Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Luna Embers POV

After the kids had all gone to the Training Arena I turned to my Mate. “Our sons

have grown into wonderful men.” I feel tears in my eyes. My boy’s were all grown

up, and I knew one would be leaving very soon. His mate a Clan Alpha, with her

own Mansion. I think of that girl, it was so appropriate that my Damien was her

second chance mate. He had been in love with her since he met that girl.

I’d watched their connection grow, and I watched, as out of my son’s affection,

grew attraction, and not just on his part. He had kept his attraction to himself,

turning his attention to protecting her, to giving her the tools she needed to

survive and escape her family. It was something his father and I had been

Enter title…

invested in immediately. The little she pup had stolen all our hearts in her first

hour here.

She was the daughter we never had, and now she was our daughter in law, it was

only fitting for her to be with us, the people who truly loved and appreciated her.

Both my son’s have their mates now, and one was already pregnant. That thought

brought me so much joy, I wonder if they’ll give me a little she pup or a little male

pup, either one would be a blessing to me.

My mate leans down and kisses me. “They had to grow up eventually my darling.”

His love for me in his eyes. “If it wasn’t so dangerous for you, I would have loved

to have had more pups with you.” his smile sad, he still blames himself. It’s one of

the reasons everyone comes to him, my mate doesn’t leave the Pack almost ever,

and if he does, I go with him, and a heavy guard is always in place.

If it hadn’t been for that accident, the same one Bettina had been in, I would have

been able to have more pups. Well it was told to the public it was an accident, but

in reality it was

the public it was an accident, but in reality it was an attack aimed at killing me, the

driver of the truck had been paid to cause the accident. If help could have gotten

to me sooner, I would have healed properly, unfortunately, the major scar tissue

on my womb, made it to dangerous for me to carry anymore.

“I Would have loved that too.” I tell him. He kisses me, and I kiss him back, our

kiss had deepened when the door bell rang, breaking apart I look up at him,

wondering who it could be. Then my husbands G amma, Richard Blackfire, comes

in. He’s followed by Sasha and Malcom Shadowtail, Beatrice’s Parents. They look

a little distraught.

“Sasha, are you all right dear?” I ask her, concerned.

It was Malcom who answered “She’s taking this whole thing really hard. We’ve

filed Black Magic usage charges against Sarah with the Council.” his voice rough.

His arm around his mate.

“How could I not have know!” Sasha cries, her face in her hands.” She never lied

once, she always told us immediately when she’d done something wrong, she

obeyed every order given at home, the only time we had trouble was when she

was with Sarah, all those times she said she couldn’t stay away no matter how

hard she tried. It never made sense, now its so clear, how could I have not seen


Her mate holds her close as she cries, tears in his own eyes. “It’s ok, we know

now, we won’t let her hurt our little girl anymore.” he tells her, then he looks up at

us. “We came to see her, see how she was


I smile, I had something that would cheer them up immediately. “Damien and

Xander arrived back last night from the University, Xander went straight to

Beatrice, didn’t even tell his own mother he was home either, just went straight

there, according to Lissanna, who heard this from Matt, he told her he would

never accept her rejection, she was his mate and he had been in love with her

since they were pups.” I tell them.

They both had a combination of surprise and hopeful excitement on their faces.

“They came down to breakfast with us this morning baring each others marks.”

My mate tells them.

This makes Sasha smile up at her husband “Oh thank the Goddess, that boy

used to follow her everywhere, I knew he loved her then. Sarah couldn’t take him

away from her, thank the Goddess.” Malcom hugs Sasha close, smiling himself,

pleased at that outcome.

“Also, the documents you submitted to Principal Jonathan at the High School and

with Headmaster Goliath of the Pack University have been approved, so your

daughters education status has been salvaged.” Andrew informs them, getting

more smiles, this time in relief.

“She’s also now Damien’s G amma, she accepted his offer this morning.” I tell


Sasha starts to cry again, this time in happiness “My pup got her dream after all,

oh the Goddess is truly starting to look upon us.” she wipes her face.

