Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Alora’s POV

“Where to start?” I say with a breathless, and nervous laugh. “I’ve been abused

by my parents and sister all my life.” The three wolves hearing this for the first

time stiffen, looking horrified, ‘Who abuses a pup’ they must be thinking. “I was

beaten, chained up and whipped, for any and every infraction, no mater how

slight, whether or not it had anything to do with me.” I start to tell them about it.

I continue, telling them about their, so called reasons for my abuse. “It was

because I was born with dark hair, dark skin and violet eyes.” they look furious,

none of that should have ever been a reason to abuse a pup. “I remember on one

of Sarah’s birthdays, when we were just kids, I had asked for a piece of cake.” I

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had to stop a moment, my throat stinging with the emotions the memory brought

up, but they needed to know the depth of their cruelty.

“Bettina started to slap me, repeatedly, shouting at me about how dare I ask for

any of Sarah’s cake.” Jaxon is leaning against the counter next to the sink, Victor

leaning against him. Jaxon was holding onto Victor, both of their faces a mixture

of fury and confusion, Maximus wasn’t doing much better. He had to sit down in

one of the bar stools around the Island counter. Darien was sitting in one,

Serenity in front of him, clutching each other close.

The twins also sitting down now, their firsts clenched, sitting on the counter top.

(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)The Alpha was holding the

Luna to his side, leaning against the same counter as Jaxon and Victor, on the

other side of the sink. “She dragged me to the basement, then chained me to a

support beam so I couldn’t get away.” my voice is husky now. “Then she whipped

me, I remember screaming that I was sorry, that I would be a good girl, begging

her to stop.”

I’m looking down at the counter I’m sitting on. “She listened to none of it, not my

cries, not me begging her not to hurt me, I was drenched in my own blood and

had wounds everywhere but my face.” my voice was pain filled, almost a whisper.

Remembering it brought with it a whole host of emotions. “That was the first of

many times she would drag me to that basement, and whip me.” A tear slips down

my face, I use my wrist to wipe it away.

I go to take a drink but it’s empty, Kian, the one closest to the fridge, gets up and

gets me another. They wait patiently for me to take a drink. “Sarah, she liked

knives.” I say with a grim smile, I take another drink, they each seem to brace

themselves after hearing what Sarah liked. “She would make a game of it.” I say

h oars ely. “She would see how deep she could cut to get the most screams from

me, she liked to slice me to ribbons, cut after cut.”

I hear a whimper to the side, it was Serenity. “She liked to push her fingers into

the slices she made, digging until I screamed.” low growls coming from the twins,

Maximus looking green, the Alpha furious, the Luna devastated. Darien, Jaxon

and Victor matching looks of fury, Serenity, just as devastated as the Luna. (This

novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)”She liked to have me chained up

high, so she could watch my blood pool on the floor as she cut me up. She would

get this crazed look in her eyes, she got some kind of sick enjoyment from what

she did to me.”


My voice broke a little on the last part, but I press on after taking another drink.

“When she was furious about something, she would lie to Bettina. As we got

older, the lies turned to me sleeping around.” I tell them. “Allister would drag me

by my hair, and he and Bettina would chain me up against the support beam, then

they would beat and whip me.” I take anther drink. “Then after they left, Sarah

would come down and take out her bad day on me.” I pause for a moment. (2

“As I got older and started to develop, the man I thought was my father, would

come into my room at night.” Maximus is pale, “I was always so scared to move,

but he would raise my shirt and stare at me, while getting himself off.” Maximus is

furious, so are Jaxon and Victor, their growling, I take a drink, the cans almost

empty now. “One night, he came in drunk, and he started to grope me.” I gulp the

rest of the can, Kian brings me a bottle of water this time. 5

“He started to rip my clothes, I couldn’t take it, so I let Xena come out,” I take a

drink of the water, needing to hydrate after the caffeine. “She attacked him and

was about to kill him when we were hit with the desk chair I had in my room.” I tell

them “It knocked us out for a moment, when I came to I was back in human form,

and Allister was gone.” I pause for a moment. “I started to lock my door every

night, but that didn’t end it.” I say grimly.

“He got a key to the door and started to come in at night again, but he didn’t

attack me again like that night, he was back to just getting himself off.” I drink

more water, needing a moment “It was a while before I remembered seeing this

trick in a movie I watched with Darien once” I tell them “I started to stick my desk

chair under the door kn ob before going to sleep, this was what stopped his nightly

escapades into my room.” I shiver at the memory.

“I paid for that though,” I say h o ars ely. “Every time Sarah cried w h o re at me, he

would take special pleasure in whipping me until he couldn’t swing the whip

anymore.” Serenity whimpers again. “There was a week I was locked away in that

basement.” my tone almost a s ob on the word basement.(This novel will be daily

updtaed at www.noveljar.com) “Every day, all day, they took turns exacting their

favorite punishments.” my voice heavy with the pain of that memory. “Bettina had

learned to like burning me, those wounds lasted the longest.”

Gasps and Growls of horror came from all around the room at that. “At the end of

an entire week of this, Bettina came storming down.” I take a couple of drinks of

the water. “She starts slapping me, screaming, asking what made me so special,

that the Alpha of our pack would demand proof of my well being, screaming that I

must be screwing one of the Alpha’s son’s.” The Alpha is looking so horrified, I

hadn’t told them this part of everything. O

“My friendship with Darien caused more than a few beatings.” I say softly, Darien

looks up at me, stunned by that, horrified, I give him a weak smile, it was all I

could manage. “I never regretted our friendship or any of my involvement with this

family” I tell him firmly. “No matter how often they punished me for it.” I look at

him. “I know your the one who reported my absence from school.”

I pause, tears burning my eyes “if you hadn’t, I would have died in that basement”

I tell him, he pales at my words, clutching Serenity closer to his chest for comfort.

“I’m grateful that I’ve always had you as my friend, my best friend, without you,

even with the trouble it caused, I would have been dead long ago,” I pause “Our

friendship, and your families care, has been what’s kept me going, made me

realize I had to keep going, because I deserved better, and one day would get it.”

I pause again, “One of the greatest gifts you all have given me, was hope.” I tell

them h oar sely. “Everyone of you gave me the tools, and the help I needed, to

escape those people.” I look at Darian, holding his gaze “I’m a Clan Alpha now,

my powers have been released, I know who my true father is, and I’m connected

with Selene now.” I tick off each amazing thing to happen. “So don’t you feel

guilty, don’t ever feel that.” my tone firm.

“You, Damien, the Alpha and Luna have helped me gain more than I ever could

have without you all there for me.” My emotions almost choking me again. I look

at the Alpha and Luna, the Luna has tears streaming from her eyes, down her

face. The Alpha’s eyes are shiny, but he doesn’t shed them(This novel will be

daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) ” Thank you, for everything you’ve done for

me.” The Luna steps forward, coming to me and taking me into her arms.

I cry, sobbing silently for a moment, I don’t think I could ever thank them enough

for all they have done for me. It takes a moment for me to recover, Galen hands

me a tissue, I blow my nose. I look at them all for a moment “A Vampires skin

doesn’t scar.” I say.2

It was Victor, who said it in a grim tone “But their Sprites carry those scars.” 3

I look at him, his eyes are full of fury and understanding. I nod at him, then get off

the counter “I think it’s time you all met Selena.”

  

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