Chapter 36 Something Happened to Mariana’s Family 

“Greyson, come here please.” 

When Greyson was about to go to university, Pearce called him and asked him to come to the diner. 

Greyson said goodbye to Paloma and left in a hurry. 

In the diner, Stephanie and Chelsea were also there. 

Mariana was crying bitterly. 

Greyson didn’t know what happened. He hurriedly asked, “What’s up?” 

Chelsea said, “Something happened to Mariana’s family. Her father was in a car accident. The doctor said it would cost 30 thousand dollars for an operation.” 

30 thousand dollars was a huge sum of money for an ordinary family. 

Mariana’s family lived in Westerville. As ordinary citizens, they had some savings and bought a house last year. 

Mariana’s family still needed to pay for tens of thousands of loans. 

When her father had an accident, the family couldn’t afford the medical fee. 

Her mother decided to sell the house, but no one was willing to buy it. 

Everyone was trying to help her. 

How could she obtain 30 thousand dollars for her father’s operation? 

Kent and Pearce suggest everyone donate some money. 

But the diner’s profits weren’t many after a few days of opening. 

It wouldn’t help much if they gave all the profits to Mariana. 

Mariana was Chelsea’s good friend. Chelsea couldn’t stand by when Mariana suffered. 

“Why don’t you take a leave to go back home? Let’s find a way to raise money together.” 

Greyson said to Mariana. 

Mariana’s eyes turned red from crying. She knew the family background of Greyson and the others. 

None of them were rich. 

30 thousand dollars was a large sum to them all. 

Kent suggested giving all the cash in the diner to Mariana. 

No one objected. 

But Mariana shook her head. How could she not know the result of doing so? 

If all the cash was taken away, their new diner would go out of business. 

How could they maintain the business without money? 

She didn’t want that to happen. 

“Thank you for your kindness, but I really can’t take the money.” 

Mariana wiped her tears and left holding back her tears. 

The diner was very quiet. Greyson glanced at everyone. “Don’t worry about Mariana. I know a friend. I’ll try borrowing some from him.” 

Kent said, “Don’t bluff, Greyson. We all know that your family is poorer than ours. How can you have any rich friends?” 

Pearce said, “Let’s join hands together. The worst case is closing the diner 

“Okay, I agree.” 

“Chelsea, give the money to Mariana.” 

Seeing everyone’s eagerness to help Mariana, Greyson couldn’t let them down. 

He said to Chelsea, “Give me her Line contact.” 

Chelsea did as he asked. 

He sent a befriending request to Mariana. “It’s Greyson.” 

He wondered what Mariana was doing. 

It took her more than ten minutes to respond. Greyson texted, “I’ll wait for you… in the small woods behind the university.” 

Mariana didn’t reply. 

But she showed up. 

At noon, no one was in the woods. 

Greyson was sitting under a tree. When he saw Mariana, he waved his hand. 

Mariana’s eyes were red. She must have been crying in the dormitory just now. 


red to Marangay 

With such an accident, she was completely at a loss 

Greyson didn’t say much before he transferred 36,000 dollars to Mariana 

“Buy a plane ticket and go back. That can save a lot of time.” 

Mariana heard her phone ring, but she didn’t take a look. 

Mariana bit her lip and looked at Greyson, Greyson said to her, “Take a look at your phone.” 

Only then did Mariana take out her phone and turn it on. Seeing the transfer of 36,000 dollars, she was completely stunned, 

Mariana looked at Greyson with teary eyes. She was crying uncontrollably. 

“Don’t cry. People would think I have done something bad.” 

Mariana wiped her tears, completely unable to control her emotions. She leaned against the tree, sobbing. 

It took her a long time to stop crying. She looked at the money transfer on her phone in disbelief. 

“How did you get the money?” 

She heard that Greyson’s family conditions were not good and he had been receiving subsidies from the university. 

Greyson was doing part–time jobs in the cafeteria. How did he get such a large sum of money? 

Greyson said, “I know a friend who owns an antique store, and I borrowed the money from him. 

*Take it, but I don’t want you to tell anyone about it.” 

Mariana wiped her tears. “I won’t be able to pay back so much money m a while 

“What if he asks you what the money is for?” 

“It’s okay. I’ll take care of it myself. I won’t do anything out of my capability. You can rest assured. 

“The top priority now is for you to go back home immediately. Everything else can wait.” 


Mariana’s eyes were red. “Thank you! Greyson.” 

“You’re welcome. Friends should help each other.” 

“Transfer the money to your mother so as not to delay the operation time.” 

Mariana thanked him again before taking the money. 

In the afternoon. Mariana took a leave and went back home. 

Everyone thought the diner would be closed tonight, but Chelsea said that Mariana didn’t take the money. 

The business continued. 

But they soon realized one thing. 

After the barbecue dinner was opened, they had no time for a date. 

That wasn’t what they wanted. 

But Chelsea said. “We’re so busy. Do you still have the mood for a 


Pearce and Kent looked at each other. They had discussed in the dormitory some time ago that they had to make some progress. 

But they simply had no time 

Greyson didn’t go back to the dormitory from time to time. Who knew what he was doing outside? 

Rebecca was in business for sheer fun. 

She didn’t worry about the profits. 

Rebecca made it clear that she would only come by if time permitted. 

She was doing voluntary work after all. 

Seeing that everyone was so tired, Greyson proposed to recruit a few more helpers in the next semester. 

After all, this semester was about to end. There was probably no business during vacation. 

Greyson went to the apartment on the third day after Mariana left. Paloma was very happy to see him come back. 

She took out the newly bought clothes. “Hurry up and try it on. If it doesn’t fit, we can change it.” 

Greyson gave her 13,750 dollars to buy clothes. She bought three sets for Greyson. 

The price of each set was more than 3,000 dollars. 

They belonged to the brands Armani, Versace, and Givenchy. 

She also bought branded underwear, belts, and shoes. 


These all cost 13 thousand dollars. 

Greyson was speechless. “I told you to buy some clothes for yourself. Why did you buy these for me? 

“There’s no need.” 

Seeing that Greyson was upset, Paloma blushed. She bit her lips and said aggrievedly, “Then I will return them tomorrow.” 

Since she looked hurt, Greyson explained, “You didn’t understand what I meant. 

“Girls should wear high–end clothes. In that way, some poor guys won’t get close to you. 

When you look noble and elegant, men not as good as you will feel ashamed and leave. 

“Why would a man like me dress up so luxuriously? I won’t go out bluffing. 

“Well, you can go buy some new clothes for me tomorrow.” 

He transferred another 30 thousand dollars to Paloma. 

Paloma said in a low voice, “I bought two sets myself. Do you want to see me try them on?”

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