Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 9

Chapter 9

I decided to ignore my mothers last message, and focused on this exam. The

moderate class was up next, it was almost as big as the reserve class, but the

fights went quickly, these wolves were built for scouting more than fighting, but

were good enough to be kept out of the reserves.

Then came the Elite class. When it came to the final bracket, Serenity had

already placed third having kicked Matthews a ss, that was a sweet match to

watch. Galen and Kian were so evenly match that they finally called a tie after

thirty minutes of them fighting.

Enter title…


As they were cleaning up the arena floor for our class Darien leans over. “You

know, it‘s actually good that you didn‘t take Matt as your mate.”

I‘m confused so naturally I ask, “Why?”

He looks over at Matt in the medical tent, Serenity had caved in his face during

their fight “Because he‘s weak as f uck”

I laugh, it‘s the first time since being rejected that I felt that I was indeed fortunate.

“I hope your mate doesn‘t hate me for what I‘m about to

glaring with angry disbelief in my direction. GARRETT SHADOWTAIL, MASON



With each of our names read, a full body picture was shown of us in our human

form, and next to it, was one of our wolves. Darien‘s showed him posed leaning

onto a wall with his left elbow, hand and fingers combing the longer top part of his

hair back, showing the s haved sides, his face tilted up, his almond shaped, amber

colored, ci nnamon rimmed eyes, sparkling with mischief.

A devilish grin showing white teeth, his other hand on his hip. His wolf was large,

a black wolf with gray frosting the tips of his fur, he was posed sitting and had a

large toothy grin on his muzzle.

My picture showed me in my favorite fighters pose, my arms up, head down, my

violet eyes glittering, a smirk on my mouth. I was wearing a purple sports bra and

short black sport shorts, showing off my tan skin and fit muscular body, with all my

dips and curyes, I had to admit I looked really good in that picture.

My wolf was in an attack pose, a snarl showing all her long sharp teeth, her white

fur glowing, black edging the tips of her ears, the black crescent moon and star

marking on her hip, the tip of her tail dipped in black. My wolf looked beautiful and

fierce. This was the picture Darien had tricked me into taking, saying “What could

it hurt?”

For the first time I felt pride in being on display, making me glad Darien had me

take it. I looked strong, and despite what my parents and sister say, I know I‘m

beautiful, and my wolf was absolutely gorgeous. I could feel Xena preening on the

inside, felt her own pride at how her image showcased her as fierce on screen.

Next to me Darien said. “Maaaaan does she look p issed, bet your parents are

too, yep…yep they are too.” I looked to where Sarah is sitting and her and the rest

of her posse have jealous fury on their faces. I then look up to where my parents

are and they‘re glaring at my picture, if looks alone could set s hit on fire, that

billboard would be toast.

The screen switched to display all of us from first rank, from me, to the lowest

rank. I hoped my parents were watching their status among the Northmountain‘s

diminish and lower with each moment they realize they could have used me to be

number one. But now that I changed

my name it was Sarah‘s lack of success that is going to bring them down.

“P issed is going to be an understatement. These fights also determine the future

placement in the Northmountain‘s clan‘s structure. Because I changed my name,

Mason‘s family will now be top ranked among the Northmountain‘s, my parents

have just been knocked down to the bottom.” he looks at me with shocked eyes.

“Oh s hit.” he says, the smile he gets as he figures it out is wide. “Now you are

getting why I changed my name before the exa ms.” I say.

The first match is Garrett and Mason, Mason came out on top, the next match is

Jamison and Jaxon, Jaxon coming out on top. Then it was Lexus and Darien,

Darien came out on top. Because I was a top student I wasn‘t in the first rounds.

Mason and Jaxon fought next. Jaxon came out on top of that fight, meaning he

was my first opponent. Then me and Darien would fight. I stand up, stretch, pop

my neck, and start making my way down to the floor, to the Arena I would be

battling in.

I get my head into the battle. Start to think of facts. Making a plan. Jaxon like

Darian and the Twins was six foot five, he also had large solid muscles. He wasn‘t

just strong he was fast too.

But then, I was too. I was the fastest.

I could use my speed to add three to five times the power behind my hits

depending on what move I used. I like to hit nerve points that deadened the

reflexes, crippling an opponent for a moment, enough to land more blows for a

win and not a kill.

I had different skills that I‘d use for a kill. Jaxon‘s picture was up next to mine, his

human form stood legs spread arms crossed, he was tan with fiery red hair. His

wolf, a big red muscular brute, sat with a calm and steady look.

The wolf was only two or three inches bigger than my Xena, she was the biggest

she–wolf in the pack. The size of an Alpha, one more thing that marks me as a

Heartsong. My blood starts to heat, I feel the adrenaline start to fill my veins. I

wasn‘t going to be holding back today. Xena‘s excitement at the impending battle

was big. She was just as charged. We were finally going to be able to showcase

our skills.

I‘ve been training with the Alpha‘s Elite soldiers for years now. Then they brought

in the senior class to the dojo arena I had been doing my training in for the last

three years already. I had been carful to not showcase the extent of my training,

but I was too competitive in a fight to not come out on top. I was basically used to

help train my fellow seniors.

Luckily my parents haven‘t opened up a single piece of mail or read any notice

from the school that had my name on it in the last four years. So they have

completely missed all my college accomplishments, my name change, and my

training advancement and ranking.

That and per the Alpha, as of last year, all my school mail went to him. Because

he was Alpha he actual had the authority to sign off on anything school related. I

was in a Pack High School and a Pack University. Making things a lot easier for

me, than they would have been if I had been in human run schools.

I make it into the arena and look up at were my parents were sitting. Their fury

was a living breathing thing, but I wasn‘t afraid anymore. I was an Adult, and the

Alpha was able to keep them from harming my education. If they kicked me out

early I‘m pretty sure the Alpha will let me move into the pack house early.

So I smirk at them then I turn away to face my opponent, everything else falling

away but what was here on this platform. I take my skirt and cardigan off.

Standing in just my tank and capris, I move into a fighting position and wait for the

signal to start.

This was going to be fun. I thought, a grin on my face.

Unknown POV

Sitting in a luxury office chair behind an antique desk in a private study at an

Alpha university was an Alpha wolf nearly complete with training, and looking

forward to going back home to his Pack. In his hand is the most recent picture of

a violet eyed beauty.

He still remembers the blood and mud covered, half drowned little pup he had

found on the side of the river near the Pack House. He had helped his mother

nurse the pup back to health before they returned her to her parents. D

The hand not holding the picture tightened into an angry fist, he hated those

people, no matter how hard they tried to intervene, she was still abused. He told

his father he wanted her protected. It was part of his deal for going away to this

prestigious Alpha training school.

Only the best go here, and only the strongest, Alpha and Beta‘s graduate. His

little brother had been her best friend for a very long time. He almost felt jealous

of their deep connection, wishing he had a deep connection of his own with her.

to this prestigious Alpha training school.

Only the best go here, and only the strongest, Alpha and Beta‘s graduate. His

little brother had been her best friend for a very long time. He almost felt jealous

of their deep connection, wishing he had a deep connection of his own with her.

His brother would text him with updates, one such update several years back had

him calling his father, demanding he find a way to free her from her parents. His

brother had told him she hadn‘t been to school in a week, he knew something

was wrong.

  

Perbarui Chapter 9 d

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