Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Victor’s POV

He’s standing there, looking at me. When I followed him into the room, I had

leaned my back against the door, and locked it. Trapping this wolf inside with me.

He was younger, and broader than me. I look at all his muscles. I want to strip him

of all his clothes, touch every inch of the bronze colored skin I could see under his

tight, green t-shirt. His green amber rimed gaze burning me alive with his fire. 2

‘Vash, Nicholas’ I call out to my wolf and sprit. They both answer with “Mate” while

they looked at Jaxon through my eyes. Jaxon’s wolf is peaking at us through him,

his eyes amber colored, rimed in ci nna mon. “What’s your wolfs name I ask him.”

Enter title…

His rumble was deep, it did deliciously arousing things to me. “Bruno” his voice

rough with the growl of his wolf. ‘What is Mates name?’ his wolf asks me.

I freeze a little, he had to accept all of me, not just the wolf. “I’m a Vampire Hybrid,

(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) that means I don’t just

have a wolf, I have a Sprite as well.” I tell him, I wait for his reaction.

He stalks up to me, the power in his movements make me weak. I’m so hard I feel

like I’ll shatter. At the same time, I was so anxious I’d be rejected. The words of

Sarah ringing in my head. I didn’t want this big s exy wolf to reject me, I wanted

him to take me, to make me his in everyway possible. When he’s just the barest

of inches from me, his wolf adding to his height a little, he leans down, his eyes

boring into mine.

He raises his hands up, his claws out, slamming them to either side of my head,

claws digging into the wood of the door. He leans even closer, his nose almost

touching mine and growls deeply. “Names” instead of just name. I shiver as that

growl continues to set me on fire. “Want my mates names” his nose trails over my

cheek, as he nips my jaw with his teeth.

His scent is flooding me, that nip sending shocks through me, my unusually

intelligent brain, is on the f ritz. It didn’t even say goodbye on its way out of my

head. He nips me under my ear, I shiver, my whole body vibrates with desire.

They were right, being with your fated, is ten times more than what you feel with

someone who wasn’t. I’ve had experience, that’s how I knew what I preferred.

Although I did have a female or two in between that realization. They had their

appeal, just not the way males did. He nipped my neck again, harder this time, I

let out a groan at the shocks it sent through me. “I want all my mates names” he

growls, he pulls back a little, looking me in the eyes, his desire, a raging fire

burning inside.

“Vash is my wolf,” my voice is rough with arousal. “Nicholas is my Sprite” I say,

looking at him, waiting.

“Victor, Vash, Nicholas” he growls, he put the fingers, minus the claws, in my hair.

“All mine.” he growls, claiming me. Goddess he’s accepting all of us, so easily. I

stop thinking and start feeling when he crushed his mouth to mine. Kissing me

deep, I invite him deeper, wanting his taste. We break

apart, gasping for breath.

“I accept you.” he says, causing my heart to soar out of my chest. “I accept you.” I

say back. (4)

We reach for each other, chest to chest, mouths devouring each other. As we kiss

we somehow make it to the bed naked, our clothes having been shed onto the

carpet in a trail to the bed. My hair is unbound the tie gone, he’s got a fist full of it

griped at my neck. We fall back on the bed, him on top. He’s started to kiss nibble

and bite his way over my jaw and down to that spot.

That spot that where my shoulder met my neck, he bites down, but not enough to

mark me yet. That bite had me thrusting up against him in ecstasy, groaning at

how good it felt. He’s reaching over in the side table, I don’t know what he’s

searching for at first. Then he brings out a new unopened bottle of lube. (This

novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)’Oh that would definitely be a

good idea’ I think. Jaxon was not small, he was larger than any of my other


I rub my hands up his chest, over his shoulders and down his bunching biceps.

He felt so good against me, I’m shivering constantly with my arousal. I let out a

long moan as he preps me. My hips thrusting up, he takes my mouth again with

his. He finishes prepping me, then he’s pushing into me. He goes slowly at first.

Seating himself deep, before holding still, letting me adjust. He breaks our kiss,

then lifts himself high enough to look me in the eyes as he f u cks me. Every thrust

had me rubbing against his belly, my constant leaking providing a natural lube. He

watches my eyes until he must have seen me on that last edge, he leans down,

and with his fangs, bites deep, marking me.

I bite down on his spot, with a mixture of my Wolf and Sprites fangs at that last

second before I explode. Spilling myself all over us, he’s growling and jerking

against me, spilling hot jets of his seed inside. I extend out the pleasure we’re

both feeling by feeding a little, creating a blood bond with our marks, every pull of

my mouth sending ecstasy through us both.

Finally we let go, he pulls out but stays between my legs. His body collapsed on

mine, his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as we pant

and come down from that incredible high. Unfortunately, we couldn’t stay that

way. We needed to shower, and meet with the Alpha and Alora, my new Clan

Alpha. I just mated with her Beta….talk about first impressions.

I start to chuckle, relaxed now we had gotten that first wave of mating fever out of

the way. Most

newly fated couples are useless the first few hours after meeting, their desire rode

them so hard, the couples insatiable for each other. Sated for now my humor had

made a return, allowing me to find amusement in the situation.

Lifting up on his magnificent arms “What has you amused mate?” he asks, his

voice husky and deep. I felt myself start to stir.

“I was thinking we needed to meet with the Alpha and Alora, my new Clan Alpha.”

I pause to let out another chuckle. “And upon my first meeting of my new clan

Alpha, I mate with her Beta.” I chuckle again. “Then I thought, talk about first


He smiles and laughs “Your right mate.” He leans down and gives me a quick but

firm kiss, I am now well and truly hard. “Come, we need to shower and attend to

our duties.” he says, reminding me again why I’m here.

I sigh, “Duty calls mate, lead the way.” my tone remorseful, I look down at my

hardness and he laughs.

I look up at him, his eyes sparkling with humor and happiness, a vibrant green

with a cinn amon rim. He was so se xy, his deep, dark red hair a little sha ggy. “Your

not the only one sporting a st iffy mate.” He says, is tone wry. I look down and sure

enough, the beast between his legs was standing to attention, (This novel will be

daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)and it was beautiful. 2

My mouth was watering. “You know the Alpha gave us an hour.” I point out to him,

my voice rough with desire. “If we hurry, we might have time for something in the

shower.” I say suggestively.

His eyes glowing again he grabs my hand and we run to the shower. By the time

we got out we were sated for the moment, enough for us to focus back on what

we were both here for. We were mates, but we were also a Beta and a Ga mma,

we had duties to fulfill, no matter how much I wanted to stay in bed with him

another couple of hours.

Before we left the room, Jaxon grabs my hand and draws me to him, his other

hand goes to my face. “What do you want to do after the meeting.” his eyes soft

with affection.

“I want to be wherever you are, I don’t want to be away from you any time soon.” I

tell him honestly, hoping he won’t think I’m being to clingy.

I should have known I didn’t have to worry, mates hated to be away from each

other. They usually worked together in some capacity. “I will be glad to have you

with me anywhere I go, I don’t want to be without you any time soon either.” he

tells me, making my heart lurch, he had so quickly wrapped himself around the

org an. He gave me one last kiss, before hand in hand we walk out of the room,

and back to the Alpha’s office.

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