Chapter 444 Ben did not knock before walking in and simply pushed open the door to Elliot's office.

Elliot immediately put his phone down at the sound.

"Ahem! Elliot, I accidentally sent a photo of Avery to you... Ben said in a pretentious tone.

Elliot looked up. "I won't do anything to you even if you just be straight and say that you did it on 25 purpose."

Ben laughed awkwardly. "Jun said that Avery lost a lot of weight, almost as though she was sick. I didn't believe it, so he sent me a photo of her."

"I suppose she is not actually sick based on the fact that you are laughinggc now."

The smile on Ben's face froze. "Um... I heard that it was because she was trying to lose weight. She sure is determined. There are plenty of ways to lose weight and she chose to go on a diet. Isn't she a doctor? Doesn't she know that not eating isn't healthy? I feel like she's lost her senses... It's almost as shocking to me as the time she tried to kill you."

The composure on Elliot's face faded as he set the documents in his hand down. "Why don't you go work for Tate Industries instead, if you care so much about23 her?"

"Forget I said anything! I came here for something serious! I am getting off work a bit earlier today. I want to go join them for the big meal."

"Since when do you need to report to me about yourza schedule?"

"Alright, no more beating around the bushes. Do you want to come? Jun said that there will be a lot of pretty ladies around..."


Ben escaped swiftly.

Once the door was closed, Elliot unlocked his phone and the photo of Avery came into sight.

He zoomed in on the photo and saw the cheerful smile on Avery's face. She looked like the way he remembered when they met for the first time: naïve, young and innocent.

It had been so long since he last saw her this relaxed, because she did not behave this way in front of him.

Back in the resort, the guests slowly began to arrive. Most of the guests were under the age of thirty, with each looking fashionable and stylish.

Avery sat on the couch and felt as though she was an audience to a fashion show.

There were no activities for the morning, so everyone simply gathered around to eat and chat


They had to prepare their own lunch, so everyone went over to the open kitchen to discuss who was to cook and what to cook.

Avery had no appetite and went to rest in the guest room after informing Tammy.

When Jun spotted Avery walking away, he leaned over to Tammy and asked, "she can't be thinking of skipping lunch, can she?"

"She is! Jun, I told you to stay out of it, have you forgotten already?" Tammy shoved his head aside.

Jun grabbed onto Tammy's wrist and deadpanned, "I think that you are acting weird. You get all worked up whenever I mention her, almost like you are scared of having me talk about her."

"I don't like you talking about her because you side with Elliot." Tammy made up an excuse and said, "Avery doesn't want anything to do with Elliot anymore, so whether she is on a diet or not is none of your business!"

Jun sighed. "Fine! I'm only asking out of concern because I feel like she could just pass out at any moment."

"I get it! But she's not a child and doesn't need others telling her what to do. If she really ends up fainting, we will just send her to the hospital."

After lunch, Tammy called everyone out to play at the beach, and the mansion instantly became quiet.

Avery slept all the way until evening. It wasn't until Tammy brought her dinner that she woke up to the wondrous smell.

"Avery, I brought you spicy chicken soup. My mom once told me that she couldn't eat when she was pregnant with me, but she loved spicy chicken soup." Tammy placed the bowl of spicy chicken soup onto the coffee table in the room and said, "I kind of feel bad when I see you suffering so much. How long until you recover?" Avery got out of bed.

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