Chapter 15 Eli Gets Humiliated 

For now, Greyson wanted nothing but to make money. 

He launched a GEM board. If he was lucky, he could make 20 points a day. 

If he had a stock that fell by the limit, got pulled up, and then rose by the limit at the close, he would be rich. 

Making a profit of 40% a day would make him over the moon, 

Yet such things were rare. It all depended on luck. 

Then Chelsea called. “Greyson, what do you think of Mariana?” 

Greyson was stunned for a second. 

He recalled and then remembered the silent girl. 

“She’s OK. I guess. Why?” 

“Then ask her out. Do I have to teach you that?” 

He coughed. 

Then he said, “I’m busy. Thanks.” 

Greyson hung up, and Chelsea was dumbfounded. 

She thought, “He’s busy? 

Does he have a lot of girlfriends? 

What the heck? 

He is so pretentious. 

I know him so well. Pearce tells me everything. 

I know that Greyson isn’t rich, so he is timid. 

He is a nice guy. Otherwise, given his financial status, he might not even have any friends.” 

It was Tuesday, and there was a particularly important financial practice class today. 

Kent and Ronnie were obsessed with the stock market because of it. 

The teacher of the financial practice class was an expert the school invited specially. 


He was not very old. He was in his thirties, and he always combed his hair well and wore a suit and tie. 

It made him look like a successful man. 

His name was Eli Palmer. 

Greyson rushed to the classroom and clicked on the stock app on his phone again before Eli arrived. 

Greyson thought, “Fuck! 

There’s a bull on the winner’s list today, and Prosperity Construction’s stock rises by the limit at the close. Besides, in the next five trading days, the company will limit it up at least 4 times. 

I’m so lucky these days. All my dreams have come true!” 

He tensed and operated at once. He bought the rest of Prosperity Construction’s stock when its stock limited down with all his 30 

thousand dollars, and then waited quietly for the transaction. Because the company’s stock limited down, it would take half an hour before it 


Ten minutes later, the bell rang. 

Eli took his laptop to the podium. 

“Our practice class continues today. 

“Those opening an account already please raise your hands.” 

Almost all raised their hands. 

Yet Greyson didn’t. 

Eli looked over. “Why aren’t you raising your hand? Don’t you even have 160 dollars to open an account?” 

Everyone turned to look, and Ronnie shouted, “Prof. Palmer, ignore him. He is the poorest student in this class. Forget about 160 dollars. He can’t even come up with 30 dollars for the class fee. 

“He gets the school poverty grant every year.” 

The students burst into laughter. 

Eli frowned. 

“You are in finance. Practical training is rare for you. And you’re lucky to be trading with me. 

“I believe you have often seen me in the major financial columns. Well, I won’t say much. Cherish the opportunity yourselves. 

“I’ll teach you how to pick stocks now.” 

Greyson wasn’t in the mood to listen at all. He clicked on the stock app 

on his phone and 

He thought, “Vision Technology Company’s stock price continues to rise without any fluctuations. 

So, I’ll leave it just like that. 

As for Prosperity Construction, I know the stock won’t be traded until 10 o’clock, but I’m still a little excited. 

Besides, it’s a stock in the growth enterprise market. 

It rises by the limit at the close. 

What does this mean? 


I’m rich! 


Greyson had 30 thousand dollars 

Prosperity Construction’s stock price was 1.3 dollars, and Greyson bought 24,800 shares. 

To his surprise, Eli listed several stocks on the big screen. 

They were Sky Environmental Protection, Netherland Heavy Industry, Prosperity Construction, and Ravero Lithium Industry. 

Three of them made yesterday’s winners list. Seeing Prosperity Construction, Greyson smiled. 

All four stocks were distinctive. Sky Environmental Protection and Ravero Lithium Industry had been strong stocks recently. 

Netherland Heavy Industry was a stock with ordinary performance. 

Yet the stock trend was very stable. It had been rising at a thirty-degree angle. 

On the contrary, Prosperity Construction’s stock was all the way down. It limited down about six times sequentially. 

What was more, it was always a 20 percent drop. Such a stock would most likely be treated specially. 

Kent was on his phone as well. Greyson snatched his phone. 

Greyson thought, “Damn! 

Stop meddling. 

He had 1,600 dollars at first, and now he has only half of it. Also, he borrowed money online before, which was 1,500 dollars, so he has a total of 2,300 dollars now.” 

Greyson directly spent all of Kent’s money. 

He spent it on Prosperity Construction, too. 

“What are you doing? 


“I’m doomed because of you! 

“You prick!” 

The stock market operated in a T+1 mode, where stocks bought today could only be sold tomorrow. 

Seeing that Greyson had bought Prosperity Construction’s stock, Kent was desperate. 

Greyson ignored him and simply returned his phone back. 

In fact, Greyson had always wanted to help Kent. Now that Eli had mentioned it, Greyson did Kent a favor. 

To his surprise, Kent entered the growth enterprise market. 

It meant that there had been more than 15,000 dollars in his account. 

No wonder Kent got dumped several times. 

Eli, on the podium, asked, “Who can tell me how should we choose these four stocks?” 

Greyson said casually, “Prosperity Construction, of course. It rises a lot.” 

Eli turned livid. “Stand up! 

“Get out!” 

Eli thought, “You know nothing, so stop blabbering! 

For stocks such as that of Prosperity Construction, no one should get their hands on it. 

It has limited down about six times sequentially. How much money do you have?” 

It’s important to remember that we can never pick a stock that the way down. We go for strong stocks.” 

Being kicked out, Greyson left. 

goes all 

He thought, “I offered you a chance to get rich, and you didn’t want it.” 

Ronnie, at the same time, stood out. His family was rich, and he saved 30 thousand dollars when opening an account. However… 

Under Eli’s guidance, the students bought the stocks of Sky Environmental Protection and Ravero Lithium Industry. 

Kent looked at Prosperity Construction’s stock that Greyson had bought for him, wanting to cry. 

As expected, the stocks they bought under Eli’s guidance rose immediately. 

In the blink of an eye, they rose by more than 9%. 

They were about to rise by the limit. 

The group shouted excitedly. 

Eli smiled very happily and was praised by his students. 

Kent texted Greyson: “Fuck! Treat me to a meal!” 

In the next second, the classroom was in an uproar. 

Someone pointed to the big screen. “Prof. Palmer, look!” 

Eli turned back slowly and was stunned. 

Two stocks that had just gone up went into free fall. 

They went from rising by 9% to falling by 2%, and then 3% and 5%… 

Those big-cap stocks were in the same trend! 

The people were stunned. 

Eli pulled his tie. What was going on? 

How come everything changed in a second? 

“Don’t panic. It may just be some technical flaw.” 

Eli comforted everyone. 

“Check out Prosperity Construction!” 

A female student suddenly shouted. 

Prosperity Construction’s stock was no longer limited down. 

It rose dramatically. 

Three seconds later. 

It limited up. 

It rose by 40%! 

How was this possible? 

Kent was shocked. In several seconds, he recouped all his previous losses. 

He thought, “Greyson, you are something!” 

Coming back to his senses, he immediately sent a message to Greyson: “My treat tonight!” 

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