Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 45

Chapter 45

King Sabastian’s POV con’d

I look at her, taking in the sight of my daughter for a moment longer, then I point at

the chain she’s holding, she looks down at it. “That chain is called a life chain.” I

say to her, she looks up at me her brow furrowed. “That chain connects a Vampire

to, his and or her, children at the moment of their live birth.” Then pointing to my

end of her chain. “You are my daughter, this chain is proof of that.” I say picking

up the chain. “Bettina was a one night stand with what I thought was an

unclaimed wolf.” I pause. “I was told you had died, and that you were a son.” I

reveal to her. A shocked look comes upon her face.

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“By pulling on this chain, you were able to call me to you.” I tell her. “It wasn’t till

today I knew, that Bettina not only lied about you dying, but about your gender as

well.” I inform her. She is still looking shocked, her wolf has sat back down. She

stayed silent for a while before turning to her wolf. “Tell me this is real and not a

figment of my imagination Xena.” she said. “If this was a figment of your

imagination it would be mine as well, I see and hear him too.” said the wolf I now

knew was called Xena.

They look back at me. “Your life chain is also connected to your wolf.” I tell them

“May I address you as Xena as well?” I ask of the wolf. She looks me in the eyes.

As she stares I feel the connection, it’s like a snap in my mind as I connect with

her wolf, this must be a mind link. “Yes, you may address me as Xena.” she said

after the connection came together, her reply echoed in my mind as she spoke. I

smile, grateful I was granted her leave.

“Look at the chain that connects you and Xena.” I tell Alora, she looks at were I’m

pointing. She reaches back and touches the chain connecting her and Xena. Her

and Xena looked at each other after examining the chain, they both have

furrowed brows. “There is another one, look to your right.” I tell her, she does,

sees it, then grabbing ahold of it looks off as it trails into the dark forest of the

bubble that was their ‘space’. “It’ll be connected to your Vampire Sprite, a

Vampires power, like a werewolf’s, lies mostly in their sprite.” I tell her. (2

“You’re a Vampire Werewolf hybrid, so you have two physical manifestations of

your inner supernatural self, instead of just one if you would have been born

either a full Vampire or Werewolf.” I tell her. “Your sprite is supposed to take on

your appearance,” I pause, because she’s still hiding. “A Vampires sprite also

absorbs all the scarring that would normally be worn on a Vampires skin, a

Vampires physical skin will never scar.” her head snaps to me and her look is

horrified. The bottom drops out from my stomach, ‘No, please no’, but I knew my

denial wouldn’t change what was fact.

I look back towards the shadows of the forest, a dark shadowy figure starts

walking in our direction. I can see the glimmer of the same jewelry on Alora and

Xena. Her eyes glowing out of the dark. As she gets closer I can see the same

twin kling dots of light in her hair that was in Alora’s hair, and Xena’s fur. She’s

walking slowly towards us. Her skin is obsidian black, she’s wearing a black

spaghetti strap dress that went down to mid thigh that looked made of a night sky

bursting with stars. Other than her coloring she looked exactly like Alora.?

As she walks closer I see streaks of shiny silver everywhere her skin was

exposed, everywhere except

her face. The sprites eyes haunted me with a deep ocean of pain. My fears being

confirmed and worse as I look at every scar. Whip and blade marks in varying

depths and lengths everywhere. Agony invades me, I failed to be able to protect

my daughter, and look what happened. I look at her eyes, then Alora’s, then

Xena’s. I failed all three of them. I push the pain back for a moment. I needed to

hold on for a little longer.?)

I look at the sprite, Xena and Alora do to, Alora is looking at her with pain filed

horror. “May we have your name little one.” I ask the sprite. “Selena,’ she says her

voice a musical alto a few scales higher than Alora’s. “Selena,” I say, my voice

husky. I swallowed then I look at Alora. She’s looking at her sprite in fascinated

curiosity, as is Xena.This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

“You look as if you three have never seen each other.” I comment to them. All

three look at me and say in unison “We haven’t.’ was said. “How is that?” I ask

them. Selena looks at them then at me. “Until today I’ve been chained to the

‘space’ that was in between their ‘spaces’, half was Xena’s, the other Alora’s, until

they broke the chains binding us.” She told us. “Since they were broken, our

‘spaces’ were able to combine into this one.” she gestures in a half circle at

everything. “This is what our ‘space should have been at our birth.” her voice was

soft as she explained this to us.

“I was unable to connect to Alora and Xena, I couldn’t call out to them, I was

completely bound from them.” her voice sad. “All I could do was learn what they

knew through the books that appeared on their shelves.” she looked at the

shelves. “In the in between ‘space’ Xena’s shelves were dark gray, Alora’s bright

white, I learned what they learned.” she looks at her arms. “With each scar that

appeared I felt how weak it made Alora, and Xena.” her voice sad. “I couldn’t

protect them, so I called out to the Moon Goddess.” she said.

“The Goddess answered when Alora, still bound from us, had almost given in to

death.” What she said strikes me to my core, the pain and shock visceral. “The

Goddess said she could only unbind one of us,” she says “To unbind all of us

would have gotten us killed by mother.” my anger at the pain my daughter has

gone through is building, as is my anguish. I should have been there for them, my

daughters had needed me. “To unbind me, would have gotten us killed.” she went

on “So I asked her to unbind Xena, and for access to knowledge to cultivate our

magic.” she’d protected them by staying bound.

“The Goddess gifted me with my own shelves, filled with every kind of book on

magic out there,” she points towards the Willow. That’s when I noticed that there

were three different colors of shelves surrounding the tree. A third in white,

glowing in the moon light, a third in a silver gray, and the final third obsidian black.

“Every time a new book or journal is written about magic, it appears on my black

shelves.” she tells us.This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

“So I have spent the years cultivating our magic, reinforcing our strength, and

improving our healing abilities.” she said. “I also practiced battle moves in both

this form I’m in of Alora, and my one of Xena, against the dummy opponents I

created in that ‘space’ training for the day I could finally join them” she say’s. I’m

impressed, my daughter was so much stronger than I thought. “The spell that

bound us, had a condition.” she tells us.

“It would only stay binding as long as Alora did not receive a rejection from her

fated mate.” No, this meant she was rejected. “That happened today, when the

binding came undone, I hid.” she says, wrapping her arms around herself “I was

afraid of how they would react to my presence.” she looks at

connection solidifys, and Selena’s knowledge passes to both Xena and Alora.

They turned to look at me. I smile at them, they were my daughter. ” I wish I could

stay here with you.” I tell them. “But we’ll have to talk another time, I arrive for my

visit with the Moon Mountain pack Saturday, we’ll meet in person then.” I tell


I look at all three and say. “You are my daughter, and I can’t wait to get to know

you.” I tell her, my voice once again husky with emotion. “Your siblings will also

love to meet you, they’ll be coming with me and my mate.” I tell them. “That and if

I don’t bring them they will follow on their own anyway, Once they found out they

had an older sister they couldn’t stop talking about how they wanted to meet you.”

I say dryly. Then I smile at them. I walk up to Alora, Selena and Xena. “I’d like to

hold you for a moment before I go.” I tell her. 2This novel will be daily updtaed at


They all nod, I open my arms and I pull Selena and Alora to me in a tight hug,

holding them for a bit, then I let go and look into the eyes of Xena. Even sitting

her head came up to mine. I reach up and wrap my arms around her, she rubs

her face against me. I step back looking at them. “I will see you Saturday.” leaving

the space returning to my body

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