Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 39

Chapter 39


Darien’s POV

Serenity is giggling as I pull her into my room, I had us running down the hall the

entire way. We make it into my suite. I pull her in turn around pushing her up

against the the door as I shut and lock it. My hands on either side of her head as I

stare down at her, not even bothering to hide my raging lust. I want her so bad,

I’m trying to breath, she looks up at me with those green eyes rimmed with gold.

Her face flushed, her breasts heaving with her every breath.

Enter title…

Her eyes burning with her own need. “Someone sure is excited.” she says in a

husky voice that wraps itself around my co ck, making it throb. I growl at

her, leaning down I lick the edge of her jaw, she shivers, her scent intoxicating,

her heat was spi cy with her arousal. It was calling to me like nothing else. I could

get addicted to smelling it. Vanilla and cin na mon, so sweet. I lick her jaw again,

wanting the taste of her skin on my tongue. I nibbled along her jaw, feeling her

shiver, smelling her arousal become stronger.

I nibble her ear lobe, then I lick and nibble down her neck, growling against her

skin. She gasps out a moan, it’s music to my ears. I want to hear more. I want all

of her cries and moans of pleasure. I wanted to hear her scream my name as I

made her cu m. I reach that spot in between her neck and shoulder and then bite

down, not enough to mark, not yet.

I would be balls deep and have her screaming in release, her body squeezing

around me, to milk me dry

before I sank my teeth in and mark her. She digs her fingers into my hair, her nails

scratching along causing a shiver to shoot down my spine and my c ock jerk. Then

she grips my hair and pulls causing more. Growling, knowing my eyes were the

glowing blue of my wolf, Axel’s want to claim his mate matching mine. Driving me


I meet the glowing ci nna mon amber of her wolf in her eyes. She growls at me, her

desire evident. One hand grabbing a fist full of her thick fiery hair, with my other

hand I grab her thigh and bring her leg up over my hip and grind my c ock against

her center. Pushing her harder up against the door when she brings up her other

leg, wrapping both around me, squeezing me tight between her deliciously thick

and toned thighs.

With her hands in my hair and my

one hand in hers we pull each other together, our mouths crush together, a mesh

of tongue, teeth and lips. Separating enough for her to pull her shirt over her

head, baring her chest with an emerald green bra cupping her luscious ti ts. The

top half of the cup, a sheer delicate lacey material, showed the upper parts of her

strawberry red areolas, her nipples hard and straining against the bra.

I bring my hand up to cup her, my thumbs pressing against the hard nubs,

rubbing, her hips move, grinding her hot pu ssy against my co ck. I lean down to

bite a nipple through the material, she cries out and grinds against me again.

D amn it feels so good I might cu m in my pants before I could get it in her. But I

only had an hour, and I would revel in it.

I reach around and take her bra off her, she tugs at my shirt and I help

MODE her take it off. I bend back to her. breasts in my hands, her breasts were

large, at least a triple D, squeezing one in one hand, I use the other to help

swallow half her breast into my mouth. Sucking hard on her soft flesh, she cries

out grinding herself into me over and over now. Her nails scratching into my back

causing my balls so swell and pinch, my c ock was dripping inside my pants.

I switch to her other breast, she buries one hand back in my hair, her nails in my

scalp as she pulls at my hair nearly set me off. She’s trembling with need, I can

smell how wet she was. Her heat was scorching me through our pants. I can’t

take it, I have to taste her at least once before I f uck us to oblivion. I put her legs

back down, then I kiss her, ravaging her mouth as I get her pants open. I pull my

mouth away from hers, and as I drop to my knees I pull her pants over her curvy

hips and

down her legs, taking her matching emerald lace thong with them.

I make her step out of them. Then I have her thighs on my shoulders, her back

leaning against the door, gripping her large, frim a ss, I buried my mouth against

her pu ssy. She screams my name as I suck hard on her c lit, licking it as I suck, I

growl against her and her juices flood against my chin dripping down onto my

neck. I let go of her cl it and move my mouth over her core, sticking my tongue into

her, f u ck ing her with my tongue.

She’s moaning and crying out in pleasure, a symphony to my ears, her juices

getting all over my cheeks. Her addictive scent soaking into my skin. Her

cin na mon vanilla honey so sweet, I couldn’t get enough. I wrap my mouth back

round her c lit, alternating between sucking on it and sticking my tongue into her

core. I

push two fingers into her, shes tight, sucking her c lit Istart to draw my fingers in

and out, her pu ssy flutters around my fingers, her walls so slick and hot. She was

burning up inside, my co ck kept twitching, it was so hard it was turning purple at

the head.

Pre-cu m was a continuous stream out of my head. I take my fingers, soaked in

her juices, out and play with her star, running the over it, coating the outside in her

own fluids, I stick my fingers back in, recoating them and f u cking her with them for

a moment. Pulling my fingers back out I put them back over her star, and I press

up a little, putting pressure on it. She cries out, and grinds herself against my

face, a screamed “Darien” on those swollen red lips. I push one finger into that


It gave with a little pop, her hips jerks, niore of her juices flowed to

drip down my chin and neck, over my cheeks, all over her inner thighs. I f uck her

a ss with just one finger, opening her up a bit, then I put the second one in,

stabbing my tongue into her core as I did it, feeling her coat my tongue as more of

her spi cy vanilla cinn amon honey floods from her.

I f u ck her star a little longer, before I stab deep, finding that little button, pressing

on it I suck hard on her cl it. She throws back her head and screams, her as s

clenches down hard on my fingers, pulsing, as she wreaths in her or gasm.

Quickly before it can stop, I pull my fingers out, wipe my face against her tummy

to clean up a bit, than I stand up. I grab her thighs, lift her up, pushing her into the

door, and wrap her legs around me. CD

I line my co ck up with her still or ga sming pu ssy and I slam her

down, sliding all the way up to the hilt, balls deep. The pain of her heiman

breaking lost as the pleasure of another o rga sm rocks through her. I don’t stop, 1

pound into her over and over, prolonging her pleasure, building her up to another

o rga sm. Her pu ssy fluttering and clamping down tight on my co ck as I drove into

her drenching wet heat.

Her deep guttural moans, cries and screams of pleasure urging me on. My mouth

crashes onto hers, I stick one hand down between us and press my thumb into

her swollen cl it, driving her to another or ga sm, the way her pu ssy flutters around

my c ock, how it clenches down as her hot fluid pours from her is addicting. It’s

taking everything to hold off my own release so I could enjoy this longer.

She cu ms again, and I pound into her faster, her juices now covering my balls and

all the way down my thighs.

I tear my mouth away from hers and put it on that spot, where her neck meets her

shoulders. I feel her body start to shake, she starts to tighten, press down hard on

her c lit and bite into her with my fangs, slamming my c ock deep and keeping it


As she explodes around me her pu ssy strangling my c ock, she bites her fangs

down into my spot, marking me, claiming me. I explode inside her, her pus sy

milking jet after jet of my hot seed, my name a scream on her lips has she cu ms

over and over. Her body shaking, mine jerking as my hips twitch again and again,

I almost couldn’t stop cuming. I felt it fill her up to overflowing, it slid out of her and

down my balls as I came and came.

  

Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzy i

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