the window, looking down from above. 

“Rebecca, this is the new starting point of your mother’s career.” 

“At that time, my mother would walk from here towards the world, becoming a remarkable presence that captured the attention of the world.” 

“I wanted to become a giant in the business district.” 

“When I get old, I will hand over everything to you.” 

“Let’s go upstairs and have a look.” 

The mother and daughter took the elevator to the Blue Print Investment renovation site upstairs. 

Ms. Frazier was found talking to the construction worker she had just spoken to. Carolyn walked over and said, “Hey, Ms. Frazier.” 

“What a coincidence, you are here too.” 

When Greyson saw them coming, he gave Paloma a signal not to reveal their identities. 

Paloma also smiled and went up to greet, “Madam, how come you’re here?” 

Carolyn glanced at the side of Greyson but didn’t pay any attention. 

After all, who would care about a decorator? 

She got close to Paloma and said, “Thank you for taking care of me and giving me such a discounted rent. Hey, whenever you have time, let me treat you to a meal.” 

“How about today then? There’s no time like the present.” 

Paloma waved her hand repeatedly. “Forget about eating, I really haven’t had time lately” 

I had to accompany my boss for dinner tonight. I couldn’t just leave 

him alone 

Carolyn became anxious and said, “Come on, even if you’re busy, you still have to cat. It won’t take up much time.” 

“How about tonight? I’ll go book a restaurant.” 

Paloma was about to refuse when Greyson gestured from a distance, asking her to look at the phone. 

Paloma took out her phone and looked at it. “I promised her!” 

She also didn’t know what Greyson meant, so she reluctantly said, “Alright then!” 

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