Chapter 24 Friendship 

Greyson thought that he had helped Kent, but they couldn’t compromise. 

No one knew how many victims these informal online loan companies had caused. 

Many people had been deceived. Greyson estimated that it would be difficult to bring them to justice by calling the police. 

Greyson tried to think of the best plan. 

By the way… 

Why not make use of the advantages of the Internet and the power of public opinion? 

Yes! What a good idea! 

After thinking of a plan, Greyson went to draw some cash. 

With the money Stephanie gave to him, Greyson now had over 1,600 dollars. And Pearce could help them a little. 

It was not that Greyson was unwilling to give out his money, and he could afford it alone, but he must make use of this matter to teach Kent a lesson. 

Pearce’s money represented friendship. 

Stephanie’s money represented love. 

Greyson must have Kent remember those who had helped, so he wouldn’t be the hero alone. 

And he didn’t plan to pay so much to the loan sharks. Asking for 5,500 dollars in just a few days? 

Those loan sharks were so bad. 

After getting prepared, Greyson called Rebecca to ask her out. 

Rebecca had just taken a bath and there was a fragrance at the end of her hair. 

Seeing that she was wearing her favorite denim shorts again, Greyson shook her head helplessly 

Greyson was going to buy her a lot of long pants because he didn’t want other men to enjoy Rebecca’s beautiful legs. 

“What’s going on?” 

Greyson didn’t make it clear on the phone just now, just saying that he needed to see her. 

So Rebecca came out in a hurry 

Greyson took Rebecca to a corner on the playground where there was no one around. Several couples hugged each other under the tree in the distance. Rebecca was anxious. “You didn’t come to the hotel last time. What do you want to bring me to such a place?” 

“What are you thinking about?” 

Greyson was speechless. “Something happened to one of my roommates. I want you to help him.” 

Realizing that it was something serious, Rebecca pursed her lips. 

“Then we’ll go to see those people. If you see something wrong, call the police.” 

Rebecca nodded, but asked anxiously, “Can you guys handle it?” 

Greyson said, “It’s fine. At least, they will kick our asses. 

“Remember, no matter what happens, don’t come here. Just keep the evidence.” 


After Greyson returned to his dormitory, the rest of them didn’t go out. 

Greyson brought out the cash of 430 dollars, “Stephanie gave those to you. Be a real man. Look how you have hurt her!” 

“What? Stephanie’s love is so deep?” 

Pearce couldn’t help but thumb up. 

“I love her! Kent, if you don’t love her, don’t hurt her. It’s shameful. 

“Why don’t you give her to me?” 

Kent glared at Pearce, “Fuck off!” 

Kent didn’t expect that Stephanie would help him generously. But all Stephanie had was limited. It was not easy for Stephanie to devote so much money. 

Greyson said, “When all is done, apologize to Stephanie and win her back. 

“It’s a blessing in your life to have a girl do this to you.” 

“Damn! Enough.” 

Kent ran out with red eyes. 

Alexis just sat there without saying anything. Anyway, he didn’t intend 

to help at all. 

Greyson got a Line message on his phone, “Boy, will you come home to sleep?” 


It was over 11 p.m. at night, but Kent still didn’t come back. 

They only learned on the second day that Kent went to see Stephanie, and that they hugged each other tightly in the woods behind the school for the whole night. 

In the afternoon, the three people were ready to meet with the people of the online loan company. 

Greyson asked Alexis, “Will you come with us?” 

Greyson just wanted to test Alexis’s personality to see if he was a qualified friend who would help those in need at the critical moment. 

Alexis said, “I think I won’t be a part of this.” 

“Alright, let’s go!” 

Greyson didn’t say anything to Alexis. He didn’t intend to have contact with such a man anymore. 


They came to the appointed place. It was a restaurant near the school. 

Greyson asked Kent to pick such a place so that it was convenient for Rebecca to take photos. 

Several men from the online loan company came. They were all strong and tattooed. 

Maybe they did it on purpose to put pressure on Greyson and his 


friends so that they wouldn’t dare to fight back. 

The leader of those men was called Kadyn Vaughn. He looked fierce, and Greyson knew that he was not a good man. 

Kadyn glared at them, “Do you bring my money?” 

Kent glanced at Greyson and didn’t say anything. Greyson said, “Yes.” 

Greyson had a tape recorder on him and solemnly negotiated with Kadyn, “There is something wrong with your online loan. How can the interest be so high? 

“When Kent borrowed the money, he asked for 1,600 dollars, but you only gave him 1,500 dollars. It’s just over a week, but why does he have to pay back 5,500 dollars now?” 

Kadyn glared at Greyson, “Did I ask you? 

“Do you want a lesson? This is between us. Does it have anything to do with you? 

“What the fuck are you talking about?” 

Greyson had been prepared, “He is my friend. We will pay the money back together. 

“If you don’t want me to get involved, we will leave.” 

“Stop there.” 

Kadyn slapped the table, “You motherfucker. Why the fuck do you dare to be so arrogant to me?” 

Pearce wasn’t afraid of them at all, “What are you yelling for? He just borrowed some money from you. 

40 Vouchers 

“We are not your slaves. We owe and repay our debts, but human rights are equal. 

“Don’t think that you can yell at me just because we owe you money.” 

“Well,” Kadyn rolled his eyes, “How dare you motherfuckers?” 

The men behind Kadyn were about to rush over and beat them. Greyson, Kent, and Pearce all got up and each picked up a chair. 

“Kick their asses!” 

Those men were fierce and were ready to make a move. Greyson called, “Wait. 

“We are here to pay back the money in good faith today. What do you mean?” 

Kadyn sneered, “Alright, then pay me back! 

“But I don’t want 5,500 dollars. You have to pay me 13 thousand dollars!” 


“He borrowed 1,500 dollars from you, yet you asked him to pay 13 thousand dollars in a week? 

“What’s wrong with you?” 

Greyson said loudly on purpose. 

“Did any law stipulate that such rules exist? 

“As long as you can show me the written rule, let alone 13 thousand dollars, even if you ask for 13,750 dollars, we won’t reject it.” 

Kadyn shouted angrily, “I’m the rule. You motherfuckers can’t leave 

before giving me 13 thousand dollars!” 

Greyson was about to say something, but Kadyn pointed at his nose and said, “13,750 dollars!” 

“Sorry, we don’t have so much. We won’t pay you.” 

Kadyn pointed at Greyson’s nose, saying, “Is it up to you? 


“Son, no one dares to offend in this area! 

“Believe it or not, I can kill you right now!” 

With a glance, Kadyn signaled his men to come up. 

Greyson, Kent, and Pearce were all prepared. As long as those hooligans made a move, they would try their best to get Kadyn. 

They caught the leader and the gang would collapse. 

Anyway, Rebecca had got the evidence, so they had advantages. 

Seeing that those hooligans were about to act, Greyson and his roommates suddenly stood up. 


Just then, there was a sudden sound of police sirens outside. 

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