“She’s also sworn into Damien’s new Clan.” they looked at me with surprised

confusion. “My son Damien didn’t come to see me either when he got home, he

went straight to Alora and Claimed his own mate. Alora Luna Heartsong, Clan

Alpha of the Heartsongs.” I tell them

They look surprised. “So my son, Damien will still inherit the Alpha of Alpha’s title

from me, while Darien will be inheriting the Moonstar Clan Alpha title. Damien is

now Alpha Damien Moonstar Heartsong, an Alpha in the Heartsong Clan. Xander

and Beatrice after swearing their oath as Beta and G amma to Damien, then

swore a blood oath into the Heartsong Clan.”

They were extremely happy at this news, their daughters future was bright and

she was living her dream now. The Shadowtails left shortly after that, with an

invitation to dinner tonight that they accepted. I sent a quick text out to Victors

parents, Maximus and Freya Bloodmoon, to come to dinner as well. Then

Serenity’s parents, Camille and Alfred. A little impromptu celebration of all our

newly mated pups. 2

Then there was a ring at the door again, frowning I look at my watch, and realize

it’s almost time for lunch. I look up as Richard leads in seven children. The two

girls looked to be Alora’s age. The boy’s all younger, from their scents the small

girl with the red and black hair was a Dark Witch, she smelled of fall and storms.

The other taller girl was a Light Witch Vampire Hybrid, she smelled of storms also,

and something light like daisies. The boy’s were all the same type of hybrid as the

taller girl. O

They each smelled of storms. The oldest boy’s scent was of storms and sweet

grass. The next youngest was of storms and apples, the twins had their own one

of storms and snow, the other storms and wood smoke. The youngest one, his

storm scent was mixed with c inna mon and vanilla. Then there was that faint scent

that connected them to Alora, just a family scent, from their father.

“You must be Alora’s siblings and their cousin.” I say smiling at them all.

“Yes, hello my name is Ka ss andra Storm Dayblood, this is Cerebella Violet

Shadowlight my best friend and cousin on my mothers side.” She points at each

boy next as she names them one by one “Asher Silver Dayblood, Nathen Brass

Dayblood, Bryce Gold Dayblood, Daniel Gold Dayblood, and Cathel Gray

Dayblood. Our Mother is Stephanie Violet Dayblood, formally Goldlight. 3

“You don’t mean the former Light Witch Council member of the Supernatural

Council do you?” I ask. “Is she still apart of the Witches Council?” I add to my


“No mom couldn’t hold her Council seat on the Supernatural Council and be a

Queen of an entire Super Natural Species at the same time, and she wanted to

focus on Dad and having kids, so she retired her seat on the Witches Council to

her sister.”

“And I’m a mutant.” said Cerebella her tone dry, a deadpan look on her face.

I look at her confused, “Your not a mutant.” Ka ssa ndra sighed out at Cerebella

“My mom’s Mate is a female, they took an egg from her mate, injected it with your

Aunt Lucinda’s mates sperm and put it in my mom, then out popped me five

months later, how am I not a mutant?” Cerebella asked Kas sandra

“It’s in vitro fertilization, that doesn’t make you a mutant.” Ka ssa ndra tells her.

“But what if I like being a Mutant?” she asked Ka ssan dra, I was becoming

amused at their antics

“Your not a mutant.” K a ssa ndra says firmly in an annoyed tone.

“Your a science experiment.” chimed in the one named Asher with glee.

This got him an elbow to the gut from his sister and he bent over slightly with a

grunt. Laughing I say “Well it’s nice to meet you all, If you follow the trail leading

out of the courtyard.” I point to the courtyard outside the kitchen patio doors, “to

the big building behind this house you’ll get to the Pack Training Grounds, you’ll

find your sister there.” I open the doors to let them out, they chorused “Thank you”

on the way out.

I giggled and turned to my mate, “Well that was certainly interesting.” I say to him.

He chuckles and kisses me on the cheek “It was definitely entertaining to say the

least.” he says.

We’re about to leave the kitchen when the door bell rings again. “It seems to be

the day for visitors.” I say to my husband.

Rick leads in the new guest. It’s an Arctic wolf, and I can smell cat on her. “Ah!”

Says my mate. “Our new transfer, sweetheart this is Samantha Arctic Bearhunter.

She’ll be working along side Brock.” he says cheerfully. O


Why did I have a feeling my mate was meddling in Brocks life?

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